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Old 24th August 2019, 02:20 PM
Frankie Teardrop's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
I too really enjoyed The Witch in the Window, Frankie. I was gushing about it on here when i'd watched it.
I'll look up your review - so much of this stuff passes me by as I get hardly any time to do the Labs these days. WITW is a good example of films that use horror and the supernatural as a springboard for a relationships drama, a bit of a trend these days but in this case done really well.
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Old 24th August 2019, 04:55 PM
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B movie madness as Allison Hayes grows to 50 foot after encountering a giant spaceman out in the hills.
Z grade effects including giant rubber hands make this one to watch.
Hugely enjoyable and also features the lovely Yvette Vickers (Attack Of The Giant Leeches). Awesome!

"Harry.. Haarrrry"

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Old 24th August 2019, 08:38 PM
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Various criminals are brought to a island to take part in a death match style contest which is being streamed across the world. Little to the makers of the show know that one of the contestants is innocent and is stone cold Steve Austin. Surprisingly violent with Vinney Jones making a good villain, especially when he goes " twisted fire started ". 7.5/10

Taking place straight after the end of the first film , Kane goes on another killing spree, this time in the morgue he was brought to, it's unclear if he comes back from the dead or has some super healing that's brought on by people screwing in front of him. Some nice gruesome kills, but it has to be the largest morgue on the planet. 7/10

Actually enjoyed this more than the last few times I've seen it, the pod race is still overlong and the young actor playing Anakin is awful. Also it kills off the two more interesting characters . Is it just me or is Obi Wan a bit of a cock end ? 7/10

Now watching attack of the clones.
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Old 24th August 2019, 09:23 PM
iank's Avatar
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Bowfinger. Steve Martin is a down on his luck film producer/director who decides to shoot a new action movie featuring Hollywood's hottest current star (Eddie Murphy), and cameras are soon rolling. There's just one problem... no one's told Murphy! This late 90s comedy almost feels like a last gasp from the two stars, both of whom were sadly past their prime at this point, and while it certainly doesn't live up to their best films, it's amusing enough, with a couple of laugh out loud moments.
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Old 25th August 2019, 01:23 PM
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Submission (1976,Italy)
Franco Nero as a brute who gets a bored housewife to be his sex slave just before the Nazi's invade France in 1940, Wow this movie is heavy going, very serious,nihilistic and utterly depressing but its also actually erotic, i would say its for the serious art house crowd only.
Kill ur idols....
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Old 25th August 2019, 04:17 PM
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Black candles(1982)

A woman and her husband go to stay with her sister in law in England at her creepy house in the country after the death of her brother. and discover a gang of Satanists who enjoy black mass orgies.

Decent and atmospheric devil worshipping flick from the chap who did Vampyres, jose larraz. Not as stylish as that effort as this one relies more on the sleaze aspect, with loads of full on nudity and enough bush to put Franco to shame, and even a graphic scene of goat sex.
And not really that gory apart from an unfortunate chap who gets a sword up his jacksie.
Still worth a watch though. and has a creepy vibe throughout. 71 out of 100
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Old 25th August 2019, 06:23 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Wildling (2018)

An intelligent new take on a familiar genre. English actress Bel Powley is excellent as the mysterious teenager Anna, even if she was 26 when filming took place, and is well supported by Liv Tyler and Brad Dourif.

Some of the cinematography is excellent particularly in the final third culminating in a gorgeous final shot.

Wildling is a slow burning horror film that gains momentum as it gains impact with it's ideas of both a girl coming of age and folklore too. I really liked it.

Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! (1967)

Overlong spaghetti western that relies on the usual tropes of bad acting, shit dubbing and idiots laughing maniacally. Only star Tomas Milian comes out of it with any credibility.

For a film infamous for it's violence the effects were terrible, spots of paint dripped onto clothes, the sort of effects Hollywood came out with in the early fifties. There's a scalping scene which is a hoot - a bald fella with his head painted pink.

Many seem to rate this film but i don't.
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Old 26th August 2019, 08:00 AM
Nordicdusk's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Wildling (2018)

An intelligent new take on a familiar genre. English actress Bel Powley is excellent as the mysterious teenager Anna, even if she was 26 when filming took place, and is well supported by Liv Tyler and Brad Dourif.

Some of the cinematography is excellent particularly in the final third culminating in a gorgeous final shot.

Wildling is a slow burning horror film that gains momentum as it gains impact with it's ideas of both a girl coming of age and folklore too. I really liked it.

Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! (1967)

Overlong spaghetti western that relies on the usual tropes of bad acting, shit dubbing and idiots laughing maniacally. Only star Tomas Milian comes out of it with any credibility.

For a film infamous for it's violence the effects were terrible, spots of paint dripped onto clothes, the sort of effects Hollywood came out with in the early fifties. There's a scalping scene which is a hoot - a bald fella with his head painted pink.

Many seem to rate this film but i don't.
That Django film sounds like the perfect drinking film i must invest
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Old 26th August 2019, 02:55 PM
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Howling II (1985)

A sequel in name only, Howling II is a crude, noisy, creature feature with the emphasis on creative special effects and Sybil Danning's body, probably in the hope of taking the viewers mind off the weak storyline.

Despite the whole thing looking splendid and somehow starring Christopher Lee, Howling II is one of those films that fit into the category "guilty pleasure". It has so much wrong with it, yet somehow remains gloriously watchable.
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Old 26th August 2019, 05:46 PM
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Once Upon a Time... In Hollywood
Loved it, simple as even despite some of the outrage I still loved it.
Not my favourite Tarantino film (that goes to Jackie Brown) but still a fantastic film.

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It says here you're a HERETIC
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