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Old 17th November 2021, 01:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Dave Boy View Post
Attachment 237676

This movie when announced and released seemed to generate a lot of chatter. Mostly who the hell is he? If you are not a comic reader then chances are you have never heard of him. I first read about Shang-Chi in his own comic in the 1970s. Shang-Chi has also been in The Avengers.
So, he's been around for a while. Marvel took a big chance making a movie with a headline character that most of the MCU audience will have never heard of and does not come with a tagline of 'superhero'.
The release of the movie was joint cinema and online streaming which created much of a stir. The fate which also fell to BLACK WIDOW and caused major upsets.
So, the movie did not arrive under the best conditions which is a shame because this is a good film. Plenty of really good choreographed action sequences mixed with some nice humorous moments.
Characters and nods to previous movies, and a mid end credits sequence keep the movie grounded in the MCU.
I watched this on Friday when it appeared on Disney+, I wasn't really paying attention to the buzz or lack of and didn't even really know what to expect so when the majority of it was performed in Mandarin I was pleasantly surprised. Then when Michelle Yeoh popped up midway through I might have said "Yeahhhh!" out loud to my TV screen Really enjoyed it!!

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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Old 17th November 2021, 03:01 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
Return Of The Killer Tomatoes. 1988.

After the war with the tomatoes, Professor Gangreen has developed a way for tomatoes to look human and prepares for a second revolt.

Set years after the war, the jokes in this are far in few and lamer, the humour is daft, yet John Astin makes a decent comical mad scientist as he has developed the perfect way for the tomatoes to resemble human. Anthony Starke and George Clooney play the pizzeria workers and the helpless heroes while trying to save a young lady from the scientist and his daft assistant. May not be for everyone tastes buds.

Attachment 237682
Let's play a game.

Make a sentence out of these words.

Shite. F*cking. It's.

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Old 17th November 2021, 09:39 PM
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8213: Gacey House. 2010.

A group of paranormal investigators enter the house of John Wayne Gacey to find any paranormal activity, only one made it out and all that was left was the footage.

I'm pretty sure Gacey's house was torn down after his arrest, so who's house are they in, nobody had been in there since his arrest so who cleaned it? why do another sweep of the house when everyone is sh!t scared? so many questions with no answers. Was this to be taken seriously? it was more entertaining than Most Haunted but plot was just daft, crap acting from some. Best having on for background noise.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 17th November 2021, 11:37 PM
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Tower Of Evil. 1972.

A young woman in a comatose state is telling the story of her friends being on a island with a lighthouse. A group or archaeologists go to the same place to find treasure when their numbers start falling.

Probably back in the 70s this would have been considered a vicious horror film that is clouded in fog, dark toned atmosphere with plenty of suspense and good kills. This was enjoyable to watch agai, the film does goes back and forth with past happenings and present happenings and never gets dull, boring or even confusing and goes at a decent pace with great acting along the way.

Even the director managed to make it feel very isolated and claustrophobic at times for the audience and almost followed the same route as the old eurotrash films having some of the actors wearing things that are next to nothing or nothing at all.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 17th November 2021, 11:40 PM
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The Screenbound Blu-ray of Tower of Evil is a huge improvement over my old dvd. Looked great when i watched it last week.
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Old 18th November 2021, 01:47 AM
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The Creeping Flesh. 1973.

A Victorian doctor returns from New Guinea with a bag of bones, unaware when exposed to water they flesh returns and begins to wreck havoc.

This is somewhat low budget but when Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing are the lead actors you forget about that and focus on the story which they tell and with Freddie Francis at the helm it's always a treat. I never had much appreciation for the film and decided to re-watch it and it's become a firm favourite. There is some over the top acting styles and the ending does go a bit weak but from the start to finish it's entertaining to watch the duo do their magic.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 18th November 2021, 03:34 AM
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The PLague Of Zombies. 1966.

In a small Cornish Village, young men appear to be dying young, the docotr sends for his friend and mentor to find the cause and both uncover voodoo practices.

Made before Night Of the Living dead and becoming cannibals, Hammer decided to make these a bit more art house controllable and not wanting the thirst for human blood and skin. Set in the Victorian times, the set pieces were crafted well, the costumes look amazing. Andre Morell plays the old doctor looking into the deaths while John Carson plays the village squire who may be hiding more than he lets on and Hammer star Michael Ripper as the police sergeant. Perfect dark atmosphere and still has suspense moments, one that never gets boring.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 18th November 2021, 10:50 AM
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3 From Hell (2019)

Foxy Coltrane - "I'm a lot more f*cking Bogart than you are"

Otis B Driftwood - "Well f*ck you. You are as deluded as ever"

Foxy Coltrane - "Fine, f*ck, whatever man. You can be Bogart"

A film with dialogue sharper and more acerbic than given credit for.
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Old 18th November 2021, 02:00 PM
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Killer Party (1986)

I've reviewed this previously on Cult Labs.

In short - Great poster but still a crap film.
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Old 18th November 2021, 03:00 PM
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That poster rings a bell, would that have been the Rental VHS cover? Never seen it!

Triumphant sight on a northern sky

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