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Old 28th March 2009, 07:02 PM
Cult Acolyte
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Default Games Reviews

Just wondered if anyone's got a favourite game, or just bought a game they're particularly pleased / displeased with, if they'd care to write a review, a mini review , whatever, as theres now Prefix's available for all systems .
So please help the Games Section readers get a players opinion on any game , from any system, past or present, handheld or console / PC by adding any reviews here on the Reviews Thead.
You never know, your review could put someone onto a gaming gem or save them 40 odd quid on a gaming dud.
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Old 31st March 2009, 04:04 PM
iluvdvds@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Hey there Vips! I think this is a great idea!

So here's my two bob's worth


What do you get when you cross a bunch of survivors, a shopping mall, and a countless amount of shuffling, flesh-eating, brain-hungry rotting zombies? The unquestionably amazing masterpiece that is ‘Dawn of the Dead’ (George A. Romero, 1978). Right? Kind of. Instead I’m talking of the equally great ‘Dead Rising’ game (played on the Xbox 360), which has nothing whatsoever to do with the ‘Dawn Of The Dead’ original or remake, as the notice on the game’s front cover points out to get around the copyright problems. However, this game is no shoddy cash-in like many other console games (I.e. ‘Evil Dead: A Fistful of Boomstick!’) but a thriller, ever-changing and challenging game.

The premise of this game is simple. Survive a zombie outbreak in a shopping mall, whilst completing a main set of objectives to unravel the mystery of how such a ‘disaster’ occurred. But, there’s a whole lot more to this game than just that! ‘Dead Rising’ is in fact a highly interactive free-roaming game (a type of game made popular by the ‘Grand Theft Auto’ series, and now seen in games from ‘Just Cause’ to the latest ‘Burnout’ entry). This allows the player to complete various side-missions, such as rescuing survivors or destroying psychopaths, on top of the main objectives. As a result, it creates a very energetic and tense game, for example, I can remember one time I played it I was fighting a mini-chainsaw wielding psychopathic clown, trying to rescue 5 survivors (all of which are being constantly attacked by zombies), whilst trying to beat the clock in order to get to my main mission, WHILST being bombarded with hordes of zombies! Oh, I do love zombies! These side-goals however, are not pointless fun, but offer quite a few goodies. Besides getting morally satisfied by saving 3 or 4 girls from a raging policewomen, you also get brownie points in the form of Gamer Points as well as the chance to unlock certain costumes at the end of the game.

And being a free-roaming game, you can basically use anything you can get your blood covered mitts on as a weapon. From the obvious handguns/shotguns from the gun store, to a samurai sword, a spade, a lawn morrow (a la ‘Braindead’ (Peter Jackson, 1992) ), a shopping trolley, baseball bats, flower pots, benches (!), bins, shop-window dummies, sheers, dumbbells, bike, frying pans, bowling balls, cd’s, cash machines and a car, to name but only a fraction. Each of these weapons have different strengths and weakness, as you would expect, and can be used for barrels of bloody fun. And if that’s not enough (!), over the course of the game, you can become a master of kung-fu, so you can thump, kick, karate chop, shove heads onto floors, break spines and swing zombies around in the air by their legs.

As for difficulty of game play, well it can be quite difficult at times. Especially when low on life and weapons, but high on zombies (particularly if you’ve saved at that point). But do not be afraid to die! Never thought I’d say that! For when you come back, although you start from the beginning, you don’t start from scratch and still possess all those ‘kick ass’ moves you’ve learnt, etc.

Overall, a truly brilliant game and my personal fav on the 360 (if not of all time!). Of course, this game is not perfect, as the save system isn’t the most helpful, nor is the fact that this is only 1 player (on and offline), as well as the mediocre graphics. But apart from these minor details, this game is a blast. One of the most re-playable games I’ve ever played (I’ve completed in 7 times now! Each differently), the many different alternative endings, the rewards, the extra game modes and of course those adorable zombies just beg you to play again...and again...and again...till you yourself are a brainless zombie.

I cannot recommend this game high enough. If you like zombies, hell if you like gaming at all! Then this is a must have.

I give it 5 out of 5 luuves. I say, when there’s no more room in hell, let the dead walk the earth so I can get out my sledgehammer and start smashing the hell out of them!

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Old 31st March 2009, 04:05 PM
iluvdvds@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Now it's your turn Vips. I'd love to hear your thoughts on a game mate.
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Old 31st March 2009, 04:33 PM
Cult Acolyte
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Excellent review mate.

I cant help but think that if a zombie outbreak DID happen , how man people would be finding it hard not to smile.

Ok I will try my best.
I'll review Legends of Wrestlemaina for tomorrow as you PM'ed me to do a Wrestling game.
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Old 31st March 2009, 05:04 PM
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Originally Posted by vipco View Post
Excellent review mate.

I cant help but think that if a zombie outbreak DID happen , how man people would be finding it hard not to smile.

Ok I will try my best.
I'll review Legends of Wrestlemaina for tomorrow as you PM'ed me to do a Wrestling game.

