Originally Posted by Pete |
That's a very extensive explanation for the BBFC website, and think it's fair to say they have considered things very thoroughly. The point about the tarantula being acceptable to kill on screen as it is an invertebrate interested me - I hadn't thought about that, but was a similar case with the squid scene in Oldboy. Not sure I agree that the film could be construed as 'racist', I think the fact it portrays the natives as being very much victimised by the Yanks (as pointed out in the write-up) shows the film to be quite the opposite.
The 2001 decision to cut these scenes was primarily the result of the disgusting and exploitative nature of the sequences, as well as the history of the film as a DPP-listed 'video nasty', rather than the result of a strict application of BBFC policy.
Think that's almost certainly true, and refreshing to see the BBFC admit to this! Overall, I think even with 15 seconds of cuts, this a pretty big step forward for the BBFC