Dreaming of Screaming
Posted 23rd April 2009 at 02:41 PM by Sam@Cult Labs
Dreaming of Screaming
Sam@Shameless writes...
"My friend's Lee & Tuesday Burgess along with John Ninnis have made a movie. Hopefully I can persuade them to post regularly on Cult Labs, as they're always busy with some weird movie or other, but until then, here's Lee's piece on their project..."
"Well hello all perverted gore fans.
I have been asked to write a few words on the debut feature from Lee Burgess, John Ninnis and Tuesday Burgess, Dreaming of Screaming.
This cheap nasty epic came about after we as a group found that we had 3 short scripts, Dead Dad, Looking Good and Lady Blood which were linked by themes of blood, horror and darkness. By joining the stories and adding a simple narrative plot to link them we soon had a feature length screenplay. We were two blokes with one DV camera and a lot of ideas, it was a case of do or die. We needed to be brave as our film had things that horror films of today seem to shy away from because of the PC brigade. Things such as full frontal nudity, slow gratuitous violence, and mutilation have now been replaced by CGI and corny gimmicks that to our minds really are not all that disturbing or entertaining. Some people may be offended by some of the things we have decided to do, but we feel if you are going to do something, do it properly.
Two years on and we are now in the process of a complex edit as we fit all the footage together. Our aim for the film is to use the footage as an homage to the sick euro-trash horror of the 1970’s. We have been influenced by the erotic vampire tales of Jean Rollin, the ultra grim zombie epics of Lucio Fulci and the general feel of cheap but effective horror held by the films of that time. However, we never wanted to make a “Grindhouse” type of project, we have not tried to pretend we have shot on film and the quality of our images and sound (we used an onboard cam mic) is by most standards very low, but that’s great, it is what we planned. So far we have edited about an hour’s worth of footage and we are very pleased with the outcome.
Here's Lee (foreground), looking chilly on location
Our cast and crew (Not many crew) have blown us away with their dedication to the original idea and touched by the foul little beings who have helped us with such an epic task.
Here is a link to our Facebook group where you will find stills from the shoot. We hope you enjoy!
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