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Poll: Who's your favourite Doctor?
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Old 13th July 2019, 11:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Doctor Who will battle Cybermen once again in 'darker and scarier' new series | Daily Mirror

"Doctor Who will battle old villains the Cybermen in a plot that is the stuff of classic horror.

Jodie Whittaker’s Time Lord clashes with them in the 19th century in a “darker” new series out next year.

And the plot involves the part-human, part-machine monsters inspiring author Mary Shelley to write iconic horror novel Frankenstein.

A source said: “This new run is much scarier than Jodie’s first year and will *definitely put the frighteners on fans. Things are about to get darker for the Doctor.”

The Cybermen have not been seen since they shot Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor in 2017, causing him to regenerate as Whittaker. They first appeared alongside original Time Lord William Hartnell in 1966."
it does sound good.

If it's going to feature Shelley then hopefully Byron and Polidori as well. Frankenstein wasn't simply concocted by Shelley on her own was it BBC? Villa Diodati and all that.

Plus it's not known how much of the novel was actually written by Percy Shelley either.

Given the current state of the show. I'd expect the episode to give us severe whiplash by going from gothic horror to primary school history lesson in a fraction of a second.

The Doctor- Awwwwwww, I love Mary Shelley me. She was brilliant. She dared to write at a time when women were expected to be seen and not heard, and yet her stories have inspired millions throughout the centuries and shown little girls all over the universe that they too can do anything they set their mind to. She's my hero!

Yaz- She did all that?

The Doctor - Yep!

Graham - One heck of a woman!

Ryan - Yeah. Awesome.
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Old 13th July 2019, 11:59 AM
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Default Image of the Day # 98

A portrait of Harry Sullivan (Ian Marter) by dvd artist Lee Binding from The Sontaran Experiment (1975)

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Old 13th July 2019, 09:25 PM
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How apt as I hath just revisited The Ark In Space . I always enjoyed the novelisation of this story. Our intrepid trio end up on the wrong end of the stick when they land in a space station. Decent enough if in a forgiving mood cough.

Also watched Dragonfire
Women. You get rid of one ... and she lumbers you with another .
The Doctor gets a chilly reception when he comes up against a right bleeding nutcase with a penchant for keeping it cool . There's quite a lot here that needs "losing" tbh. People say Timeflight is shit, but they had run out of money etc etc. This is too brightly lit (I know ...) and is just very slight. Monster cute though (awwww). Ahem. Next!

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Old 13th July 2019, 09:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Demoncrat View Post
How apt as I hath just revisited The Ark In Space . I always enjoyed the novelisation of this story. Our intrepid trio end up on the wrong end of the stick when they land in a space station. Decent enough if in a forgiving mood cough.

Also watched Dragonfire
Women. You get rid of one ... and she lumbers you with another .
The Doctor gets a chilly reception when he comes up against a right bleeding nutcase with a penchant for keeping it cool . There's quite a lot here that needs "losing" tbh. People say Timeflight is shit, but they had run out of money etc etc. This is too brightly lit (I know ...) and is just very slight. Monster cute though (awwww). Ahem. Next!
When i saw Dragonfire on Transmission i thought it easily the best story of the season.

It isn't. Delta and the Bannermen blows it out the water and parts of Time and the Rani and Paradise Towers are better than it as well.
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Old 13th July 2019, 09:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Doctor Who will battle Cybermen once again in 'darker and scarier' new series | Daily Mirror

"Doctor Who will battle old villains the Cybermen in a plot that is the stuff of classic horror.

Jodie Whittaker’s Time Lord clashes with them in the 19th century in a “darker” new series out next year.

And the plot involves the part-human, part-machine monsters inspiring author Mary Shelley to write iconic horror novel Frankenstein.

A source said: “This new run is much scarier than Jodie’s first year and will *definitely put the frighteners on fans. Things are about to get darker for the Doctor.”

The Cybermen have not been seen since they shot Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor in 2017, causing him to regenerate as Whittaker. They first appeared alongside original Time Lord William Hartnell in 1966."
It's not going to take a lot to make it darker and scarier than season 11, seen episodes of Scooby Doo which are more scary.
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Old 13th July 2019, 09:54 PM
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Originally Posted by trebor8273 View Post
It's not going to take a lot to make it darker and scarier than season 11, seen episodes of Scooby Doo which are more scary.
There was no threat whatsoever in season 11. None at all.
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Old 13th July 2019, 11:15 PM
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Ach, you can go back further than that imho. People died horribly in Dragonfire. Horribly horribly in fact . So until I've seen her fully (soon, tralalala not listening ) I reserves the judgement.

