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Old 8th August 2013, 08:04 AM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
There are already other labels such as Raro , Camera Obscura, Koch media ect that consistently restore and release interesting titles.
Personally i like Italian cinema and there are a lot of classics that have not seen a release since the 80s
The irony here is that Raro are re-releasing Nightmare City too

I do agree that I prefer more unknown niche titles myself, but speaking as a film fan, Arrow's release schedule this year has excited me much more than the above companies you listed. Koch in particular are a funny one, as although they sometimes release some interesting titles, they also release a lot of mainstream stuff like The Bay, Moon, The Raid, Super etc. I guess titles like this are their 'bread and butter' which allows them to take a chance on some other more cult fare.

Camera Obscura have some fine releases (particularly their giallo titles), but they release about two titles a year, so are a very niche collector's label unlike Arrow, Scream Factory etc. which average around 2-3 titles a month.

Deals also play a big part. It's obvious that both Arrow and Scream Factory have deals with MGM, Fox and Universal amongst others and often receive a 'package of films' they can release, so why not release them - even if they've been released before.
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Old 8th August 2013, 08:30 AM
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**** me, de ja vu.
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Old 8th August 2013, 01:30 PM
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Texas chainsaw 2 has dropped to a reasonable price on amazon for those who don't want to pay straight away from arrow
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 2 Blu-ray: Dennis Hopper, Caroline Williams, Jim Siedow, Tobe Hooper: Film & TV

Fury still 19.99 but for anyone interested in TGM 2 I would place a preorder
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Old 8th August 2013, 11:20 PM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Exactly. Like I said before films like Foxy Brown, Squirm, The Car, Runaway Train or Django Prepare a Coffin also haven't had HD releases before. Releasing a film not seen since VHS would likely cost a hell of a lot more due to restoration and there's no assurance that it'd make a great deal of money back. There's likely to be a good chance the film's not been seen since VHS after all.

I'm so sick of people p--sing and moaning that companies never release anything new when all they mean is they haven't released anything that personally appeals to them. Two different things. As bizarre-eye says, they're a business and so making a profit is key. They don't owe anyone anything.
Quotes like the one above are exactly the problem that this forum has had and will always had in that if you dare to mildly criticise Arrow or Shameless for what i would class as valid reasons you get people going on the defensive to annoying levels.
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Old 8th August 2013, 11:36 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Why not take a chance on films which havent seen the light since VHS ?
Granted some of those titles are decent but some are dire as well.
They have to "play it safe" with titles that have been released before, and that have sold well, in order to be able to talke the chances on the more obscure stuff. Contrary to what people might think, only the latest blockbusters sell in huge numbers. Be lucky if some Arrow, and Shameless for that matter, sell a couple of hundred copies. They'll barely make a profit, if any. So they can't always go for stuff that hasn't seen a release since the days of vhs. It's just not feasible.
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Old 8th August 2013, 11:50 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
They have to "play it safe" with titles that have been released before, and that have sold well, in order to be able to talke the chances on the more obscure stuff. Contrary to what people might think, only the latest blockbusters sell in huge numbers. Be lucky if some Arrow, and Shameless for that matter, sell a couple of hundred copies. They'll barely make a profit, if any. So they can't always go for stuff that hasn't seen a release since the days of vhs. It's just not feasible.
I understand your reasoning however i just dont understand why people buy the same releases over and over again. I would urge anyone not to.
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Old 8th August 2013, 11:54 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
I understand your reasoning however i just dont understand why people buy the same releases over and over again. I would urge anyone not to.
For some people, like myself, they buy for different artwork and extras. For some, it's because they support a particular label, or collect everything to do with their favourite films.
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Old 9th August 2013, 12:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
For some people, like myself, they buy for different artwork and extras. For some, it's because they support a particular label, or collect everything to do with their favourite films.
I understand that. I just dont have that mindset.
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Old 9th August 2013, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
They have to "play it safe" with titles that have been released before, and that have sold well, in order to be able to talke the chances on the more obscure stuff. Contrary to what people might think, only the latest blockbusters sell in huge numbers. Be lucky if some Arrow, and Shameless for that matter, sell a couple of hundred copies. They'll barely make a profit, if any. So they can't always go for stuff that hasn't seen a release since the days of vhs. It's just not feasible.
Perfect example here, a couple of fans asked for a blu ray of Meridian from 88 Films, they replied by saying the DVD sold only 150 copies, so it would not be feasible.
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Old 9th August 2013, 01:01 AM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
Perfect example here, a couple of fans asked for a blu ray of Meridian from 88 Films, they replied by saying the DVD sold only 150 copies, so it would not be feasible.
That was me. I bought all 150 copies. i'll buy them all just so 88 will continue and release every single Full Moon film!
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