You're right there mate, but I always have my 'Zombie Survival Guide' book with me at all times.

Can't wait to read your Wrestlemania review.
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Old 31st March 2009, 05:22 PM
Cult Acolyte
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You've left me a hard act to follow mate.

BTW, I've my samurla sword should any zombies come aknocking. LOL
And yes, i'll be smiling.

Last edited by vipco; 1st April 2009 at 02:59 PM.
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Old 1st April 2009, 07:39 PM
Cult Acolyte
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Default Vip's 'Reviews'

Right, at the request of Shameless homeboy iLuv's, here goes, my first ever Review.


While THQ's SmackDown V's Raw series is regarded as the No.1 wrestling franchise in gaming, it uses a heavy reliance on complex button combo's and reversals to keep the game as realistic as possible.
While this is great for the hardcore wrestling fan /gamer, it can be off putting to first time players, or those who stopped playing a Wrestling games a few years ago due to matches ending in mindless button mashing.

Its with these players in mind that WWE LEGENDS OF WRESTLEMANIA (LOW) is aimed at, and it aint a quick cash in either, its a genuine new game in its own right.

What mainly makes LOW stand out from SvR is the control mechanism , its face buttons and sticks only. No side bumpers, triggers or complicated combo's here, just one button for STRIKE, one for GRAPPLE, one for REVERSALS and one for PIN / ACTION.

This may sound as duming down but it is'nt , as each move set has 3 levels which when earned give access to more powerful moves and Chain Levels.
You also come across Quick Time Event's (QTE) were you have to push a short chain of buttons that flash on screen one at a time, before the CPU / friend does, to get your prefered outcome.
It isnt complicated and allows for a more arcade style gameplay which really suits the 'look' of the game.

The graphics in LOW are good , but not as detailed as SvR, but then they were never ment to be , and this best suits the games style.

The WRESTLERS look like the over exaggerated , muscle bound toy figures you can buy , especially the Wrestlers from the 1980's.
Each WrestleMania venue , ring , ring rope colours, are all as they should be and look well in Hi Def. , even the cages and ladders are old style and fit in well with the game.

On the gameplay front , its labled on the box as 'Arcade' but there is a certain depth to it that stops it from becoming the short fast 'buzz' that you expect from pure arcade games. Although its much faster to play than SvR it never feels like a 'fighting game with wrestlers' like the TNA game does .

Apart from Exihibit mode with its many different match types, Cage, Tag, Hell in a Cell etc you get 2 storystyle modes .

First up is TOUR mode, which lets you either Relive, Rewrite, or change the match types of selected WrestleMania show piece matches , were you dont just need to complete the main stipulation but you have to match a certain number of events that happened in the real match for to try get enough points to progress or win a gold medel. .
Then you have the 'Legend Killer' were you can Create a Wrestler and take him to the WrestleMania Hall of Fame.

Theres also a cool option to 'IMPORT the entire SmackDown V's RAW 09 Roster at the switch of a button , if you have an SvR 09 game save on your console , but graphicly they look like they do in SvR 09 and not the musclebound , cartoony Wrestlers of LOW of which there are 40 plus counting Managers, , so mixed matches with the Legends and the Smackdow guys look kinda odd.

Legends included are a very young Undertaker with Paul Bearer, Hulk Hogan, Bam Bam Bigalow, Jake 'the snake' Roberts, The Rock , Dusty Rhodes , HHH and the never ageing Rick Flair . ,( no Terry funk?) to name a few, so its possible to pit todays Superstars against the Legends of yesterday.

Overall this game should appeal to SvR fans as well as new fans alike , as it really has a strong fun factor, add on to that an Online option when you import the SvR Roster , in game unlockables and a good strong challenge from the CPU AI, then this game is a very attractive package indeed.

SCORE 8 / 10

Last edited by vipco; 2nd April 2009 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 1st April 2009, 07:54 PM
iluvdvds@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

A cracking review there mate, very in-depth and interesting read. I've never been a sports gamer, as you know Vips, but maybe I may just have a go on this one. You're right about the buttons in other wrestling games, the one's I've played (albeit PS2) seem like I'm just button bashing randomly (may explain why I always lose wrestling games! ).

Do you know if it's on the 360? Sounds something I could enjoy.

Once again, a brilliant review! Can't wait to read more, Vips.

I give the review 5 out of 5 luuuvs
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Old 2nd April 2009, 10:51 AM
Almar@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Nice reviews guys - I'm really impressed at the effort - this could become a killer thread!
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Old 2nd April 2009, 10:55 AM
Cult Acolyte
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Sorry mate, I forgot to put what systems it was available for. First time and all, you know.
The PS3 and 360.
IMO the 360 version looks a tiny bit better than the PS3 version. I bought the PS3 version as i've S vs R 09 but the imported roster looked odd when fighting one of the 'Legends'. so I deleted them.

Wait a couple of weeks iluv's, as most stores drop the prices then.
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