Good Trader darthelvis Cultist on the Rampage |
Last Activity: 17th October 2018 01:03 PM
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- 1st August 2013 10:10 AM - permalinkDemdike@Cult LabsThanks very much Darthelvis.
Much appreciated. - Hello mate,did you send me the postcard by any chance,If not,no worries,I just wanted to know so to check with the post office etc
- Thanks a lot mate ,I owe you one,I'll send you my address now
- Thanks for that,unfortunately I don't have Exterminator,House By The Cemetary,Deep Red and I have only Inferno for trade,thanks anyaway
- Did you check your postcards by any chance mate ?
- 17th June 2010 08:36 PM - permalinkkingofwitches666I know, no justice when it comes to homicidal maniacs!!
About Me
- About darthelvis
- Biography
- I am Darth Elvis, the Star Wars themed Elvis impersonator. I love movies and in particular horror!
- Location
- Aberdeen, Scotland
- Interests
- Movies, Music, Reading
- Occupation
- Singer
- Nosferatu's Questionnaire!
- Where did your username come from?
- I'm a Star Wars themed Elvis Impersonator. Elvis didn't die he just turned to the darkside! It wasn't my idea to fake my own death on the toilet, but it was pretty original don't you think!
- What is your favourite horror film?
- Dawn of the Dead (Original) & Halloween (Original)
- What is your favourite non-horror film?
- The Empire Strikes Back
- Who is your favourite horror director?
- George Romero
- Who is your favourite non-horror director?
- Stephen Spielberg
- How did you find out about ?
- Dawn of the Dead Blu Ray insert
- What is the best DVD/BD set that you own?
- Star Wars saga blu ray or Dawn of the Dead 4 discer
- What is your favourite Arrow release so far?
- City of the Living Dead
- What is your favourite Shameless release so far?
- Cannibal Holocaust Blu Ray
- What film which you most like Arrow Video/Shameless to release?
- The Gate or Trick or Treat
- Describe yourself in three sentences or less.
- Singer, writer, obsessive Star Wars & horror geek. Father, husband & the worlds only performing Star Wars themed Elvis impersonator!
- Darth Elvis & The Imperials
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- Darth Elvis & The Imperials
Showing Friends 1 to 10 of 23
- Adam Hughes
- Cult Rookie
- Almar@Cult Labs
- The Big Cheese
- BioZombie
- Grindhouse Project Co-ordinator
- bizarre_eye@Cult Labs
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- broonage
- Seasoned Cultist
- DoTheMonkey
- Cultist
- gaahl07
- Seasoned Cultist
- gag
- Cult Veteran
- Gigantor
- Cultist on the Rampage
- iluvdvds@Cult Labs
- Competitions Moderator
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Posted in Uncategorized
Please visit and rate my Mo Space page and whilst there donate some money to The Prostate Cancer Charity -
I am growing a moustache all through Movember with the hope of raising as much money as possible for the charity. Please keep checking my page for photo and video updates.
Here is the first of my videos which I've called The Measure of a Man
Thanks for listening...
I am growing a moustache all through Movember with the hope of raising as much money as possible for the charity. Please keep checking my page for photo and video updates.
Here is the first of my videos which I've called The Measure of a Man
Get the latest Flash Player to see this player.
Thanks for listening...
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Design a Darth Elvis poster celebrating the 30th anniversary of The Empire Strikes Back and the best entry wins a Glasgow Film Festival program signed by the voice of Vader himself James Earl Jones and a Darth Elvis t-shirt. There will also be a couple of runner up prizes.
To enter send your pictures to with subject Empire competition!
Winning entries will be displayed on the darth elvis website and obviously credit given to the winning artists....
To enter send your pictures to with subject Empire competition!
Winning entries will be displayed on the darth elvis website and obviously credit given to the winning artists....
Posted in Uncategorized
Headliners Darth Elvis are of course a comedy band, but the best always seem to be the ones who take the tongue in cheek attitude to the max, and Darth Elvis and the Tattoine Trio most definitely take it to the max tonight.
They live and breath it when they tread the boards. Coming on to the strains of the Star Wars theme we have a Jedi on guitar, a storm trooper on drums and a bounty hunter on bass, and as backing bands...
Headliners Darth Elvis are of course a comedy band, but the best always seem to be the ones who take the tongue in cheek attitude to the max, and Darth Elvis and the Tattoine Trio most definitely take it to the max tonight.
They live and breath it when they tread the boards. Coming on to the strains of the Star Wars theme we have a Jedi on guitar, a storm trooper on drums and a bounty hunter on bass, and as backing bands...
Posted in Uncategorized
So the first 2010 Darth Elvis & The Tattoine Trio show Darth Elvis & The Tattoine Trio Strikes Back has been and gone and the night was a huge success!
The first review is now online and there are more coming soon.
Plans are now afoot for our next show and we may very well be introducing a new member or two in the future. Also hoping to get into the studio to lay down some tracks and then some music...
The first review is now online and there are more coming soon.
Plans are now afoot for our next show and we may very well be introducing a new member or two in the future. Also hoping to get into the studio to lay down some tracks and then some music...
