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Old 15th September 2014, 01:07 PM
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Originally Posted by gag View Post
All them in my Opinion

Planet of the apes ..Terrible

Alice in Wonderland not very good but watchable.

Willie wonka and the choclate factory ..

sweeney todd would have been ok if pratically every word wasnt sung.
ST was based on a opera no?? I liked it btw. Burton seems to have lost it imo. Did like Dark Shadows (though ending rushed I felt) but tis another remake....etc. Labyrinth? Hadn't heard that. Had heard about Phibes etc. Ah, the internet.

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Old 19th September 2014, 01:54 PM
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Are the film industry really that stuck for ideas ?

Ben Hur ???

The original Ben-Hur set records at the time for its Oscar wins, the cost of production (£10 million) and the most extras used in one scene - 15,000 alone in the chariot race sequence. Its weirdest accolade is probably that it's only the Hollywood religious movie to make the Vatican approved films list.

I know what you did last summer

We get the horror movie market is particularly saturated, but there still be an original plot out there, right?

Not according to Sony who are remaking 90s flick I Know What You Did Last Summer about a group of teens covering up a hit-and-run and a killer with a fish-hook bent on revenge. With its initial appeal so heavily tied up with the 90s fashion and the beautiful quartet of Jennifer Love Hewitt, Freddie Prinze Jr, Sarah Michelle Gellar and Ryan Phillippe, we’re not sure how a new version could improve on the old one.

Few others as well ive seen floating around on the net

An American Werewolf in London (

Death Note (????)



It might not have been a box office hit (just $13 million) but it became a bit of a cult hit for many 80s kids. So much so that a new version is being planned, with Russell Brand ????? REALY thats one way off ruining a film before its even started

The 80s kids film about the worst parent ever is apparently getting an unnecessary update. Sadly, Rick Moranis won't be hanging around for a cameo as he's retired. Well, we could see how 3D might

Time Bandits

Finally living up to it's misleading title, it looks as if the story may never end with word that a remake is heading to us by 2014. Leonardo DiCaprio's production company was sniffing around it and word suggests that it will be a more "nuanced" take on the original novel.


Police Academy

After the seventh film proved almost too painful to bear, it seemed as if the franchise was dead. But one of the original producers is bringing it back, whether we like it or not. Predictably, there'll be a new, younger class of recruits. Fingers crossed for a Guttenberg cameo.

Creature from the Black Lagoon

Death Wish

Escape from New York

Westworld This is about the only remake in this list that apeals to me

The David Cronenberg classic isn't really calling out for a remake, but then that's never really proved a sticking point for Hollywood before. The re-do will be written by Ehren Kruger, he of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen infamy and will probably be renamed Blu-raydrome or something.

So Bill and Ted are being rebooted. As two high schoolers who meet figures like Gandhi and form a band called Atomic Gorillas. Oh and one of them might be played by Justin Bieber. Man,
NOT SURE WHATS WORSE any film with Justine Bieber or Russel Brand
?????????? god they know how to ruin a film or make a flop without even trying

As his brother works on an Alien sort-of-sequel and a follow-up to Blade Runner, Tony Scott has decided to risk alienation from the human race by remaking this classic western. It's being written by Brian Helgeland, currently on a losing streak with Robin Hood, Green Zone and The Vampire's Assistant.

The film that caused many tearful, sleepless nights (what, just us?), the Stephen King adaptation haunted many a sleepover. The screenplay has been entrusted to the guy who penned the most recent Body Snatchers remake (not wise) and is apparently going to be grimmer than the original. We'll see.

Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

Pet Semetary

The Town That Dreaded Sundown (2014) Mind you ive heard good things about this one

Toxic Avenger sorry i laughed so heard when i read this Arnold Schwarzenegger may be lining up a part in a remake of the 1984 cult flick The Toxic Avenger.


Warriors Ill been very interested to see how this cult classic fantastic film will pan out Tony Scott if you were to do a remake of an action packed cult-classic, he’s definitely the guy to go to

Black hole


Jacobs ladder

Raid Want it or not, The Raid remake is coming, and Red Hill‘s Patrick Hughes has just been confirmed as its director.

Logans run

Battle royal

Day of the dead


Escape From New York" (1981)

John Carpenter's B-movie mini-classic followed the adventures of professional anti-hero Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell) as he infiltrated the maximum security prison that is future NYC (well, if you count 1997 as the future) to rescue the President of the United States. Hollywood's been trying to get this remake off the ground and over the wall for years, with everyone from Gerard Butler to Tom Hardy to Jason Statham rumored for the role of Plissken ("Call me Snake...").

he Naked Gun: From the Files of Police Squad!" (1988)

It's going to be hard to fill the shoes of the amazing Leslie Nielsen in his role as bumbling detective Lt. Frank Drebin but "The Hangover" star Ed Helms is going to give it a try in the reboot, which was announced in December. The script is being written by Thomas Lennon and R. Ben Garant, who are probably best known for their work on the "Night at the Museum" and "Reno 911" series.

. "Scarface" (1983)

It's a classic for all the wrong reasons, but "Scarface" remains one of the most groundbreaking crime dramas of all time, a grand opera of excess from director Brian De Palma and star Al Pacino. As of summer 2013, David Yates (director of the entire second half of the "Harry Potter" series) was in talks to direct the reimagining that's rumored to deal with Mexican drug cartels. Yates has since signed on for "Tarzan," so don't expect any movement on this one for a while.
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:07 PM
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Forgot this was being released in July this year. I'm shocked, disgusted and throwing up a little in my mouth, knowing they actually went through with this. Shame on everyone involved.

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Old 29th January 2015, 10:15 PM
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I've never even seen the original.
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:24 PM
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TBH 80% of USA content these days is churned out garbage remakes it is sad on all levels if nothing else that nobody can do something original.

With the exception of The fly (1986) I am yet to see a sequel (in my eyes) smash the original out of the water

The Thing despite it's critics is a close contender & 2010's the crazies was surprisingly good.

but remakes of Sorority row,prom night,evil dead etc fall flat on their faces.

remaking films like poltergeist is a dangerous & foolish move.
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:27 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I've never even seen the original.

If I find out you've seen the remake first, If I ever meet you, you get a slap!
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:27 PM
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I want to see Ron Howard tackle Visitor Q.
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
If I find out you've seen the remake first, If I ever meet you, you get a slap!
I think I'd be slapping myself if I were to watch the remake!
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by MacBlayne View Post
I want to see Ron Howard tackle Visitor Q.
I'd rather see Miike remake Splash.
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Old 29th January 2015, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I've never even seen the original.
You should give it a go B_E.

It's a very good action film.
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