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Old 4th May 2014, 04:17 PM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Re: Nailgun Massacre, whilst it's not exactly a good film, I do find it quite entertaining in it's own right. I own the Synapse DVD, which for me personally is fine (due to the film's trademark DTV look I really can't it looking remarkably better on Blu) so I have no interest in upgrading really. I think if I didn't own it/hadn't seen it before I may have been more tempted.

Looking forward to seeing what Bill has in store for us next (post Nightmare). I've heard rumours of quite a few titles but it's always better waiting for more 'official' announcements to avoid potential disappointment.

Last edited by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs; 4th May 2014 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 4th May 2014, 04:28 PM
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Originally Posted by bdc View Post
Here's the info on the spine numbers, seems there was some confusion with the catalog numbers of the previously released (this year) batch of dvd's as well (if you need that info contact me).

"Code Red releases with the CRDBLU catalog numbers, Blu-ray discs with limited pressings and self distributed by CR, Directors' names in parenthesis and year the film was released.

01 CRDBLU001 -
02 CRDBLU002 - VOICES FROM BEYOND (Lucio Fulci) 1991 Limited to 1000
03 CRDBLU003 - THE NAIL GUN MASSACRE (Bill Leslie, Terry Lofton) 1985 Limited to 1000
04 CRDBLU004 - JUST BEFORE DAWN (Jeff Liberman) 1981 Limited to 3000
04 CRDBLU003 - SAVAGE STREETS (Danny Steinmann) 1984 Limited to 1000 Duplicated use of 04 for Blu-ray releases but full number printed on spine is CRDBLU003 which is also a reused number
05 CRDBLU00X - THE REDEEMER (Constantine S. Gochis) 1978 Limited to 1000 Catalog number printed is CRDBLU00X
06 CRDBLU006 -
07 CRDBLU007 -
08 CRDBLU008 -
09 CRDBLU009 -
10 CRDBLU010 -
11 CRDBLU011 - NEON MANIACS (Joseph Mangine) 1986 Limited to 1200
12 CRDBLU012 - MARY, MARY, BLOODY MARY (Juan Lopez Moctezuma) 1975 Limited to 1000"

I've edited the original text a bit btw, big thanks to Luis over at Latarnia for keeping this updated.
Actually The Redeemer has a fittingly weird catalog number.
Bill is seriously messing with my OCD.....Goddamnit, we haven't even got #1 yet, (Nightmare??)

Go on Biz....tease us with a few things you've heard.....
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Old 4th May 2014, 04:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Go on Biz....tease us with a few things you've heard.....
Well, there's the rumour that The Electric Chair will be spine no. 1... I'm convinced that this a little joke on Bill's part though. I think Spine 1 will be Nightmare.

Aside from that, there have been mentions of Messiah of Evil, and Unhinged (although it is unclear whether Unhinged will get a Blu release or just a DVD). He also mentioned perhaps releasing the upcoming Equalizer 2000 on Blu as well as DVD.

Bill also apparently has Screams of a Winter Night so we may end up seeing this on Blu too in the future perhaps.

A recent post by Bill also mentioned adding 7 new DVD releases to his store along with the Nightmare Blu, whenever that becomes available.
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Old 4th May 2014, 04:45 PM
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Oh,there's some good stuff coming...on dvd as usual,that's why I've been supporting CR for all these years.
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Old 4th May 2014, 04:59 PM
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Redeemer: Son of Satan DVD 1978 Region 1 US Import NTSC: Damien Knight, Jeannetta Arnette, Nick Carter, Nikki Barthen, Michael Hollingsworth, Gyr Patterson, T.G. Finkbinder, Christopher Flint, Jessica Bein, Richard Timmins, Rosa Arift,

I stuck a review for THE REDEEMER on marketplace ages back. It's the one i'm looking forward to!
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Old 4th May 2014, 08:00 PM
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Be advised there's a shipping backlog,so don't expect your order to ship next week (unless you're one of the lucky ones who ordered instantly).

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Last edited by bdc; 4th May 2014 at 08:15 PM.
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Old 5th May 2014, 09:09 PM
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People seem to really like Mary:

"Just finished watching Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary. Wow. I wasn't expecting it to even be noteworthy. But it was phenomenal. Very atmospheric and creepy. And the story was superb, love the giallo-esque approach to the copycat "killer". And the twist ending completely took me off guard. It was very classy and not at all what I was expecting. Seriously, I freakin loved it!

If you were on the fence and not sure about picking this one up, get it! It was amazing. Its not a cliche 70s Vampire movie. It takes the mythology in a different direction. She almost like a tortured soul that despises being a vampire and hates doing what she does but knows that she can only fight off her hunger for so long before she has to do something about it. Its a very nicely done flick. I enjoyed it the most out of the ones I've seen so far. (Only 2 left, The Redeemer and Savage Streets!)"

"Mary Mary Bloody Mary has been criminally overlooked; it was my most anticipated title from this batch - I can't stress enough how much people should check it out. Mary Mary Bloody Mary is a great horror film; the type that if people knew more about it they'd have been begging someone, anyone, to release it. I'm confused how some movies get elevated to cult status, but other good ones get overlooked."

"I was also really impressed by Mary, which I hadn't seen or had even been aware of previously. One of those moody, downbeat, and dreamily eerie films that the 70's specialized in. What made it most effective for me was that Mary remains surprisingly sympathetic throughout, despite her bloodlust. Certainly the 'best' film that Code Red has released on Blu-ray so far."

"Mary Mary, Bloody Mary should have been a horror classic by now. I'm shocked after reading up on just how under-the-radar it has flown. (Well, even I didn't know what it was until Code Red's blu-ray, and I'm not the only one ) It's practically flawless imo. Hopefully it gains some sort of following now that its in print." ( forums)
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Old 13th May 2014, 04:07 PM
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Ordered two from Diabolik and three from Bill and all five arrived today!! Result!
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Old 13th May 2014, 09:04 PM
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Just got my copy of Nail Gun Massacre on BD - and today i also got double disc of Holla if i kill you and Peter Rottentail... going to be an interesting evening.
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Old 13th May 2014, 10:07 PM
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Got my copy of Savage Streets from Bill today. He says on Facebook that's he'll be posting some bad news for international customers, due to customs/law/government (his words). I'm thinking he'll be stopping international sales permanently, maybe due to costs.

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