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bdc 16th January 2011 11:09 AM

Shameless Trailer Park
Noticed some of the older trailers don't look so hot (especially NY Ripper)...maybe a good idea to put some effort into those for future releases?

Also I would love it when there would be an option to "play all". ;)

BioZombie 16th January 2011 08:27 PM

Would it be possible on Shamless blu ray to have a special feature that let's you choose you're own shamelss trailer pack (ie 2 or three different trailers), that will play before the main feature?

Eurosleaze 16th January 2011 10:44 PM

Shameless could probably fairly easily release a budget disc compiled solely of trailers for their releases? It would probably end up being feature-length surely, if you think that there's about 30 films in the Shameless range and each trailer is, I don't know, about 2-3 minutes long each? Set it up with a little introduction by some horror oracle and you're done. :)

bdc 30th January 2011 10:52 AM

Any news on this? ;)

Sarah@Cult Labs 11th February 2011 10:15 AM

Sorry bdc, I must've missed this. At the moment I don't think Shameless have any further plans for their trailers but I will pass this on to them!

bdc 11th February 2011 07:19 PM

No problem Sarah. ;)
I guess they will at least include a new New York Ripper trailer...

Tell them building a better trailer park makes good business sense. :lol:

bdc 12th June 2011 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by bdc (Post 122247)
Noticed some of the older trailers don't look so hot (especially NY Ripper)...maybe a good idea to put some effort into those for future releases?

Also I would love it when there would be an option to "play all". ;)

Since Strange Vice still had the old trailer park I'm left wondering if Shameless are going to be updating it? ;)

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