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Old 25th July 2022, 02:25 PM
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Started game of thrones but now Im just think of stopping not because I'm not enjoying it , I am but just have the feeling he is never going to finish , it's been over a decade and looks like the latest book is no where near being finished and then there is another one to go after that , has he wrote himself into a corner and just can't finish it with all the characters etc or is it just to occupied with Hollywood and other things?
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Old 25th July 2022, 06:53 PM
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I think now he sees it as a retirement plan tbh .... it's coming, yeah yeah dragons and ting. They were fun to read and a damn sight easier than old JRR ahem.
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Old 26th July 2022, 07:27 AM
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He's probably waiting until everyone has forgotten about the travisty of the final TV series.

It's still worth reading the books though Treb, how far are you into it? There are a lot of dramatic strands which are different or handled better vs the TV show. I always talk about Reek when recommending the books to my friends, the reveal of who Reek is was very well done, much easier to do when you can't see the face I guess.

I've just started a new 'grimdark' fantasy series myself, The Poppy War by R F Kuang. So far so go good! There are three books in the series currently. The author is doing a book event in the Liverpool Waterstones at the end of next month so I'll probably attend that, perhaps I'll meet her?


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Old 26th July 2022, 07:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
He's probably waiting until everyone has forgotten about the travisty of the final TV series.

It's still worth reading the books though Treb, how far are you into it? There are a lot of dramatic strands which are different or handled better vs the TV show. I always talk about Reek when recommending the books to my friends, the reveal of who Reek is was very well done, much easier to do when you can't see the face I guess.

I've just started a new 'grimdark' fantasy series myself, The Poppy War by R F Kuang. So far so go good! There are three books in the series currently. The author is doing a book event in the Liverpool Waterstones at the end of next month so I'll probably attend that, perhaps I'll meet her?

I've just started the first , have all the books apart from the last one he did , about when does it start taking a different route than the series? Think with actually seeing the show first it's easy to keep track of all the characters , still don't know if I should continue or just wait but it will probably be years till he finishes it's over a decade for next book and then still one too go so could be looking anothet 10 till he finishes and he's in his mind 70s so people are now worried he won't live to finish and he doesn't look very healthy
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Old 26th July 2022, 08:35 AM
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He’ll definitely finish them, as far as I know he’s writing them at the same time. It’s probably similar to books 2 & 3 which focus on the same time period but different characters in each one.

It’s book 2 & 3 where the story starts to diverge from the series too, book 1 and series 1 are pretty faithful to one another.
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Old 29th July 2022, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Rob4 View Post
Completed She. The Hammer film version, notwithstanding the change of location from East Africa to North Africa, is very close to the book. The slight changes that were made I would say were mostly an improvement in dramatic terms, although they could possible made a bit more of Ayesha's supernatural powers which I think were absent from the film.

I've now been through two audiobooks and must say enjoyment depends a lot on the narrator. The Monk's reader was quite expressive and kept me in the zone even when he was reading female parts. UNfortunately the narrator for She was a bit stilted and read the novel mostly with a mid-atlantic accent which I thought was inappropriate for a English novel. Also his female voices were laughable at times especially when he was trying to sound evil.

Oh well, on the whole I enjoyed it and doubt I would have gotten through it if it wasn't on audio.

Next up is Twice-Told Tales by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Twice Told Tales was a bit of a slog so gave up halway through. Swapped to the The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers which is partly made up of some loosely connected horror stories and some unconnected romances. I enjoyed most of the stories but a couple of the romances dragged a little (guess I'm not very romantic ).

However, if you can only read one of these I'd recommend "The Repairer of Reputations" which is a doozy. No spoilers, just enjoy.

I've not yet decided on my next one...
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Old 11th February 2023, 08:43 AM
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Started reading James Herbert's The Rats last night and carried on this morning at work, I'm upto page 104 and didn't realise I'm sat near the edge of my seat not read the trilogy in a few years and forgot how good it was.

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Old 11th February 2023, 11:37 AM
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
Started reading James Herbert's The Rats last night and carried on this morning at work, I'm upto page 104 and didn't realise I'm sat near the edge of my seat not read the trilogy in a few years and forgot how good it was.

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I've yet to read Domain. The first two are great, although I prefer the first.

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Old 11th February 2023, 11:39 AM
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Originally Posted by J Harker View Post
I've yet to read Domain. The first two are great, although I prefer the first.

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I partially read Domain then got distracted by another book but what I remember it was decent and on same wave length as The Rats and Lair.
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" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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Old 12th February 2023, 07:57 AM
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Almost finished Lair, some movies can have you on the edge of your seat but this one i ended up sitting on the office floor .Mr Herbert knew how to create tense writing in this sequel.

" I have seen trees that look like tortured souls"
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