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Old 12th December 2011, 02:13 AM
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Originally Posted by ReturnToZero View Post
Is the bootleg market really that big? Never i would buy a dvd-r before the real stuff and do you know what releases that took damage because of them?
I believe, bootleg market is much easier since dvd-r easier to make than vhs. vhs has to be real time, and dvd-r is about 20-24min burn once a master is made (I think?). I know one message board was sad FLESH WOUND VIDEO (i think that was the name) closed shop. my eye pretty much popped out when these noisy kids was sad that they had the best prices $20 (!) and offered buy two get one free. The same turkey who was sad was the same turkies that complaint code red dvd is expensive. I don't charge $20 for dvd-r, original disc which I only get a tiny $7 after wholesale. When it comes to illegal stuff, majority of fans goes crazy and wanting to own it. I guess???
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Old 12th December 2011, 02:30 AM
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Originally Posted by the blob View Post
It's because the Internet is the world's largest false economy. Maybe he actually believes all the people who write 'I'd really love a release of... ' or for those who will, maybe he extrapolates into world population..

X forum has 3000 members. 100 members say they'll buy it = 0.03%

0.03% of 7 billion = 21 million sales!

Quids in!
I agree, just because 3 people in a message board say it will sell, it might not sell. Look at NIGHTMARE with all the painful insult I took for 4 years, only to barely sell 3,000. These mean trolls always say "He must be idiot not to release NIGHTMARE, this will sell 100,000 copies easy". Well, the statement is sort of true.....I am a idiot for releasing NIGHTMARE since I lost alot of money doing it. NIGHTMARES, a aussie film which came out one month before NIGHTMARE outsold the real deal! Let's see about these internet request title... STUNT ROCK (Less than 800), RITUALS (less than 900), VISITOR (less than 1,200). Visitor really killed me as it was the most expensive title I paid, and garbage like BURBANK DRIVE-IN sold 3oo copies more. What the internet wants is not what the rest of the horror community wants.

Right now the director of GHOSTKEEPER is getting alot of email telling him his film will be release of 2012. I looked at the email (ones i received), it seems it's one guy with multiple IDs leading the poor director on. 5guys in the web, maybe it's one guy who has plenty of time in his hand.
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Old 12th December 2011, 02:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike View Post
They really do need to produce more than 1000 copies then.
Severin, Synapse, ShoutFactory, Blueunderground sells 3,000+ 0n any titles. CODE RED title barely sells 1,000. majority of the stuff sells 500. It's hip & cool to buy the other titles, but code red titles are more of bottom of cinema and it's not in the "IN" list to own. Many speciality store only carrys one copy of code red dvd, but 10+ on other label. Which kind of sucks for I do not make money over one copy since shipping kills what little they buy and most likely give back.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:00 PM
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Sounds like a tough market at the moment, codered. I don't envy you having to work in such a niche corner of the home video entertainment market and it must be very difficult trying to predict what will sell and what won't. I've bought a fair few of your titles and have been pleased with all of them. But I won't lie, things are tough all over, and money is tight. I honestly believe that in many cases that it's not that people don't want to buy your releases, but they genuinely have to count pennies and can't afford to. Of course, all this creates a hazardous environment in which, I imagine, downloading spikes, as people penny-pinch. It's not something I do, but I can certainly see the recession driving piracy at the moment. I will only make do with genuine copies and, if I can't afford something, I go without. Simple as.

Like I say, I don't think it's that fans don't want to support your endeavours, but people's personal financial situations just doesn't allow them to do so at this moment in time. Let's hope the world's governments stop dicking around and sort out the global economy so we can all get back up on our feet again - and buying lovely DVDs and BDs once more!
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:11 PM
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Originally Posted by codered View Post
Severin, Synapse, ShoutFactory, Blueunderground sells 3,000+ 0n any titles. CODE RED title barely sells 1,000. majority of the stuff sells 500. It's hip & cool to buy the other titles, but code red titles are more of bottom of cinema and it's not in the "IN" list to own. Many speciality store only carrys one copy of code red dvd, but 10+ on other label. Which kind of sucks for I do not make money over one copy since shipping kills what little they buy and most likely give back.
Living in the UK, we don't know how tough it is for CR to get shelf space in US stores, its a real shame. It seems Arrow and Shameless are fairly fortunate over here.

I would have loved a copy of Rituals but i never saw it available on Amazon US or from any of the Amazon UK marketplace sellers.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:19 PM
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There are lots of other webshops who carried it Dem...

I got mine from Axel.

Here's a link Bill put up:

Lots on eBay as well:
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Last edited by bdc; 12th December 2011 at 12:42 PM.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:24 PM
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I weep for the horror fans of today, most of them probably consider the underworld movies to be classics and the remake of nightmare on elm street to be a good movie.

Code red's output is niche' to say the least but I always urge people to give their stuff a try (and post lots of positive reviews on amazon about the product) as theres a lot of films they have put out, (soul survivor, messiah of evil, choke canyon, rituals... well I could go on) that I may have overlooked and found I really enjoyed. Even the films that are somewhat turkeys (Night of the dribbler i'm looking at you) were at least interesting to see. This is why cod reds struggles bug me a little, some fans seem to spend 90% of their lives complaining about releases not being available, the other 10% bitching about them when they are.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:26 PM
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Originally Posted by bdc View Post
There are lots of other webshops who carried it Dem...
yet not the biggest.

For a film i had never seen, i wasn't going to go out of the way and pay inflated prices / shipping (hello Axel), especially when there is always something else to buy.
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Old 12th December 2011, 12:47 PM
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Do you only shop at Amazon Dem?

You could just get one on eBay.
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Old 12th December 2011, 01:14 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike View Post
Living in the UK, we don't know how tough it is for CR to get shelf space in US stores, its a real shame. It seems Arrow and Shameless are fairly fortunate over here.

I would have loved a copy of Rituals but i never saw it available on Amazon US or from any of the Amazon UK marketplace sellers.
From my own personal experience, the situation over there is quite appalling now. When I first moved there in 2006 and for the couple of years before when I made regular long trips, you could find pretty much anything in Best Buy, Circuit City, FYE, Borders, Barnes and Noble. One Best Buy I used to go into was like a DVD library! Rows and rows of one section probably the size of your average HMV main floor.

Circuit City and Borders went out of business, Best Buy devoted more space to Blu-Ray, B & N shrank their sections and the only nationwide chain that carries a lot still is FYE, though they tend to charge full RRP. By the time I left last year, other than at FYE, I hadn't seen a specialist tile in Best Buy or B & N (other than Criterion) since about 2008/2009.

HMV actually carries more here and we all know how good and cheap they are! Seriously, if you want to buy a Code Red or even a BU, Synapse or Severin on title DVD the only way to go in the U.S. is online now in general.
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