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Old 26th August 2019, 09:30 PM
Graveyard's Avatar
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It looks someone played the game Last of Us and decide to make a movie - I enjoyed it - it's simple and effective, and the ending was a surprise for me.
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Old 26th August 2019, 09:47 PM
iank's Avatar
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Lifeforce. Astronauts carrying out a scientific study of Hailey's Comet are more than a little surprised to find what appears to be an alien spacecraft within it - and within that, along with hundreds of corpses of strange bat-like creatures, three perfect human specimens - two men and a woman - in suspended animation. When the three reach Earth, they soon awake and begin sucking the life from their victims, spreading a plague that soon overwhelms London and threatens to destroy the world! Most remembered today for the hot young alien chick wandering around completely starkers for a large portion of the film, this completely bonkers British sci-fi horror flick starring Steve Railsback, Peter Firth, Frank Finlay and Patrick Stewart could only have been made in the 80s. Having never seen Firth in anything but Spooks before, I was particularly amused by his presence here. So that's what Harry got up to in the 80s! No wonder he was made head of MI-5 and so coolly dealt with all those spies and terrorists - he'd already seen off fricking SPACE VAMPIRES!
I'm not sure if this movie is brilliant or terrible, but it's certainly entertaining.
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Old 27th August 2019, 12:34 AM
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To The Devil A Daughter 1976.

A novelist and expert on the occult must try and prevent a girl from being baptised by a satanic order.

Based on Dennis Wheatley book, Hammer Horror brings the book to life and sadly the end of a era with Hammer films. Christopher Lee plays the fallen priest Father Michael who dabbled with Satan and promised him a daughter. Richard Widmark (The Swarm) plays novelist John Verney who is asked to protect a young girl Catherine played by Nastassja Kinkski who was born into the occult. Denholm Elliott plays Catherine's father and a nice appearance by Honor Blackman.

Aside from having a great actors who perform brilliantly the film does lack the usual gothic atmosphere associated with Hammer but does have tense moments, up until the end where it seemed very rushed, aside from that it was a decent made film from a great book 7 out of 10.
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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th August 2019, 02:22 PM
Paul Zombie's Avatar
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The joshua Tree(1993)

dolph Lungren stars as santee a racing car driver who gets involved with smuggling cars. and ends up getting framed for killing a traffic cop when he and his buddy(ken foree, the chap out of Dawn of the Dead) get pulled over in their truck. and after escaping from a prison van he kidnaps a sexy girl who turns out to be a deputy sheriff and goes on the run in the desert. and inevitably they end up falling for each other and he gets to rub her body with aloe vera.

Was never the biggest fan of Dolph Lungren as I always felt he was your poor man's Sylvester Stallone. but this is one of his best films, with great old school action and car chases that modern films fail miserably at nowadays with over reliance on CGI.
George segal also co-stars as Severence a corrupt cop who is responsible for setting up lungren. and is actually quite comical at times coming across like groucho marxs.

Very entertaining, even if it is rather unbelievable when Dolph wipes out an army of chinese gangsters single handidly. 72 out of 100.
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Old 27th August 2019, 03:02 PM
Nosferatu@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Paul Zombie View Post
Dolph wipes out an army of chinese gangsters single handidly. 72 out of 100.
What happened to the other 28 gangsters?
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Old 27th August 2019, 05:34 PM
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Funny man 1994.

After loosing his house in a card game Callum Chance doesn't disclose that there is a murderous Jester known as Funny Man inside the house.

Holy Sh@t I don't know if I feel embarrassed watching this or feel embarrassed for Christopher Lee being in this, if he wanted to be in a comedy surely he could have picked another movie. If this was a horror the producers failed, the special effects are totally laughable and why is comedienne Rhona Cameron dressed like Thelma from Scooby-Doo or did I miss something? This is the second time seeing this film and it doesn't get better with each viewing.
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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th August 2019, 07:28 PM
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Originally Posted by Nosferatu@Cult Labs View Post
What happened to the other 28 gangsters?
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Old 27th August 2019, 07:28 PM
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Premature Burial 1962.

An artist grows directly from distant from his wife and paranoia sets in with his fear of being buried alive.

Dark gothic tale from Edgar Allen Poe, Ray Milland (Dial M for Murder) plays the eccentric artist Guy, who believes his father was buried alive and thinks it will happen to him. Hazel Court (The Raven) plays Guy's wife Emily to Rekindle their marriage and to help him find his sanity.

This is a tale of paranoid obsession and brink of madness with good acting, Milland plays the lead role well but may have over acted in some scenarios, it may not be the best Corman/Poe adaptation but still has the atmosphere gothic horror, view with a open mind.
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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 27th August 2019, 09:30 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
Funny man 1994.

After loosing his house in a card game Callum Chance doesn't disclose that there is a murderous Jester known as Funny Man inside the house.

Holy Sh@t I don't know if I feel embarrassed watching this or feel embarrassed for Christopher Lee being in this, if he wanted to be in a comedy surely he could have picked another movie. If this was a horror the producers failed, the special effects are totally laughable and why is comedienne Rhona Cameron dressed like Thelma from Scooby-Doo or did I miss something? This is the second time seeing this film and it doesn't get better with each viewing.
Terrible isn't it.

I sold my Screenbound dvd immediately.
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Old 27th August 2019, 09:41 PM
Deadite's Avatar
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Originally Posted by iank View Post
Lifeforce. Astronauts carrying out a scientific study of Hailey's Comet are more than a little surprised to find what appears to be an alien spacecraft within it - and within that, along with hundreds of corpses of strange bat-like creatures, three perfect human specimens - two men and a woman - in suspended animation. When the three reach Earth, they soon awake and begin sucking the life from their victims, spreading a plague that soon overwhelms London and threatens to destroy the world! Most remembered today for the hot young alien chick wandering around completely starkers for a large portion of the film, this completely bonkers British sci-fi horror flick starring Steve Railsback, Peter Firth, Frank Finlay and Patrick Stewart could only have been made in the 80s. Having never seen Firth in anything but Spooks before, I was particularly amused by his presence here. So that's what Harry got up to in the 80s! No wonder he was made head of MI-5 and so coolly dealt with all those spies and terrorists - he'd already seen off fricking SPACE VAMPIRES!
I'm not sure if this movie is brilliant or terrible, but it's certainly entertaining.
Brilliant, obviously!
trebor8273 and iank like this.
RIP Douglas White. 11-06-33 - 01-07-2017
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