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wayfarer 5th March 2015 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 438153)
The Guest (2014)

Mercifully without a single beat from Tangerine Dream.

Ironic comment as Steve Moore's compositions in the movie were almost note for note Tangerine Dream tracks :pound:

(Steve Moore is part of the instrumental group, Zombi, who base their compositions on the styles of Goblin, and....yep...Tangerine Dream ;) )

Demdike@Cult Labs 5th March 2015 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by wayfarer (Post 438188)
Ironic comment as Steve Moore's compositions in the movie were almost note for note Tangerine Dream tracks :pound:

(Steve Moore is part of the instrumental group, Zombi, who base their compositions on the styles of Goblin, and....yep...Tangerine Dream ;) )

All i really noticed were Love and Rockets, Sisters and Clan of Xymox rather than the actual incidental music. :lol:

All i've heard from TD is the music in Mann's films which tend to spoil them for me. So i can't really say i'm over familiar with them as a group.

wayfarer 5th March 2015 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs (Post 438190)
All i really noticed were Love and Rockets, Sisters and Clan of Xymox rather than the actual incidental music. :lol:

To be fair, the Steve Moore stuff is composed of very generic sequenced keyboards. The songs are far more memorable, and I like Steve Moore's stuff.

Mojo 5th March 2015 07:37 PM

Intelligent, talky sci fi involving experiments to transport humans to other worlds using thought alone, only to find aliens have already done the same by invading earth. Meanwhile, one woman seems to be an alien herself...
A minor, but enjoyable film, looking nice on Network's blu ray.

Richard Burton dominates the screen ( and the voice overs ) in this hugely absorbing chiller. Burton's ensuing 'mind controlled ' disasters are horrific and extremely well done , and the whole thing zips along to an equally chilling conclusion. Network's blu ray looks terrific. Recommended.

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 5th March 2015 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 438266)
Intelligent, talky sci fi involving experiments to transport humans to other worlds using thought alone, only to find aliens have already done the same by invading earth. Meanwhile, one woman seems to be an alien herself...
A minor, but enjoyable film, looking nice on Network's blu ray.

Richard Burton dominates the screen ( and the voice overs ) in this hugely absorbing chiller. Burton's ensuing 'mind controlled ' disasters are horrific and extremely well done , and the whole thing zips along to an equally chilling conclusion. Network's blu ray looks terrific. Recommended.

I watched both of these recently too and agree with your analysis of them, Mojo. :nod:

keirarts 5th March 2015 08:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 158392

A big surprise for me, £1.25 at the local charity shop and a 101 films release I was expecting a big box of shite, only to be very surprised to find something actually....decent. :shocked:

A babysitter is looking after a couple of bratty kids when one of the kids reveals a blank VHS cassette that was left mysteriously in his bag at school. Letting curiosity overrule common sense the sitter sticks it on and we get treated to a series of bloody and mostly quite effective short stories including a coven of witches and an alien. The final (and creepiest) tale is about an evil clown and is genuinely quite effective.

The effects are perhaps a little sloppy in places, the acting is not 100% but overall this is actually pretty good and a real surprise given the amount of turds i've waded through over the years. Certainly I will be giving it another watch at some point. Well worth seeking out. :pop2:

Frankie Teardrop 5th March 2015 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by keirarts (Post 438272)
Attachment 158392

A big surprise for me, £1.25 at the local charity shop and a 101 films release I was expecting a big box of shite, only to be very surprised to find something actually....decent. :shocked:

A babysitter is looking after a couple of bratty kids when one of the kids reveals a blank VHS cassette that was left mysteriously in his bag at school. Letting curiosity overrule common sense the sitter sticks it on and we get treated to a series of bloody and mostly quite effective short stories including a coven of witches and an alien. The final (and creepiest) tale is about an evil clown and is genuinely quite effective.

