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Sci-Fi double bill.. quater-2a.jpg QUATERMASS 2 (1957) Brian Donlevy returns as Quatermass for the second of Hammer's movies. The scene where Broadhead appears from one of the dome's covered in the black burning substance is still chilling. 15795259149_d817324ff3_o.jpg INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS (1956) Excellent movie. Full of fear and paranoia and in one scene, the heart breaking loss of ones humanity. Good effects, great creepy scenes and a breathless chase in one of the best of the 50s sci-fi. |
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I think mine is Body Snatchers. I like the fact it's confined to a military base meaning Abel Ferrara ratchets up the tension whilst keeping it isolated whilst parodying the US military as being in mindless unison and no one knowing any difference between human and alien replicas when it comes to marines... I've only seen the original once i think. I've now put the dvd on my 'to-watch' pile. |
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In The Tall Grass. 2019. A brother and his pregnant sister become lost in a field of tall grass while hearing a child's cry. This may not be the best film, it's more psychological terror than pure horror terror combined with disorientation and a hint of Blair Witch but far better and more enjoyable. The running time may be a bit longer that what it should be and does go off track then back on again. There is a lot of suspense and tension in the film as well as what the acting brings into it, it does seem to have a religious tie in to it which makes people think they are trapped in their own purgatory. MV5BOTE1YmRkNTQtZjNmYy00ZWMwLTkyMjgtNzc5MmMyMDQ1Y2NiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzI1NzMxNzM@._V1_SX1777_CR0,.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Looney Tunes Superstars: Daffy Duck Lots of DD cartoons previously unreleased, pure gold! 10/10 |
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The Cat in the Hat. 2003 Two kids have their lives turned upside down with the arrival of a talking cat. Based on the book by Dr. Seuss, which was misrepresented with the studio, director and Mike Myers being a diva and getting his own way that the movie got blasted by critics and the widow of Dr. Seuss, this was actually a guilty pleasure of mine Yeah it was nonsense and daft but it did make me laugh. Dakota Fanning and Spencer Breslin who play Sally and Conrad did do a good job of being the angelic kid and the trouble maker kid. MV5BZTc3N2JjZDItMmEyZC00YzA0LWFmMmMtNGM2NDdkZWI1ODViXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyODgzNzUxNjY@._V1_SY1000_CR0,.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Absloutely Anything & God Bless America Absolutely Anything Probably the least known Simon Pegg headlining film in which he's a school teacher who is given the power to make anything he wants happen by Aliens who are seeing if he would use his newly given powers for good. If not, they will destroy Earth. This is rather similar to Bruce Almighty but is quite enjoyable. Also includes the voices of The Monty Python crew and Robin Williams. God Bless America Black Comedy/Satire in which a terminally ill man goes on a rampage across America eliminating people deemed a detriment to society along with a disillusioned teenage. A decent watch with good acting from the lead Actors. Did like the TV shows portrayed. |
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Tales Of Terror. 1962. Three stories by Edgar Allen Poe are brought to life. 1. Morella: 20 something year old Lenore returns to her father who blamed her for the death of his wife. 2. The Black Cat: A drunk challenges a man to a wine tasting challenge however the stranger has eyes for the man's wife. 3. The case of M. Valdemar: On his death bed a man agrees to be hypnotized on his last dying breath with consequences. Roger Corman teams up With Vincent Price starring in all three short stories, each one getting better and more interesting. Peter Lorre and Basil Rathbone appear alongside Vincent Price. Richard Matheson did a great job of piling Poe's tales to life with some comedy added to the second story with Peter Lorre begging for some money and the poisoning scene. Always great to watch this and Price's other films that come along. MV5BOTY1ODkxNjkwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODAzMTM3NA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,666,1000_AL_.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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