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Old 16th September 2011, 02:12 PM
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Originally Posted by robw285 View Post
As i understood EU law i thought if something is available in one part of the EU it should be available in all parts of the EU i thought that's the point of a free market but it certainly isn't a level playing field for British video distributors at all.
Tell that to the German censors...errr..."youth protectors"....!!!!

Last time I remember somebody appealing against the German restrictions of the sale of certain movies they deem worthy of a ban, the EU court basically said it's up to each country how they deal with the classification of films etc.... (but there's certainly room for hoping that things might change in the future, me thinks...)

Last edited by Peter Neal; 16th September 2011 at 02:23 PM.
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Old 16th September 2011, 02:25 PM
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Just so this doesn't get lost in a long thread, I'm just reposting my "guide" to writing to the BBFC if you so wish!

Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post

It's a very different situation to Arrow because the cuts here are all in relation to depictions of sexual violence so I don't think it'd be helpful for people to start saying about their right to view whatever they want. We don't want to reinforce their opinion that we're all a bunch of sick pervs!

However, I think polite, sensible, non-sabre-rattling emails about the negative effects on small UK distributors like Shameless would be fine e.g. film fans end up spending their money abroad rather in the UK, thus having a negative effect on UK businesses. So, if anyone does want to contact the BBFC, please go down this route.

Contact info can be found here.
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Old 16th September 2011, 03:40 PM
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Such a shame, since most people who want this film already own the media blasters uncut dvd all this is doing is taking money out the uk.

I'll wait for this one to go 2nd hand and pick it up cheap.
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Old 16th September 2011, 05:53 PM
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Good luck with the appeal. I'll reserve comment until I hear the BBFC's response.
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Old 17th September 2011, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by platostotal View Post
Spooky, that's close to my 90sec prediction, best wishes to Shameless in the appeal, give em hell. Would expect the cuts are the victims reaction to the rape, razor slicing flesh(the actress just looks sooo young) and Hess's reaction/enjoyment of it. though a huge improvement over previous cuts it's worth Shameless going to appeal as 80sec is still a chunk of film to lose.

PS. I know Shameless sometimes put the snipped bits online, can I just say in this instance(because the actress involved is made to look very 'young' ahem, and the way the UK Internet laws are today) might want to seek legal advice before posting, one thing to upset the bbfc quite another to upset the CPS, and they may see Shameless as a company to make an example of, so please be careful guys.
That wouldn't happen, as long as she was 18, then it's all fine, I think I checked before, but couldn't find her actual age. So maybe she wasn't 18, if anyone does know please shed the light.
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Old 17th September 2011, 09:55 AM
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She was also in EMANUELLE AROUND THE WORLD a few years before. Been ages since I saw it so can't remember if she did any nudity though. I think she was definitely over 18.

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Old 17th September 2011, 12:27 PM
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Yeah, she was over 18 at the time of filming but... The violent porn law is so vague that it allows virtually any sexualized violence(including stuff that has been passed by the bbfc as 18) that the CPS takes a dim view of to be labeled "Porn", regardless of what anyone in their right mind would consider "porn", they use the word porn for any image/clip that they 'think' is used to arouse sexual thoughts, so anything that includes nudity, sexual violence of a graphic nature or intent can lead to a visit by the old bill. As a lawyer said at the time the law was passed "If you and your partner film yourselves spanking each other fine, but post that on the Internet and this law allows you to be arrested and prosecuted for it" Though I can't imagine any UK jury convicting anybody under this stupid law, it's best to be aware of the powers the Feds can level against you, and if the bbfc have censored a scene that would give the CPS more ammo to go after those who post online, paranoid or not hate to see Shameless make headlines for all the wrong reasons. And that razor scene seems right on the mark, imagine if you were just an average civil servant type with no interest in movies working for the CPS and got shown that scene, chances are you'd hit the panic button just to be sure. Of course they might look at it and not give a s**t... but you never know.
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Old 17th September 2011, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
Let's keep our fingers crossed for the appeal still though. Shameless have put together an excellent appeal so even if it can't get through uncut, they might be able to get some of the cuts reduced.
Rest assured i'm hoping Lady Luck smiles on Shameless with their appeal and a positive response is the outcome.
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Old 17th September 2011, 05:24 PM
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Yeah it takes balls to release a film which still rattles the 'censors' in this ecconomic climate.A big risk indeed,so I wish Shameless the best of luck!
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Old 17th September 2011, 06:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
She was also in EMANUELLE AROUND THE WORLD a few years before. Been ages since I saw it so can't remember if she did any nudity though. I think she was definitely over 18.
Well I hope she does, cos that's now on my to watch list, thanks
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