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A cult classic! Bow thy knees if you wish to even speak in my presence.
__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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Halloween (2018) I know this had a mixed reception on this forum, but personally I really liked it! This was a rewatch for me in anticipation of Halloween Kills which arrives later in the month. Some of the scenes in this just look amazing, for example the crashed prison bus and the inmates roaming around in the fog looking confused and lost. Also, one of the best on screen head stomps![/QUOTE] In the process of rewatching this. Yeah a lot of good scenes as you say the bus in the fog-and a lot of clever nods to the original.
__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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An absolute snoozefest.
__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Sent from my SM-G780G using Tapatalk |
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__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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Flesh-Eating Mothers. 1988. Suburban housewives and mothers start going crazy and become mutant cannibals. Was I suppose to take this seriously as a comedy horror? The only thing scary in this was the acting, were these people randomly picked up off the street and offered a role in this, half of it was just wooden and not really believable. I'm officially scarred for life now that I have watched this, doubt I will return to this one. MV5BMTIwMzk4MjY1MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwOTEzOTc5._V1_.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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An amazing array of films here guys. Keep 'em coming!
__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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The Balls are back! A highly enjoyable sequel with some good kills and gore. It's been seven years since the events of the first movie, Mike( who's now a totally different person) is released from a mental institution and teams up with Reggie to hunt down the tall man who's traveling West across the country destroying small towns and building his army of undead dwarfs. Action packed and very straight forward plot wise compared too the first. Not as bad as I was expecting , some fun too be had with some gruesome kills even if this is not as gory as the other films. I kind of liked the idea of the foundation, the victims /hero's are a completely unlikable bunch and i couldn't wait for them too be killed in the most violent ways, which had me routing for the foundation but maybe that was the point, that under our veneer of civilization we are still savages. Now watching one of my favourites which is the film that probably started my love of horror. |
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30 days of unseen horror Film 8 MV5BNjEwMTI0MTQtNGIzZS00Yzk2LWIxZjgtM2QxMjkzZDY0ZTgxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTQxNzMzNDI@._V1_.jpg After committing some horrendous crimes a husband and wife are sent to a mental institute until the authorities are convinced they are crued. 15 years later Edmund and Dorothy Yates are released back into society. They move into a cottage out in the countryside to be by themselves but old habits die hard and it's not long before Dorothy is back on the hunt for fresh meat. The Yates have a daughter who has been kept in an orphanage while they were locked away she was released into the care of Dorothy's who keeps her parents troubled past away from her step sister who has never seen her parents and has never even spoken about them but does murder run in the family. The first thing that struck me right of the bat was how bloody infuriatingly annoying Debbie was just a complete bitch she was making my blood boil as soon as she started talking acting like a spoilt little little arrogant bitch. Even more disturbing was later when we discover she is only 15 after what she was getting up to in the nightclub at the start bloody hell she should be at home having a tea party with her Barbies not getting man handled but some biker Sheila Keith is amazing as Dorothy acting like an old dear all confused and innocent and in the flick of a switch a murderous maniac. I loved her attitude towards her victims during the tarot card readings just bloody brilliant and she looks like she is having a blast when it's time to murder someone and she pulls out her trusty drill showing it off like a loving mother showing off her newborn child. The only character is didn't really take to was Graham he was a bit of an arsehole considering he was on a first date with Jackie he is screaming his head off at her and talking to her like garbage over her handling of her sister it just went from 0 to 100 in a second with him plus she was pretty rubbish at coming up with a fake backstory for himself This was a fantastic film 8/10
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