The effects are perhaps a little sloppy in places, the acting is not 100% but overall this is actually pretty good and a real surprise given the amount of turds i've waded through over the years. Certainly I will be giving it another watch at some point. Well worth seeking out. :pop2:

That alien segment, though... just madness... just a woman in a house being chased by a guy in spandex and a mask for ten minutes, then... nothing! Didn't think you could do that these days, but I'm glad you apparently can. The rest of it is a slop-bucket of partial craziness and semi-competence. I do like, but reservedly.

keirarts 5th March 2015 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Frankie Teardrop (Post 438288)
That alien segment, though... just madness... just a woman in a house being chased by a guy in spandex and a mask for ten minutes, then... nothing! Didn't think you could do that these days, but I'm glad you apparently can. The rest of it is a slop-bucket of partial craziness and semi-competence. I do like, but reservedly.

I think my opinion was affected by my low, low expectations going in. It's a cheapy for sure but much better than a lot of direct to DVD crap on the shelves,

wayfarer 6th March 2015 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Mojo (Post 438266)
Intelligent, talky sci fi involving experiments to transport humans to other worlds using thought alone, only to find aliens have already done the same by invading earth. Meanwhile, one woman seems to be an alien herself...
A minor, but enjoyable film, looking nice on Network's blu ray.

Richard Burton dominates the screen ( and the voice overs ) in this hugely absorbing chiller. Burton's ensuing 'mind controlled ' disasters are horrific and extremely well done , and the whole thing zips along to an equally chilling conclusion. Network's blu ray looks terrific. Recommended.

I recently watched this, having rented the movie back in 1984 :O
The movie stands the test of time, apart from the awful 70s decor. The plot does rattle on at a pace although I seem to recall it being a bit more exciting when I was 15.

bedorca 6th March 2015 12:55 PM

I watched Giallo A Venezia for the first time last night.......

What can I say? :shocked:

bizarre_eye@Cult Labs 6th March 2015 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by bedorca (Post 438333)
I watched Giallo A Venezia for the first time last night.......

What can I say? :shocked:

Not very good is it? ;)

bedorca 6th March 2015 02:45 PM

I am a big giallo fan but this one was a little ...... different.

Carving the Sunday roast will never be the same again........

Dave Boy 6th March 2015 03:18 PM

A spacecraft returning to Earth crashes and the pilot is killed. Lab tests show that his blood is okay...still living. He then returns to life and X-rays show alien embryos in his chest. The spaceship wreck shows signs that something big has also left the craft. There is an alien on the loose and shares a mental connection with the pilot. The alien plots to take over the world and it's up to the scientific team to stop it.......

Another enjoyable cheap monster movie from the 50's. I have liked this film ever since owning the super 8mm digest version. The film runs an hour and is entertaining for the whole runnning time. Trying to get a good copy of the film seems impossible as the prints always have clicks,pops,scratches and blemishes with a poor picture, but maybe that just adds to the charm of this film. :cool:

Mojo 6th March 2015 05:06 PM

Watched this one years ago and thought it was shit. Took a fresh look at it with Network's new blu ray release. And it's still shit.

Mojo 6th March 2015 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by wayfarer (Post 438325)
I recently watched this, having rented the movie back in 1984 :O
The movie stands the test of time, apart from the awful 70s decor. The plot does rattle on at a pace although I seem to recall it being a bit more exciting when I was 15.

I'd never seen THE MEDUSA TOUCH before and, to be honest, I wasn't expecting too much, but I was really impressed. In fact, parts of it are quite 'dark' for a PG. A pleasant surprise.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 6th March 2015 07:01 PM

Over the past couple of days, I've seen When the Wind Blows, Watership Down, The Plague Dogs and The King of Pigs, which has been a hoot… or maybe not!

I now know why they are all considered amongst the most downbeat animated films ever made. I had only seen Watership Down before – over 20 years ago – and, like then, cried at the end. Both When the Wind Blows and The Plague Dogs left me an emotional wreck.

MuckyFunster 7th March 2015 03:58 AM


Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs (Post 438407)
Over the past couple of days, I've seen When the Wind Blows, Watership Down, The Plague Dogs and The King of Pigs, which has been a hoot… or maybe not!

