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220px-Baraka.jpg 220px-TrollHunter.jpg Pacific-Rim-Poster.jpg glimmerman.jpg MV5BMzY3NTE3NzI4NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDEyOTIyMQ@@._V1_SY317_CR1,0,214,317_.jpg Baraka: Wow just an amazing piece of work. No words just fantastic music and some mighty fine camera work. I was blown away and totally entranced from start to finish. 10 / 10 Trollhunter : Great fun and the trolls look great. Proves that not all found footage films are not total rubbish. Apart from the great story and believable acting the film really showed the beauty of Norway. 8 / 10 Pacific Rim : Watched this in the cinema yesterday. I had really built myself up for this something i really try not to do but with the promise of giant robots and sea creatures fighting its hard not to be excited. The film looked fantastic the trademark use of colour by Del Toro is all over this film making the fights so fantastic but where this film lacks is the human element of the film. When ever the film spent too long with the humans i kept thinking oh get on with it. Many of the human characters are just annoying with about four exceptions from the whole cast. 8 / 10 Out for Justice and Glimmerman : Not much to say only they both have Seagal so they are awesome
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__________________ I was busy pushing bodies around as you well know and what would a note say, Dan? "Cat dead, details later"? |
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FESTEN (Dogme #1) Picked up the 10th anniversary in CEX for the princely sum of £2.50. Not seen it in ages. It's still as good as I remember. Very lo-fi thanks to being shot with to the Dogme pincipals so it relies on script and acting. Both are excellent. Occassionally funny and by the end quite shocking it still has the power to make me feel very uncomfortable watching it. It's probably my favourite Dogme film (as much as I like von triers stuff) and definately my favourite Vinterberg fil (so far, i've yet to see the hunt but i'm looking forward to it.) |
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It also doesn't help when you have Chris Adams, the character played by Yul Brynner in the first and second films, then essayed by George Kennedy and Lee Van Cleef! They are the sort of films where you watch them with low expectations and still get a little bored. I'll be very unlikely to watch them again any time soon.
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