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Old 6th May 2012, 02:59 PM
iluvdvds@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Default Weekly Comp - Don't Torture A Duckling - 6 May 2012 - FINISHED

Howdy Hey!

Fancy building up and completing your Shameless collection? Well, here's a bit of help with this fun and very simple competition...


“My favourite of my own films” Lucio Fulci

In a small Italian village, pre-adolescent boys are turning up dead and evidence points to either the local witch (Florinda Bolkan), or a beautiful, bored, city girl (Barbara Bouchet) hiding out after a drug scandal...

From Lucio Fulci, the infamous director of The Beyond and The New York Ripper, comes this accomplished, stylish thriller in the Italian ‘giallo’ genre. Naturalistic settings, stunning make-up effects and inspired use of music lend a genuinely shocking intensity to a violent tale of tragedy, prejudice and murder, depicting a world in which injustice goes unpunished, moral values are a sham, and innocence is destroyed. Don't Torture a Duckling is also a stinging attack on the Italian Establishment which allegedly resulted in Lucio Fulci being blacklisted for many years.

A strong story full of challenging moral concepts, Don't Torture a Duckling is as brutal and disturbing as Lucio Fulci's horror films, but it's also his most powerful and morally focussed work, and a magnificent high point in his long and distinguished career.

This Shameless Fan Edition comes complete with a whole host of extras including...
  • English & optional Italian Audio & English Subtitles
  • Booklet inside adapted by Stephen Thrower from his definitive book BEYOND TERROR
  • Italian Theatrical Trailer
  • Shameless Trailer park
  • Reversible Sleeve which looks like this...

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Anyone here seen The Avengers yet? (If not, go check it out - its a lot of fun). I saw it last night and it inspired me with this competition, although it's a little more like AVP! This is how it'll work...

I'll start of the comp with a character, which will be

Freddy Krueger

Now the next person simply has to come up with a character (from a film) that could kill my character in a fight and how. Any film, any character/creature. And forget the whole 'immortal' thing.

Then the next person comes up with a even more bad-ass character that would destroy the previous character and how. So on and so forth.

The idea of this game is to have some fun and be creative. As it goes along, the characters should get more and more ridiculous. You can of course modify your character - so ET who can shoot lasers from his fingers for instance. By the end of the competition we should have quite an array of progressivly weirder and WTF-inducing creations.

Each and every post made will be put into a random draw. As such, the more characters you add to this thread over the week, the more chance you'll have of winning.

Competition ends on Sunday (13th), anyone and everyone from anywhere and everywhere in the world can enter. Three copies of Shameless' Don't Torture A Duckling will be up for grabs!

So get to it, have fun, be silly and don't hold back!

Come on, who wants to take on

Freddy Krueger?

Good luck all!

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Old 6th May 2012, 03:10 PM
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John Triton (Jon-Mikl Thor / Rock'n'Roll Nightmare) would use scissor-boy's fingers to cut his awesome bangs and then swing his fists so hard at pizzaface that Freddy will be back in hell while John is already playing a heavy angelic bass solo in nothing but his iron underpants! And the chicks dig it!
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Old 6th May 2012, 03:24 PM
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Whilst in the middle of that bass solo, the audience and then John himself become confused as the sound of a chainsaw buzzes louder and louder, eventually drowning out the pounding rhythms. The blade appears between his legs and moves swiftly upwards, slicing through the family jewels and the guitar itself. As his body slumps to the floor, half to the left, half to the right, Ash steps forwards, triumphant. "Groovy".
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Old 6th May 2012, 03:27 PM
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Chuck Norris, he would use a single round house to the face, causing iriversable cranial damage. Ash is unable to create any more whity one liners and dissintergrates, purpoise in life no longer exisitng.
All future revials are defieted by default. :P
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Old 6th May 2012, 03:38 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Only God could defeat Chuck Norris. Hawkmonger ends the game.

Game over.
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Old 6th May 2012, 04:09 PM
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Well, I'm not too sure how to reply to this, does this mean my character has to fight God or Chuck Norris?

Well, I have a character that beats them both: LEMMY from MOTORHEAD. He was in the 4th Toxic Avenger film so sod you all hahaha!

God: Lemmy IS God, case closed. Clearly the God mentioned above is an imposter and no challenge for Lemmy - a simple fart would suffice to blow him into the stratosphere.

Chuck Norris: Lemmy ties him to Filthy Phil's drumkit and places his Marshall stacks all around him at full volume as they rip into a 68 minute version of "Overkill", causing Norris to spontaneously combust.

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Old 6th May 2012, 04:13 PM
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As the ashes of Norris (holly ash, one might say) add to the mound of Bruce-de-pile, Lemmy gloats in his typical, nauseating manner (meh, he's troma).
From the west though, rise's a new threat.....Sly-lip-syndrome!

Try beating a virus, fool!
Sent from my freezer with the power of will and a bit of crack.
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Old 6th May 2012, 04:28 PM
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The Chatterer Cenobite from Hellraiser has no lips!! SLY'S SOUL HAS BEEN TORN APAAAAAAAAARRRRT!!!


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Old 6th May 2012, 05:23 PM
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Tallahassee (Zombieland) erupts through the gateway to hell in search of his ever elusive tweeky bar. He put's two of the best through Chatterer Cenobite and sit's down to a cigerete well done.
Sent from my freezer with the power of will and a bit of crack.
My Deviantart page- For 2000AD and anime fan art with a pinch of nature.

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Old 6th May 2012, 05:34 PM
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At this point, Bela Lugosi turns up dressed as Dracula and reminds him, in heavily accented English, that he was in "Play It To The Bone", at which point, Tallahassee shoots himself in shame.

VEEKTOREEEEEE!!! Screams Bela!
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^Click for Primitive Doom Metal
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