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Old 3rd June 2012, 02:18 PM
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Bray, Ireland
Default Here's a list from the book 10 years of terror, sadly outofprint

BAFFLED (1972 US, dir. Philip Leacock)
THE BODY BENEATH (1971 US, dir. Andy Milligan)
THE COLD EYES OF FEAR (1971 IT, dir. Enzo G. Castellari) = Gli occhi freddi della paura
CURSE OF THE MOONCHILD (1972 US, no dir. credited)
DEATH AVENGER (1971 FRG/ES, dir. Jess Franco) = Der Todesrächer von Soho
DELIRIUM (1972 IT, dir. Renato Polselli) = Delirio caldo
THE DEMONS (1972 FR/PT, dir. Jess Fraco) = Les démons
DEVIATION (1971 SE, dir. José Larraz)
DORIAN GRAY (1970 IT/FRG, dir. Massimo Dallamano) = Il dio chiamato Dorian
DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE (1973 US, dir. David Winters)
DR. JEKYLL AND THE WEREWOLF (1971 ES, dir. León Klimovsky) = Dr. Jekyll y el hombre lobo
THE FOURTH VICTIM (1971 IT/ES, dir. Eugenio Martin) = In fondo alla piscina
THE HAND OF PLEASURE (1971 US, dir. Zoltan G. Spencer) I disagree with this; all the London exteriors are stock footage
HAND OF POWER (1968 FRG, dir. Alfred Vohrer) = Im Banne des Unheimlichen; misidentified as a 1970 production and hence included in this volume
HOT LIPS OF THE KILLER (1974 IT/ES, dir. Juan Bosch) = Le calde labbra del carnefice
THE HOUND OF THE BASKERVILLES (1972, dir. Barry Crane)
JACK THE RIPPER (1976 CH/FRG, dir. Jess Franco) = Jack, der Dirnenmörder von London
THE KILLER RESERVED NINE SEATS (1974 IT, dir. Giuseppe Bennati) = L'assassino ha riservato nove poltrone
LIPS OF BLOOD (1972 FR/ES, dir. Alejandro MartÃ*) = Le sang des autres
THE LIVING DEAD AT THE MANCHESTER MORGUE (1974 ES/IT, dir. Jorge Grau) = No profanar el sueño de los muertos
A LIZARD IN A WOMAN'S SKIN (1971 IT/FR/ES, dir. Lucio Fulci) = Una lucertola con la pelle di donna
NECROPHAGUS (1971 ES, dir. Miguel Madrid)
THE NIGHT EVELYN CAME OUT OF THE GRAVE (1971 IT, dir. Emilio P. Miraglia) = La notte che Evelyn uscì dalla tomba
PERFECT CRIME (1978 IT, dir. Giuseppe Rosati) = Indagine su un delitto perfetto
PUZZLE (1974 IT, dir. Duccio Tessari) = L'uomo senza memoria
SEVEN DEATHS IN THE CAT'S EYES (1973 IT/FR/FRG, dir. Antonio Margheriti) = La morte negli occhi del gatto
SEVEN MURDERS FOR SCOTLAND YARD (1971 ES/IT, dir. José Luis Madrid) = Jack, el destripador de Londres
SPECTRE (1977 US, dir. Clive Donner)
TERROR IN THE WAX MUSEUM (1973 US, dir. George Fenady)
THEY'RE COMING TO GET YOU (1972 IT/ES, dir. Sergio Martino) = Tutti i colori del buio
THE TURN OF THE SCREW (1974 US, dir. Dan Curtis)
VENGEANCE OF THE ZOMBIES (1972 ES/IT, dir. León Klimovsky) = La rebelión de las muertas
WEB OF THE SPIDER (1970 IT/FRG/FR, dir. Antonio Margheriti) = Nella stretta morsa del ragno
THE WEEKEND MURDERS (1970 IT, dir. Michele Lupo) = Concerto per pistola solista
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO SOLANGE? (1971 IT/FRG, dir. Massimo Dallamano) = Cosa avete fatto a Solange?
There's Black cat by Fulci and Panic, and Nell Ombra della Okmbra with Frank Finlay. And Lenzi's thingy Paranoia and Concorde by Ruggero Deodato and Eagles over London. And Deadly Sweet by TintO Brass, any other euro-esploitation set in Britain?
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Old 3rd June 2012, 04:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
The finale takes place not that far from me, at Alexandra Palace.
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Old 5th November 2012, 08:18 AM
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Paul Naschy always had to set his films abroad thanks to baffling censorship regulations - the Spanish government were worried that if people saw monsters and horrors set in Spain it might give a bad impression of the country (). Therefore a few were set in Britain:

Dr. Jekyll y el Hombre Lobo
Jack el destripador de Londres
- very amusing because in the scenes shot on the London streets, people are blatantly looking and one even points at the camera as they walk past.
La rebelión de las muertas (which I bafflingly have not yet reviewed) - Naschy leaves London by train heading for rural Wales, only to arrive on a RENFE train at a small Spanish station...
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Old 18th January 2013, 04:28 PM
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THE NIGHT EVELYN CAME OUT OF THE GRAVE - It's really obviously not filmed in England - they're not even driving on the right side of the road - but the wonky ideas about London in Italian films are great - how you always have to drive across Tower Bridge to get anywhere at all; all crime being investigated by Scotland Yard etc. The interview at Broadcasting House in the Night Child where the guy just dumps his car outside the main entrance is especially brilliant!
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Old 19th January 2013, 05:23 PM
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Originally Posted by themanfromhongkong View Post
The interview at Broadcasting House in the Night Child where the guy just dumps his car outside the main entrance is especially brilliant!
Yes! I watched this a few weeks back and laughed out loud at that bit. Especially as I have to walk past the building every day to work for the next few weeks . . .
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Old 23rd January 2013, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Hawkmonger View Post
An American Werewolf in London.
Great movie, one of my favourites.
AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON was an Eady Plan picture. Making it British. It's often erroneously cited as an American film because of it's ties to Universal, though it was only bought by Universal for US Distribution and then later bought entirely from John Landis for all media/territories in 2001.

The movie was paid for entirely from British bank funding, which Polygram Pictures (a Dutch company run by Americans) then paid back in full once the movie was complete. However, this deal was made within the British quota system, and Lycanthrope films Ltd. - the company set up by John Landis and George Folsey Jr. to make the film - was established in the UK.
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