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SharonLynette 28th September 2013 11:18 PM

Having re-watched Moone Boy recently and enjoyed it even more the second time round I'm really looking forward to the second series. Other than that my TV watching skills have been non-existent apart from watching Adam Adamant Lives! on dvd.

Demdike@Cult Labs 29th September 2013 12:39 PM

I thought Atlantis was an entertaining romp. Funny, action packed and likable characters.

Very much in the vein of Merlin though so if you didn't like that then you probably should avoid it.

Looking forward to seeing Medusa in the next episode.

Zann 29th September 2013 06:35 PM

Started watching Hannibal. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliantly casted.

SCM 30th September 2013 10:00 AM

nearly finished season 1 of Dexter

J Harker 30th September 2013 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Zann (Post 368944)
Started watching Hannibal. Mads Mikkelsen is brilliantly casted.

Only seen the first episode but I liked it. Better than I was anticipating.

Rik 30th September 2013 10:23 PM

Just finished watching the first 4 episodes of The X Files, forgot how much I enjoyed this show back in the mid 90's. Because it's been that long since I watched it and the fact I can't remember how many seasons I watched, it's kinda like watching for the first time.
I've always known the influence Kolchak:The Night Stalker had on it, but having recently watched that show again, it's blatantly obvious now. Fantastic stuff :pop2:

gag 5th October 2013 07:35 PM

I've got bates motel on series link but missed first episode, what's best site for me to watch it online ?


SharonLynette 5th October 2013 07:57 PM

The only new TV I've been watching is Wentworth Prison. Other than that it has been dvds, Adam Adamant Lives!, Tales from the Crypt, Alfred Hitchcock Presents oh and repeat watching of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia via Netflix and Reno 911! via Lovefilm.

Stephen@Cult Labs 5th October 2013 08:05 PM

Since Wenesday, I've watched the first 2 seasons of Homeland and the first episode of season 3. Fantastic series. Claire Danes, Damian Lewis and Mandy Patinkin really carry the show, especially Danes. Although, after 25 episodes in 4 days, her character is beginning to grate on me. Yeah, she's supposed to be crazy (well, bipolar), but there's only so much you can take of someone looking as if they're going to burst into tears every 2 minutes (which she often does), before you want to give her a good slap and tell her to pull herself together. Apart from that, brilliant show! :lol:

mercury 10th October 2013 08:58 PM

Having limited access to tv at the moment, but when I do I have found myself glued to murder she wrote on stv. Forgot how much I enjoyed this.

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