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Old 19th July 2015, 03:31 PM
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Koch will be releasing a german Special Edition of OPERA this year.
should be similar to their 4 FLIES release. I'll wait for that.

As for SAE, i dislike them more with every order. Last time they send me the wrong film and now i've been waiting almost 3 weeks for the latest order...
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Old 19th July 2015, 03:35 PM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
Those Joe D'Amato sex and horror hybrids are not amongst the greatest films you will ever see!
At least his BLACK EMANUELLE films were a bit more entertaining.
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Old 19th July 2015, 03:53 PM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
As far as I'm aware none of us are sulking, but we have every right to demonstrate our frustration with a label that often appears to do everything it can to make getting hold of their releases difficult. If you want to buy Mondo Macabro, Blue Underground, Vinegar Syndrome, Severin, or indeed releases from the majority of the other US-based genre labels, then you can do so quite easily. If only things were as simple with Code Red!
That's a fair reflection but look at it from CR's point of view for a minute. He sent out 75 boxes of films to UK buyers and had 26 of them "go missing" in the post. 26!! Really? I have had films delivered to my door from all over the world for the last 25 years and had 1 item not arrive in all that time but 26 go missing in one shipment? I call bullshit. Plain and simple.

Then, in that same shipment, 14 more people cancel their PayPal payment because their order hasn't arrived within 7 to 9 days! Again, really? So Bill is just meant to suck it all up and re-send all those orders again, maybe 100 odd DVD's and Blu Rays out of his own pocket for some lying thieving scumbags? If I had a company and a third of my orders to a specific country went missing, then I would stop posting there too. So would you. If people want to complain that CR don't post here any more then look no further than British collectors saying their stuff hasn't arrived.

I know Bill has a certain charm in his command of the English language and could put things better but if we condemn everyone for their lack of communication skills, then no one would say anything at all. Yes, he comes across as a dick and maybe he is in my opinion - and maybe in his opinion, I'm a dick too but opinions are like arseholes, we all got one and they all stink!

Steven Biro of Unearthed Films happily tells us that he is far more evolved and beyond us mere mortals because he took shit loads of acid, mushies and various other stimulants and watched the worst films on the planet which gave him contact with God and the Devil. They both were very impressed that Steve is far beyond any of us and almost a enlightened being walking the Earth, God is really impressed with him and thinks he's just the bee's knees. Now, it's my stinky ass opinion that he's a sad individual but that doesn't stop me from buying an Unearthed release. That's called cutting off your nose to spite your face.

It appears to me that people are very quick to rant and rave about what they consider a poor show. This is only okay if it is the BBFC you're ranting about.... I've read of folks complaining that 88 Films shouldn't put their schedules back and that Anthropophagus is not as good as it can be, they don't answer your very important email you sent yesterday, it took them a week to post your Indiegogo stuff, etc, etc. Well, they're two guys doing their best to put out the films that other companies are not and we should give them a bit of slack - I'm sure most of you agree.

Well Bill is a one man operation and he puts out films that I for one, want and it's obvious that a lot of others want them too otherwise no one would bitch and moan because they find them too difficult to bother looking for. I found over the last year it was quite easy to buy the Blus from CR through Diabolik and now SAE with zero stress at all. And guess what..? Not one package went missing!! I find it more difficult to get hold of Twilight Time or Camera Obscura than CR and surely as collectors you want to collect something that is not flooding the market and is difficult to get in the first place. That is what makes it collectable.

As far as I'm concerned Bill has done more to put out genre films to collectors than 99% of everyone on this forum put together, you can all correct me if I'm wrong by writing out the list of films you've all put out. You don't like him, fine, but really do we have to have some vile comment written every week? If so can we start a new thread, the "I hate Bill" thread and stop the comments on this one, which should be about the releases?

