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gag 10th September 2009 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Neil (Post 41109)
I bring you... JEHOVA HIMSELF!

He has a huge two-barrelled gun, each barrel the size of the Empire States Building (they look a bit small in the picture 'cause God's so huge, okay?).

One barrel shoots fire, the other shoots snot (that's right it wasn't rain that flooded the earth in Noah's time!)

And with them he lays waste to the world, including all seven-headed weirdos, unpopular Prime Ministers and 1980s action stars. Amen.

sorry your going to die , because my apron would reflect yor brightness shining back at you blinding you, so when you turned away from the brightness ill aim my chainsaw at you firing ball bearing like hugh heavy hailstones and while you to busy trying to avoid them while being blinded you wont be able see what im doing ill be throwing my meat cleavers at you giving you ballbearings and meat cleavers to avoid ill then take my mask of and throw it at you ...end of you

Kyle 10th September 2009 06:05 PM

well neil the only guy to battle you would be satan himself!

satan loves fire and as you can see his nipples drink snot(they love the stuff) so your weapons are useless.

and since you've been defeated he now has jehova to keep his balls nice and cool forever!! :woot:

iluvdvds@Cult Labs 11th September 2009 11:25 AM

Hi guys! :)

Once again ALL of these entries have been ABSOLUTLY BRILLIANT! They're just soo funny! I certainly wouldn't like to come across one of these guys down a dark alley (don't ask why I would be down a dark alley!). So, it's been, once again, incredibly hard to pick just THREE winners. But, it's gotta be done. Sooo, I've picked the three based purely on the most badasss and powerful character's you've guys have created :) What a bloody hard choice! :faint:

Ok, so in :first: place we have....

Bitchslicer!!! - Those pictures were just excellent!

In :second: is Vipco!!! - Funny and badassss!

And :third: place goes to Neil for the Snot-propelling Jehova picture! That is seriously badasss :laugh:

Well done to you three! Look out for this DVD popping through your letterboxes sooon. The third one was the hardest to decide, I just luved Reaper's Gordon Brown :pound: and Vince's Anne Widecome (the butt of all jokes - and a big butt at that) not to mention ALL the other entries! :pound:

Great work!

The new comp'll be up in a few moments - with yet another CRACKING PRIZE!!!!



vipco 11th September 2009 02:36 PM

Man am I pleased, Thankyou so very , very much,

This is a great prize and its a film that I was gonna add to my collection , so winning it has really made my day. (especially as funds are low this week)

Slicer, that was a well deserved win mate as thats an awesome critter, and well done Neil, by calling on our Lord you were truly rewarded my friend.

I feel honoured to come 2nd as the competition was so high.

Thanks again, Super prize.

gag 11th September 2009 02:39 PM

Well done to the winnners and better luck nxt time to me :mmph: the losers:ohwell:

HunterBFH 11th September 2009 03:24 PM

Well done you 3! :clap:

I knew I couldn't win that after all! I just wasn't that good! I will do much better than that next time! :nod:

Daemonia 11th September 2009 03:47 PM

2 Attachment(s)
I've resurrected James Ferman. The Ferman-Zombie-Man-Thing transports evrybody back to 1985 and slaps the VRA on you and you're all censored into oblivion.

I win! (Even if I am too late to win LOL) :rockon:


Seriously, though, well done to the winners. Well deserved, guys!

And...if you were in any doubt, Ferman is, in fact, the Tall Man. Have a look and compare....

HunterBFH 11th September 2009 04:29 PM

:pound: ..yeah that's him alright! I can see The Evil Ferman in that film! :happy:

Kyle 11th September 2009 05:24 PM

well done evryone it was a tough one this week, so thank you :woot:

The Reaper Man@Cult Labs 11th September 2009 09:27 PM

Congrats to all......:clap:

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