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Old 15th September 2011, 08:21 AM
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Default SHAM034 - House on the Edge of the Park: The BBFC Decision

Shameless has recently heard back from the BBFC with regard to House on the Edge of the Park and they have requested 16 cuts totalling 1 minute 20 seconds. While this is a vast improvement over the 11+ minutes of cuts requested in 2002, Shameless are appealing the BBFC’s decision and will also be including two further extras dedicated to the censorship of the film.

Cult Labs fully supports Shameless in their decision to appeal and we’re sure our members appreciate Shameless’ desire to bring their fans the fullest possible version of this film. Depending on the length of the appeal, Shameless are still striving for an end-of-October release date for House on the Edge of the Park, and, in the meantime, they would like to pass on their thanks and appreciation for the continued support of their fans.
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Old 15th September 2011, 08:25 AM
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Oh dear, fans won't be happy with that decision but I'm sure found it inevitable really. Good to see Shameless fight their corner over the ridiculous hold the BBFC have over the UK film industry though
Let's hope positive things come out of it.
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Old 16th September 2011, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by antmumford View Post
Oh dear, fans won't be happy with that decision but I'm sure found it inevitable really. Let's hope positive things come out of it.
I'm not surprised cuts have been insisted on but i'm still picking this release up purely for the packaging and extras anyway. This was always my intention with HOTEOTP as i would've been blown away if the film had been passed intact.
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Old 16th September 2011, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Splatterdragon73 View Post
I'm not surprised cuts have been insisted on but i'm still picking this release up purely for the packaging and extras anyway. This was always my intention with HOTEOTP as i would've been blown away if the film had been passed intact.
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the appeal still though. Shameless have put together an excellent appeal so even if if can't get through uncut, they might be able to get some of the cuts reduced.

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Old 17th September 2011, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the appeal still though. Shameless have put together an excellent appeal so even if it can't get through uncut, they might be able to get some of the cuts reduced.
Rest assured i'm hoping Lady Luck smiles on Shameless with their appeal and a positive response is the outcome.
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Old 17th September 2011, 05:24 PM
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Yeah it takes balls to release a film which still rattles the 'censors' in this ecconomic climate.A big risk indeed,so I wish Shameless the best of luck!
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Old 15th September 2011, 08:31 AM
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Wow, that's a massive improvement over the Vipco version, I think we all knew this wouldn't be passed fully uncut, but fair play to Shameless and I hope they win the appeal. I know lots of people on here would like an uncut version(myself included) but most of the uncut discs out there are lacking in extras so I still believe this will be a big hit with fans of the film and if the releases is delayed pending the appeal then I'm happy to wait if it means a more complete version becomes available.
I'm sure they'll be a few 'I told you so' posts in this thread so if you don't like the version Shameless will be releasing then don't buy it and winge somewhere else
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Old 15th September 2011, 10:11 AM
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Spooky, that's close to my 90sec prediction, best wishes to Shameless in the appeal, give em hell. Would expect the cuts are the victims reaction to the rape, razor slicing flesh(the actress just looks sooo young) and Hess's reaction/enjoyment of it. though a huge improvement over previous cuts it's worth Shameless going to appeal as 80sec is still a chunk of film to lose.

PS. I know Shameless sometimes put the snipped bits online, can I just say in this instance(because the actress involved is made to look very 'young' ahem, and the way the UK Internet laws are today) might want to seek legal advice before posting, one thing to upset the bbfc quite another to upset the CPS, and they may see Shameless as a company to make an example of, so please be careful guys.
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Old 15th September 2011, 12:05 PM
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It's a bit of a naughty film this one, so I'm not surprised it's caused Shameless problems. It's great that Shameless is going after an appeal - I think more companies should.

Truth be told it won't hurt sales too much if it is cut. I remember that the first release of NEW YORK RIPPER remained Shameless #1 seller for a long time. What people forget is that the fans already own the uncut version anyway. There will of course be those fans who will buy the this edition to keep their collection of Shameless titles complete.
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Old 15th September 2011, 02:53 PM
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I can't see the BBFC budging anymore on this one.I expected the opening rape to still be trimmed & any scenes where victims of rape appear to come to enjoy their ordeals are a definite no no.Fantasm was only cut a few months back for the same reason so it wouldn't look good for the BBFC if they passed similar footage in HOTEOTP so soon.A reduction to less than 90 seconds of cuts is a good result considering the extensive cuts made to the Vipco video.
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