Meh.... just my opinion!!
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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Old 19th July 2015, 03:55 PM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
I don't think HOUSE would get an uncut release in this country. I believe that there is an Italian blu-ray release available though.
Yep and picture wise it's not bad but Italian language only with English subs. Very weird to hear a dubbed Hess!!
"Why did they have to go and cut her for?" "She could have been used two, maybe three more times!"
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Old 19th July 2015, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Meh.... just my opinion!!
Rather than repost your entire message which is a well written and very reasoned piece.

Wouldn't it be far easier if Bill actually sold his stuff via Amazon, Barnes and Noble or whoever? I tend to think that's the gripe most people have. You, as in people from the UK, can only buy from two sites if you are lucky.

It does sound like E*** scum have scalped him to get a copy for themselves and a copy to sell, i agree. I've never had a parcel not turn up from Stateside companies in the 17 years i've been dvd buying on the internet either. (Wish i could say the same about British deliveries though )

However if he actually put out products that the common or garden collector could easily purchase then this situation would never have arisen.
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Old 19th July 2015, 04:34 PM
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Yeah, I've never had anything disappear from any U.S. seller, but have had plenty go missing from UK sellers (ZFE from Arrow being one, which if you remember bothered me quite a bit ha ha).
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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 19th July 2015, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Yeah, I've never had anything disappear from any U.S. seller, but have had plenty go missing from UK sellers (ZFE from Arrow being one, which if you remember bothered me quite a bit ha ha).

You should have mentioned it.
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Old 19th July 2015, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Crimson Blade View Post
At least his BLACK EMANUELLE films were a bit more entertaining.
They certainly were! Mind you, the presence of Laura Gemser would improve any film I reckon!
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A bit of a cult...
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Old 19th July 2015, 10:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Rather than repost your entire message which is a well written and very reasoned piece.

Wouldn't it be far easier if Bill actually sold his stuff via Amazon, Barnes and Noble or whoever? I tend to think that's the gripe most people have. You, as in people from the UK, can only buy from two sites if you are lucky.

It does sound like E*** scum have scalped him to get a copy for themselves and a copy to sell, i agree. I've never had a parcel not turn up from Stateside companies in the 17 years i've been dvd buying on the internet either. (Wish i could say the same about British deliveries though )

However if he actually put out products that the common or garden collector could easily purchase then this situation would never have arisen.
I think that Dem has hit the nail on the head. Is it unreasonable to complain that getting hold of their titles is difficult? Is it unreasonable to expect to get hold of them from online retailers such as Amazon, just as you can with most other labels? And although he has every legal and moral right to run his business as he pleases, why did he stop supplying those of us who have never conned him?
A bit of a cult...
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Old 20th July 2015, 06:57 AM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
I think that Dem has hit the nail on the head. Is it unreasonable to complain that getting hold of their titles is difficult? Is it unreasonable to expect to get hold of them from online retailers such as Amazon, just as you can with most other labels? And although he has every legal and moral right to run his business as he pleases, why did he stop supplying those of us who have never conned him?
Is it unreasonable to send stuff tracked? Then when someone tries chargeback fraud they get egg on their face.

As some here know already, I flog stuff on-line and I've had numerous stuff disappear. I've even avoided shipping stuff below a certain value to America as I've had quite a bit go missing there...

Essentially when something I sell hits a certain value I just add tracking and signed for. I've still had chancers try and claim their money back. Fortunately Paypal and Amazon accept tracking numbers and each of these claims was found in my favour. Essentially this is part of the cost of doing business on-line. Most people can't see the people they are shafting so it becomes easier to do. Some even persist even when evidence if presented showing they are lying. Its aggravating but I suck it up and deal with it.

I have a friend who deals vinyl and stopped doing it on-line after losing a load of stock and money to collectors from Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands who routinely claimed goods were damaged/missing. He began logging details of these customers and cancelling orders when they tried to buy more but then he just got lots of terrible feedback

I'm sure that if CR and other labels jacked the prices up people would still complain, but it would be harder for the scumbags to get free stuff.

I love and continue to buy Bills stuff, but some of his attitude towards customers does cross over into the unprofessional. Thats why he needs someone to deal with that side of things on his behalf.
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