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What an awesome night! I was lucky enough to get the chance to meet David Hess (Last House on the Left, House on the Edge of the Park) and Giovanni Lombardo Radice (City of the Living Dead, Cannibal Ferox)at this night run by Cult Fiction Movies and The Jekyll and Hyde pub in Edinburgh. Sadly didn't get to meet Catriona McColl (City of the Living Dead, The Beyond) who was also in attendance. Hope I get the...
Recent Comments
Congrats to Pedromonkey...
In my opinion,[url=]wow...
Thinking about going...
im going to the london...
If I get the chance...
Likes Given
- darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : The Arrow ThreadArrow made a comment on facebook a while ago saying they were addressing some people's concerns about the poster artwork stuck in the middle of the white covers. Looks like their solution is to...Liked On: 26th April 2013, 10:54 AM
Posted On: 26th April 2013, 10:40 AM - darthelvis liked post by Sam On thread : Weekly Comp - The Collection - 21st April 2013 - FINISHEDNot really a strange collection as such, but I used to collect Star Wars Tazos when I was at Senior School. For the uninitiated, Tazos were circular pieces of plastic, which could either slot...Liked On: 26th April 2013, 06:36 AM
Posted On: 25th April 2013, 07:11 PM - darthelvis liked post by Demdike@Cult Labs On thread : Weekly Comp - The Collection - 21st April 2013 - FINISHEDI managed to find whats left of my rubber collection. It was fun seeing them again. So here's a couple of pics. Most will be around thirty five years old i guess. The Star Wars ones might...Liked On: 26th April 2013, 06:35 AM
Posted On: 25th April 2013, 03:45 PM - darthelvis liked post by Jinx_Barkman On thread : What Have You Bought Recently?I was able to get this for less than $5. Pretty happy about that.:dance: On: 25th April 2013, 06:29 AM
Posted On: 25th April 2013, 02:13 AM - darthelvis liked post by Criterion7 On thread : What Have You Bought Recently?Lucked into this one today.. On: 18th April 2013, 07:04 AM
Posted On: 18th April 2013, 04:56 AM - darthelvis liked post by nekromantik On thread : Upcoming Non-UK Blu-ray ReleasesCriterion have announced a date for their Devils Backbone release! Its out end of July and Im sure as hell getting it. It features brand new transfer and subtitle translation and 2 new bonus...Liked On: 17th April 2013, 06:51 AM
Posted On: 17th April 2013, 06:28 AM - darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : Scream Factory/Shout FactoryI think we'll see this on the reverse of The Fog.... On: 16th April 2013, 07:00 AM
Posted On: 12th April 2013, 10:49 PM - darthelvis liked post by ReturnToZero On thread : Show Us Yours!Ordered some spirits from Master of Malt. About 60 GBP cheaper than buying them here in Sweden, that including the postage. My third bottle of Glen Garioch 12 Years and the rest is new for me.Liked On: 13th April 2013, 03:50 PM
Posted On: 9th April 2013, 04:19 PM - darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : Upcoming Non-UK Blu-ray ReleasesLooks like Japan is getting Orca: The Killer Whale on blu-ray in July. At first I thought the artwork was just something they put together for this release, but it's actually the Japanese poster. ...Liked On: 12th April 2013, 06:29 AM
Posted On: 12th April 2013, 06:09 AM - darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : Scream Factory/Shout FactoryNew artwork for The Fog. On: 12th April 2013, 06:26 AM
Posted On: 11th April 2013, 07:31 PM - darthelvis liked post by the blob On thread : Blu-ray Bargain AlertsWhen A Stranger Calls/Happy Birthday To Me is back at Amazon via All Your Music for a measly £3.57 + shipping. Region A locked though. When a Stranger Calls / Happy Birthday to Me Blu-ray US...Liked On: 11th April 2013, 06:30 AM
Posted On: 4th April 2013, 04:54 PM - darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : Upcoming Non-UK Blu-ray ReleasesWell, Koch have come good after they said that the Army Of Darkness Ultimate Edition artwork wasn't final. This is MUCH better! On: 10th April 2013, 05:59 PM
Posted On: 10th April 2013, 05:58 PM - darthelvis liked post by Stephen@Cult Labs On thread : Upcoming UK Blu-ray ReleasesAnd yet, this man will be buying it. Sylvester Stallone directed by Walter Hill is all the incentive I need. And I bet I really like it too.Liked On: 10th April 2013, 06:42 AM
Posted On: 2nd April 2013, 07:27 PM - darthelvis liked post by Justin101 On thread : Slice and Dice: The Slasher Film ForeverThat 'The Shining' bobble hat sold out online faster than a Mondo poster :lol: I saw someone wearing one in Liverpool the other day and I almost mugged him hahah!Liked On: 25th March 2013, 01:30 PM
Posted On: 25th March 2013, 01:01 PM - darthelvis liked post by bdc On thread : What Have You Bought Recently?I really like the Lego Star Wars series. :thumb:Liked On: 24th March 2013, 09:45 AM
Posted On: 19th March 2013, 07:05 PM