Watching The Sontaran Experiment . Nipping down to Earth after the conclusion to Ark, our triumvirate face an old enemy in amongst the bracken. Love Harry's duffle coat. Styre is nobody's butler .
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Old 14th July 2019, 05:00 AM
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Doctor Who over the years: Episode quotes
Dragonfire – Part 1
The Doctor: Ah, two of your best strawberry milkshakes, if you please.
Anderson: Certainly, sir.
Glitz: There must be some mistake in the reckoning.
Ace: The mistake's in your wallet, not my arithmetic.
Glitz: Do you take Asteroid Express?
The Doctor: Glitz!
Mel: Glitz!
(Ace takes the credit card and goes to the bar as the Doctor and Mel join Glitz at his table.)
Glitz: What? No, never heard of him.
Mel: It's us, Mel and the Doctor. You haven't forgotten us, have you, Glitz?
Glitz: Shush. Keep your voice down. No, of course I haven't forgotten you. Mel, and the Doc. Here, you're not the Doctor.
The Doctor: I've regenerated. The difference is purely perceptual.
Glitz: Here, you couldn't do us a favour, could you? You see, I'm in a spot of bother.
(Ace brings the Doctor and Mel's drinks.)
The Doctor: What's this, Glitz? Not another one of your dodgy deals backfired?
Glitz: No, no, nothing like that, straight up. Fact is, I'm on a mission of highly philanthropic nature.
Mel: What's that?
Glitz: It means it's beneficial to mankind.
Mel: We know what philanthropic means. What's the mission?
Glitz: I have been entrusted to deliver certain secret documents which nefarious unnamed parties would stop at nothing to grasp within their own grubby digits.
The Doctor: You mean
Mel: They'd kill you.
(Three of Kane's white clad mercenaries. Belazs touches Glitz' shoulder.)
Belazs: Sabalom Glitz, we've been looking for you.
Mel: Leave him alone. If you kill him, you kill us too.
The Doctor: Er, steady on there, Mel.
Belazs: What are you talking about?
Mel: Oh, he's told us everything, about how you tried to stop him delivering secret documents
Glitz: Shush.
Belazs: Becoming quite a story-teller, aren't we, Glitz? I'm afraid you also seem to be a victim of Mister Glitz's cavalier attitude toward facts.
Dragonfire – Part 2
The Doctor: These types never have any sense of fair play.
Glitz: Exactly. Which is why I've come to the conclusion that play it by the rules is a mug's game. I have decided to hijack the Nosferatu. Which is where you come in, Doctor.
The Doctor: Ah, hang on there a minute, Glitz. I'm engaged in a project of scientific curiosity. I mean, that dragon, or whatever it may turn out to be, could be an undiscovered species.
Glitz: Look, I'll do you a good deal. You help me get the Nosferatu back, and I'll give you the treasure map so's you and Mel can go looking for this dragon. I can't say fairer than that, can I?
The Doctor: You have me there, Glitz. Without the map, I'll never find the creature.
Glitz: You're a man of insight and logic, Doctor.
Dragonfire – Part 3
Mel: Well, I suppose it's time.
The Doctor: Time? Funny old business, time. It delights in frustrating your plans. All Kane's bitterness and hatred thwarted by a quirk of time.
Mel: No, I meant I suppose it's time I should be going.
The Doctor: Oh.
Mel: Time that I left.
The Doctor: Yes, well, you could be right. Time for you to go.
(The Doctor becomes very interested in the console.)
Mel: Before I go, I
The Doctor: Funny old business, time.
Mel: Doctor.
The Doctor: Well, if you must go.
Mel: Before I go I'd like to say
The Doctor: There's no point, Mel. No point hanging around wasting time.
Mel: No, I'm not going until I've said my piece. I just want to say that
The Doctor: There's no time, Mel.
Mel: Oh, all right, you win.
The Doctor: I do. I usually do.
Mel: I'm going now.
The Doctor: That's right, yes, you're going. Been gone for ages. Already gone, still here, just arrived, haven't even met you yet. It all depends on who you are and how you look at it. Strange business, time.
Mel: Goodbye, Doctor.
The Doctor: I'm sorry, Mel. Think about me when you're living your life one day after another, all in a neat pattern. Think about the homeless traveller and his old police box, with his days like crazy paving.
Mel: Who said anything about home? I've got much more crazy things to do yet.
(They hug. Glitz enters with Ace.)
Glitz: Well, we've officially renamed my new spacecraft the Nosferatu Two, just cracked a bottle of ye old carbonated fruit alcohol over the bows and next stop sunny Perivale, eh, sprog?
Ace: Suppose so.
Mel: Have you got room for another one?
Glitz: Are you Perivale bound as well?
Mel: Well, I was thinking of going a bit further.
Glitz: How much further?
Mel: How much further are you going?
Glitz: Hang on half a millisecond.
The Doctor: Excellent. Yes, Mel can keep you out of trouble, Glitz.
Mel: And that means no more dodgy deals.
Glitz: Thanks a billion, Doctor.
The Doctor: Glitz.
Mel: Ace doesn't have anywhere to go.
The Doctor: Nonsense. An idyllic place, Perivale. It's got lush green fields and a village blacksmith, and
Mel: Doctor, she comes from the twentieth century.
The Doctor: Oh.
Glitz: Come on, Mel. Extract your digit.
Mel: I'll send you a postcard.
The Doctor: But I don't have an address.
Mel: Oh, I'll put it in a bottle and throw it into space. It'll reach you, in time.
(Glitz and Mel leave.)
The Doctor: Ace, where do you think you're going?
Ace: Perivale.
The Doctor: Ah yes, but by which route? The direct route with Glitz, or the scenic route? Well? Do you fancy a quick trip round the twelve galaxies and then back to Perivale in time for tea?
Ace: Ace!
The Doctor: But there are three rules. One, I'm in charge.
Ace: Whatever you say, Professor.
The Doctor: Two, I'm not the Professor, I'm the Doctor.
Ace: Whatever you want.
The Doctor: And the third. Well, I'll think up the third by the time we get back to Perivale.
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Old 14th July 2019, 09:00 AM
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Watching The Curse Of Fenric. Tis the "movie" version on the second disc. Liking so far ...
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Old 14th July 2019, 01:29 PM
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Default Image of the Day # 99

The Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison)

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