When the Wind Blows is something else! It really stuck with me for a while after it. So crazy to think that that's what the government told people to do, and some believed in it. I've visited The Secret Bunker in Anstruther, which is an ex nuclear bunker now a tourist attraction, and it has built up models of the safe haven bunkers people were told to build in their homes. Crazy stuff!

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 10:03 AM

As teenagers we were shown 'When the wind blows' at school, happy days eh.;)

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 7th March 2015 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 438480)
As teenagers we were shown 'When the wind blows' at school, happy days eh.;)

When – first thing in the morning?

JoshuaKaitlyn 7th March 2015 10:22 AM

Parallels (2014) On Netflix. A sort of updated 'Sliders'. Never heard of it before but as it passed the hour mark I began to realise it was a pilot for a series, (weather successful or not I don't know). Being a pilot it left a lot of things hanging in the air waiting for a possible greenlight. It had potential, (sort of), but I could see that if it was commissioned it wouldn't last beyond a 13 episode run.

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 10:26 AM

Not sure remember all sitting down in the library to watch it, probably in the afternoon, then they could send us off shell shocked and distraught.:pop2:
This must have been around the late eighties.

Remember watching Jabberwocky and a slightly cut Excalibur too (sex scenes) in English lessons.

The English teacher also suggested we all watched the Great rock n roll swindle when it was being shown on tv.

Also i remember watching some Mondo type thing about world rituals where people were licking the floor unti;l their tongues bled, they used to do slight edits to some films, so no idea what that film was.

Jabberwocky and wind were intact.

Our English teachers were quite bizarre at times.:)

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 7th March 2015 10:32 AM

That's certainly an eclectic mix of films for English class!

I would imagine When the Wind Blows would be shown at the end of the day otherwise you'd have a group of traumatised schoolchildren thinking about dying of radiation poisoning rather than maths, geography, history etc!

I'm a huge fan of Tom Lehrer, so was smiling when it referenced We Will All Go Together When We Go, undoubtedly the best satirical song written about nuclear Armageddon.

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 10:46 AM

Quite enjoyed that song, when was that from?:)

By the way talking about depressing animations, have you watched 'Grave of the Fireflies' yet?:pop2:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 7th March 2015 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 438491)
Quite enjoyed that song, when was that from?:)

By the way talking about depressing animations, have you watched 'Grave of the Fireflies' yet?:pop2:

I'm pretty sure it first appeared on An Evening Wasted with Tom Lehrer, which was recorded in 1959 at the height of the Cold War, which made it a brave and extremely topical.

Grave of the Fireflies is brilliant and another extremely downbeat animated film – it's one of the very best anti-war films ever made.

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 11:04 AM

I thought it must be from around that era, i agree that's pretty brave for the time.:nod:
Couldn't agree more about fireflies, wonder how many schools have shown that to the kids.:lol:
Doubt it would be allowed these days.:pop2:

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 7th March 2015 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 438497)
I thought it must be from around that era, i agree that's pretty brave for the time.:nod:
Couldn't agree more about fireflies, wonder how many schools have shown that to the kids.:lol:
Doubt it would be allowed these days.:pop2:

I don't see why – I was shown Schindler's List at school, and that's no different something like The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, which is aimed at children.

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 11:25 AM

I guess.
I've not got a problem with it and kids need to be educated about the world, especially the horrors of war and why this kind of stuff shouldn't be allowed to take place.:nod:
Only problem is this sort of thing is still going on.:(

I'm just thinking about the PC times we live in and the knee jerk reactions of some parents. Also schools being afraid to upset people.

Nosferatu@Cult Labs 7th March 2015 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by nosferatu42 (Post 438501)
I guess.
I've not got a problem with it and kids need to be educated about the world, especially the horrors of war and why this kind of stuff shouldn't be allowed to take place.:nod:
Only problem is this sort of thing is still going on.:(

I'm just thinking about the PC times we live in and the knee jerk reactions of some parents. Also schools being afraid to upset people.

It's possible the screening of the potentially upsetting film would be preceded by a letter to parents are advising them of content and if they would like their child/children to opt out of watching the film. If it is The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, it could be in English class when they have read the book and know what happens.

