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Old 30th May 2020, 02:24 PM
Justin101's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Blue Underground have become a huge disappointment to me. I never even look at their stuff nowadays.

During the 00's they were the best label about. Released loads of films from nasties to classic and not so classic cult films. Then they just stopped with all new releases and have been churning the same stuff ever since.

It's as if they got their hands on a large cache of films to begin with and decided not to buy any after that.
They must have got really long term licenses when they continued where anchor Bay left off because it surprises me that other big name American distributors haven't taken over these films like ZFE etc... Someone like Shout!

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Old 30th May 2020, 02:29 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
They must have got really long term licenses when they continued where anchor Bay left off because it surprises me that other big name American distributors haven't taken over these films like ZFE etc... Someone like Shout!
I think they must have lost the release rights (or never had them) to some films such as Cut and Run and Q the Winger Serpent, for example.
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Old 30th May 2020, 02:46 PM
nosferatu42's Avatar
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i think Blue underground was founded by William Lustig who made Maniac so they probably don't have to worry about much expenditure rights wise with that one, so it's ideal one for the to constantly re-issue, the Fulci ones i guess are the ones that always make money due to people buying them over and over.
They seem to be just playing it safe, but it's a bit dull.

It's a shame as i've still got quite a few of their dvd's and they used to put out some great stuff.
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Old 30th May 2020, 04:28 PM
g053584398's Avatar
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I agree with some of the recent sentiments on this thread. It is a shame that so many films are given multiple releases over multiple formats whilst so many others haven't seen the light of day in the digital age.

Arrow have released some interesting stuff over the past few years, and I'm thankful for their releases of things such as Stray Cat Rock, Yakuza Law, Orgies of Edo, Wolf Guy, the Larraz set and American slasher films, but they also seem to be releasing more recent mainstream titles that I would't even buy in a sale. I'm thinking of the forthcoming release of Pitch Black as a good example. Could you imagine Vinegar Syndrome, Mondo Macabro, Powerhouse or Severin releasing Pitch Black?

When you think about just how many gialli, poliziotteschi and Italian horror films that were made in the '60s and '70s that haven't been given any kind of English-friendly digital format release, it seems to me that there is a very deep well from which to draw. I realise that the availability of existing masters or the cost of transferring from film elements and then restoration are significant hurdles, but I do wish that more of these films would see the light of day.
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Old 30th May 2020, 05:08 PM
TJ Doc's Avatar
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I'm very interested in that Pitch Black UHD, but I get the feeling I'll be waiting a long while for a decent sale price (cheapskate that I am).
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Old 30th May 2020, 05:26 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
There are literally stacks of movies released in US that have yet to make it over here that fit the Arrow bill. And even when there is no US release continental countries are often picking up choice titles ahead of Arrow. All I can think is that there are either rights issues or they are asking too much for the license.

What's a little concerning is that with Arrow entering the UHD market they might start milking their previous titles again instead of bringing to market the more obscure titles that have not had their chance on BR or in some instances never had a DVD release.

I wish Vinegar Syndrome would set up a UK arm...
I agree regarding these American companies setting up a UK wing or partner up with someone because I noticed that Kino Lober have announced Steel Justice, a film I wish got covered over here.

Not sure if Creepshow 2 needed another release?
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Old 30th May 2020, 07:02 PM
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Originally Posted by g053584398 View Post
I agree with some of the recent sentiments on this thread. It is a shame that so many films are given multiple releases over multiple formats whilst so many others haven't seen the light of day in the digital age.

Arrow have released some interesting stuff over the past few years, and I'm thankful for their releases of things such as Stray Cat Rock, Yakuza Law, Orgies of Edo, Wolf Guy, the Larraz set and American slasher films, but they also seem to be releasing more recent mainstream titles that I would't even buy in a sale. I'm thinking of the forthcoming release of Pitch Black as a good example. Could you imagine Vinegar Syndrome, Mondo Macabro, Powerhouse or Severin releasing Pitch Black?

When you think about just how many gialli, poliziotteschi and Italian horror films that were made in the '60s and '70s that haven't been given any kind of English-friendly digital format release, it seems to me that there is a very deep well from which to draw. I realise that the availability of existing masters or the cost of transferring from film elements and then restoration are significant hurdles, but I do wish that more of these films would see the light of day.
There is good stuff still coming from Arrow. I'm not on a total downer with them, but I agree with you. Only the tip of the iceberg has been explored in regard to international cult film and also there are around 500 independent American films listed in Nightmare USA, many of which, have never had a UK release on any format.
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Old 30th May 2020, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by nicholasrope View Post

Not sure if Creepshow 2 needed another release?
I needed a release of of Creepshow 2 as I missed out on the US release and I don't think the 88 release was up to snuff by some accounts. But, to be honest, I don't need a special edition for this one so I'll wait for a sale or a standard release.
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Old 30th May 2020, 07:44 PM
g053584398's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
I needed a release of of Creepshow 2 as I missed out on the US release and I don't think the 88 release was up to snuff by some accounts. But, to be honest, I don't need a special edition for this one so I'll wait for a sale or a standard release.
I thought that the 88 Films Blu-ray release of Creepshow 2 was pretty decent. The Arrow shows more visual information in the frame from what I've seen, but I seem to recall that the skin tones were far too red for my liking.
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Old 30th May 2020, 07:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
There is good stuff still coming from Arrow. I'm not on a total downer with them, but I agree with you. Only the tip of the iceberg has been explored in regard to international cult film and also there are around 500 independent American films listed in Nightmare USA, many of which, have never had a UK release on any format.
And most are realistically never going to get one. The problem is, with the best will in the world, these are going to be ultra-niche titles, and if brand new masters have to be created (and material tracked down in the first place) they're going to be unavoidably expensive to produce.

I've overseen plenty of projects where we knew from the start that they were probably going to lose money, but we went ahead anyway because we wanted to do it. And I'm hugely grateful to Arrow, Indicator or whoever for knowingly taking that risk - and am particularly thrilled when they get an unexpected hit out of something like, say, Hard to Be a God. Unexpected hits are always much more satisfying than longed-for ones!

Which is why any label worth its salt needs reliable cash cows that end up subsidising this stuff - licensing aside, I doubt something like The Wolf of Wall Street cost very much to produce as a perfectly good master should already exist for a 2013 film that's already had a BD release.

Sometimes these can be quite surprising - film buffs largely ignore the BFI's British Transport Films collections, but there's a reason why they've gone to fourteen double-disc volumes, multiple reissues and a best-of Blu-ray compilation. (In terms of still ongoing return on original investment, that catalogue was one of the best acquisitions the BFI ever made.)
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