A halloween vhs massacre
Posted 1st November 2009 at 07:27 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Last night I screened the Argento cut of Dawn of the Dead to a rapturous and occasionally confused audience of Halloween freaks in the achingly hip Buffalo Bar, Cardiff.
Rapturous because it's Dawn of the Dead, it's Halloween and nothing gets a crowd in the mood for all night dancing like gut munching Zombies in an abandoned shopping centre.
Confusion because most of the people were familiar with the film and the alternate cut through a couple of the punters. I think the wobbly ambient bubbles of synth and the throbbing analogue bass tones that dominate scenes that originally played without music plus the whippet fast action editing threw some people.
This actually turned out to be a really great event on a personal level. Me and Dominque Zombied up for the night, i maintained my hallowed position as the resident freak and LURK ON FILM, a guy I randomly chatted to in a cafe who turned out to be a genius VJ and exploitation film freak turned out the exclusive music video your about to watch. We showed this unannounced before the main feature and it went down a storm.
So here it is for all you good people who couldn't make it...
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