lfulci | 23rd August 2013 01:40 PM | Quote:
Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE
(Post 359937)
I think Shameless really need to re-think what their about as a company, I thought they were supposed to be Euro especially Italian exploitation? Viva is fine, but it ain't Shameless. | thar's it. No item for me this time. Who does the directress :) think she is? A mixture of Doris Wichman and Riss Meyer? This flick ist bad, imo, really bad. Not even the fact that it is supposed to be trash makes it better. There are examples like the film "Pervert" that it is possible to recreate the "Meyer-atmosphere" in 21st century movies. But this one is :doh::doh::doh:
Again the question: Why are they doing this? With Amsterdamned they have already left their line and now again. There are hundreds of thousends of real 70ies (s)expolitation films that haven't seen any decent release yet. :confused::confused: .
It reminds me a little of the Ricco the Mean Machine, only this film IS from the seventies ;)
Its a real pitty that shameless came to release such flicks, as it appers that I nealy have collected all their releases apart fom the animal-horror stuff and films I already had in other editions. I don't know what happend, but there must be something, as realeasing one DVD during a year isn't that much and poorly little considered to past years when one release came so quck after the other hardly that I had bought the earlier one |