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PaulD 20th September 2011 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs (Post 182818)
It's really annoying that we're still treated like children in this day and age. I wonder how the members of the BBFC manage to watch all this filth and depravity, yet manage to be unaffected? Hmmmmmm. Guess they have superior intellect to us knuckle draggers!

That's the thing that's so infuriating about the whole BBFC cuts - the mentality of "we can watch it and make a judgment and not be affected. But you might not!". I seem to recall this being brought up in the Video Nasties: Definitive Guide documentary.

Still, good news that the appeal yielded a better result and kudos to Shameless for appealling and pushing this and getting an extra half a minute back into the film. Shame it wasn't more but the joys of living in this country eh?

Pete 20th September 2011 06:08 PM

We should just be thankful that those wonderful people are there to prevent us seeing such horrible images which will almost certainly give us psychopathic urges. The only have our best interests at heart.


platostotal 20th September 2011 07:23 PM

3 good size cheers to Shameless for an important step forward, would have loved to see the face of the person who first heard the news at the office, wonder if others thought it a wind-up. From over 11 minutes down to under 1, great job.

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 20th September 2011 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Pete (Post 182837)
We should just be thankful that those wonderful people are there to prevent us seeing such horrible images which will almost certainly give us psychopathic urges. The only have our best interests at heart.



Sorry Pete,for a moment there I was taken over by a psychotic urge whilst watching the conclusion of Watership Down!

Okay,40 odd second cuts-
BIG Improvement on the last UK 'DVD' outing.....
so yes good on Shameless!

Splatterdragon73 25th September 2011 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by nekromantik (Post 182749)
I am intrigued about the special features however I own the uncut DVD so wont be double dipping unless I get it free from comp or ebay second hand.

I have four uncut HOTEOTP releases but i'll still be buying the Shameless DVD purely for the interesting and exclusive extras. If only the obligatory theatrical trailer was included on the above edition and nothing else substantial then i wouldn't be purchasing said title.:)

Playzocker 25th September 2011 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs (Post 182748)
Fair enough, it's up to you how you spend your money and yes, the film is still cut by 43 seconds.

But, that's 11 minutes of cuts restored since it was submitted in 2002 - that says the BBFC has come a long way in less than a decade. The fact that they've waived some cuts in the appeal also says the BBFC is willing to re-examine films and change their minds. That also says they've come a long way.

Yes, it's not a completely uncut version of the film but it still represents a major step for both the BBFC and UK distributors.

Yup, that's an achievement I don't want to belittle. The BBFC always seems to go with the time and re-evaluate their guidelines and decisions based on the current state of the society. The German FSK also tries to do this (for example by un-banning the Texas Chainsaw Massacres, lowering rating for cult classics like Total Recall (FSK 16), Predator (FSK 16) etc.) but when I compare them to the FSK they always seem to lack consistency in their ratings.

So yeah, the BBFC takes big leaps which I think is awesome and I still stad by their decision to eliminate animal cruelty. But in our modern society I think that censorship should only be applied to scenes of REAL violence - like animal cruelty and the like.

But banning movies like "Human Centipede 2" oder censoring "I Spit on Your Grave" - even though they are really intense movies - has no place in a modern society.

I cheer for every step of the way - but in the long run: censorship to fictional pieces of art has to be extinct!

Chattery 25th September 2011 04:46 PM

Can I just say, I've not been following the conversation, so sorry if this has already been said or I'm breaking up a conversation.

THe concept that the BBFC must keep "the children" in mind is stupid. Of course, I'm jumping the gun.

We're adults and should be allowed to see the uncut version of any film we want. Unfortunately, the BBFC is just appalling when it comes to censorship. Who gave them the right to tell adults what they can and can't see? ESPECIALLY when those who are passing judgement were able to see it.

"Oh, I'm a 70 year old granny. I thought this FAKE BEHEADING was so tasteless. Let's cut it out because I don't like it."

It's obvious Shameless has a foot in the door with the BBFC which should be commended and they abide by the laws set out by the govt and BBFC. But the fact that the BBFC thinks it's all high and mighty to be able to tell people what they can and can't watch is ridiculous.

To wrap my rant up, conservatives always put children into the equation. Last time I checked, films like those Shameless release as well as films like Human Centipede are intended for adults and adults only (or am I missing something? :confused::confused::confused:), not children. Yet snobs always throw children into the equation to try and get their way which is bottom of the barrel.

I'm sure I've gone completely off-topic and just wanted to say that I don't feel comfortable buying a film if it's censored. Luckily, here in Australia we don't have censorship. If it doesn't match criteria it's banned outright.

It's a shame (heh) that Shameless is releasing all of these forgotten films and that they're still butchered, although less so than twenty plus years ago. They're still butchered though.

I'd get this movie but the 1 minute and, was it 20 seconds, of stuff cut is way too substantial to justify a purchase.

With something like Cannibal Holocaust at least that's all of, what, sixteen seconds? That's just okay. As I said I'd prefer a 100% uncut film, but if it has to be cut, it needs to be cut a little as possible. You know I'm human because I'm pretty sure I just contradicted myself somewhere here...:doh:

the blob 25th September 2011 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Playzocker (Post 184121)
Yup, that's an achievement I don't want to belittle. The BBFC always seems to go with the time and re-evaluate their guidelines and decisions based on the current state of the society. The German FSK also tries to do this (for example by un-banning the Texas Chainsaw Massacres, lowering rating for cult classics like Total Recall (FSK 16), Predator (FSK 16) etc.) but when I compare them to the FSK they always seem to lack consistency in their ratings.

So yeah, the BBFC takes big leaps which I think is awesome and I still stad by their decision to eliminate animal cruelty. But in our modern society I think that censorship should only be applied to scenes of REAL violence - like animal cruelty and the like.

But banning movies like "Human Centipede 2" oder censoring "I Spit on Your Grave" - even though they are really intense movies - has no place in a modern society.

I cheer for every step of the way - but in the long run: censorship to fictional pieces of art has to be extinct!

Aside from the ranting on the thread, isn't the FSK 16 Total Recall cut still?

platostotal 25th September 2011 05:10 PM

The nanny state always brings up kids cause it's so emotive, the argument goes "but little johnny and betsy might put CH in the dvd player and be emotionally damaged" hogwash. If that was the case knives, cigarettes and alcohol should be banned in the home cause kiddies could be damaged. All you have to do is look throughout history for the censoring regimes to find the bad guys:lol: especially those :censored:

JAMIOUSE 26th September 2011 06:04 PM

Just spotted this over at the BBFC website, cut by 42 seconds! Click the link for more details Title « British Board of Film Classification

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