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 11:38 AM

That's true.:nod:
I'm sure we weren't warned when we saw 'When the wind blows' though.
They just dropped the bomb out of the blue.:lol:

J Harker 7th March 2015 12:41 PM

Do we have a thread for finding films that we can't remember the name of that we probably watched half cut 15 odd years ago?

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 01:21 PM

I thought there was one once, but can't find it.
What was the film about?

J Harker 7th March 2015 07:38 PM

Mm...a war film. Bosnia if i recall. Had a guy, think he might have been a sniper that somehow ends up caring for a baby and trying to get this child to safety. Remember a bus full of refugees being stopped by a villain of some sort who executed some of them on the side of road with a sledgehammer.

Buboven 7th March 2015 07:41 PM

Anyone ever seen the Believers (1987)?

Make Them Die Slowly 7th March 2015 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Buboven (Post 438560)
Anyone ever seen the Believers (1987)?

Yep, okayish but struggles to decide if it is a horror or thriller which ultimately weakened it for me. Worth a look if you have Netflix but I wouldn't lay out cash to own it.

Make Them Die Slowly 7th March 2015 09:53 PM


Originally Posted by J Harker (Post 438558)
Mm...a war film. Bosnia if i recall. Had a guy, think he might have been a sniper that somehow ends up caring for a baby and trying to get this child to safety. Remember a bus full of refugees being stopped by a villain of some sort who executed some of them on the side of road with a sledgehammer.

That would be the excellent "Saviour" with Dennis Quaid in easily his best role.

sjconstable 7th March 2015 10:35 PM

Chappie (2015) - 6.5/10

It's fun and unique (even whilst pinching things from other films), but the screenplay is definitely underdeveloped and has strange pacing issues - however I did like it and will be adding it to my sci-fi collection. I think they should get a talented screenwriter to turn Blomkamp's Alien story into a good film otherwise it's most likely going to suffer the same problems again.

Buboven 7th March 2015 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 438570)
Yep, okayish but struggles to decide if it is a horror or thriller which ultimately weakened it for me. Worth a look if you have Netflix but I wouldn't lay out cash to own it.

Seems like I place this film in higher regard than most. Apart from Martin Sheens slight overracting at times I felt the direction and other performances were terrific (This is the same guy who did Midnight Cowboy after all), that it had some genuinely tense and scary moments and I never felt there was a unevenness in its tone or style to it.

Incidentally I enjoyed it a lot more than the slightly more well known Serpent and The Rainbow, which I actually felt had a more uneven style and tone.

In my eyes, a surprising and what appears to be a underrated gem.

8/10. :clap:

nosferatu42 7th March 2015 10:53 PM

I thought 'The Believers' was watchable but nothing special, i prefer 'Serpent' but think the end of the film where it goes over the top ruined it slightly.:pop2:

Make Them Die Slowly 7th March 2015 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Buboven (Post 438576)
Seems like I place this film in higher regard than most. Apart from Martin Sheens slight overracting at times I felt the direction and other performances were terrific (This is the same guy who did Midnight Cowboy after all), that it had some genuinely tense and scary moments and I never felt there was a unevenness in its tone or style to it.

Incidentally I enjoyed it a lot more than the slightly more well known Serpent and The Rainbow, which I actually felt had a more uneven style and tone.

In my eyes, a surprising and what appears to be a underrated gem.

8/10. :clap:

The Serpent and the Rainbow deals with a completely different religion to The Believers though they have similar roots and many cross over practices. Both films tend to mix in folk magic practices with religious practice to make better cinema and give a heavily biased view of Santeria and Voodoo to the point it is like trying to explain Christianity by showing a Satanic Black Mass!

J Harker 7th March 2015 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by Make Them Die Slowly (Post 438572)
That would be the excellent "Saviour" with Dennis Quaid in easily his best role.

Well I'll be damned. Thats the one, i had no idea it starred Dennis Quaid though. Cheers Mr Them Die Slowly.

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