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Old 27th February 2020, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by Gothmogxx View Post
I've long since said that if these films came out in the 80's, then they would have been monster sized hits akin to the original Friday the 13th and its sequels. But regardless of when they came out, I'm just glad we have them around.

I'm glad we are apparently getting two more of them. Following that, maybe they could go the crossover route? Jason vs Victor? Kane Hodder plays Victor, Derek Mears plays Jason? I really don't like the idea of anyone else playing Victor as Kane just makes that role (he gets asked more about Victor at conventions than Jason now he claims). But he is 64 years old, so they would have to make them within a decade or so before stopping. I wish they'd go on forever like Friday the 13th does (I mean they could remake it but meh) but if they can get a couple more out and a potential crossover, I'm happy. I thought we were getting nothing more after Hatchet 3, so really anything by this point, including Hatchet 4, is a bonus.
Well said but would a cross over actually work, Freddy vs Jason got the big hype and ok maybe I got a little excited and well nuff said, Kane Hodder made Victor a icon only he can do it
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Old 27th February 2020, 10:20 PM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
Well said but would a cross over actually work, Freddy vs Jason got the big hype and ok maybe I got a little excited and well nuff said, Kane Hodder made Victor a icon only he can do it
Freddy vs Jason is a really good film, the last good film featuring both icons since 2004 I'd say. But it does have problems. The main character states something like "Jason is afraid of water and Freddy fire, how can we use that?"
Wrong Jason hides in water in Parts 4 and 7, walks into water in Part 6 to get Tommy and legit travels all the way to New York underwater in Part 8 (or perhaps he just teleported to New York, given how often he does that in the movie XD)! How did they screw that up? Same goes for Freddy: he never shows any real fear towards fire. Sure he reacts badly when he gets set on fire at the end of the Original (but I mean who wouldn't?!?) but it doesn't exactly inconvenience him. He's strong enough to make it all the way upstairs and strangle Nancy's mum. He's also surrounded by fire in several other sequels. So why this absurd thing with them having fears? That's my major gripe: the rest of the movie is amazing for what it is. The fight scenes had 11 year old me completely sold back in 2009.

Victor vs Jason could work if done right. Of that I'm certain. Especially if they got Adam Green as director with Joe Lynch as co-writer/producer. Imagine the possibilities...
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Old 27th February 2020, 11:10 PM
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I doubt there would be a crossover or versus film between Jason and Victor purely because one is an extremely famous big screen horror icon and the other isn't.

Maybe Victor vs the Creeper or Jason vs Ash but i doubt Jason would go up against a DTV monster. The studio would want a big spectacle film.
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Old 27th February 2020, 11:22 PM
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One i could imagine would be the on the run members of the Firefly family holing up in the swamps outside new Orleans then discovering they aren't alone.
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