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X: The Man with the X-ray Eyes. 1963. Dr. James Xavier has developed a drug which when dropped into the eyes, the eyesight becomes more cleared to see through anything unaware of it's consequences. Ray Milland was brilliant in this as Dr. Xavier at the start by knowing the eyes only sees one tenth but tries to improve it with his experiment on a monkey then himself and forced to go on the run when things get out of hand. Don Rickles stars as the manager of a side show who believes he has something that's not a con with Xavier and sees money in it. The special effects are brilliantly done for the film at this era combined with a good background score and great direction by Roger Corman. MV5BMThjZjFmNGYtMmZhMS00MjcxLWFhMGQtOTM1OWU4MWNlMTUxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjIyNjE2NA@@._V1_.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Diary Of A Madman.1963. An spirit leaves the body of a criminal on death row and begins to torment a respected magistrate. A film that starts at the end and is told in one long sequence of flash back through a journal of Simon Cordier played by Vincent Price and how he feels he is tormented by a spirit and those around him think he is loosing his mind. This is one of Vincent Price's top films, as he seems more calmer than the other roles he has played, if things don't go is his way he lounges out, in this he seems calmer and skeptical of ghosts. There is some great cinematography done by Ellis W. Carter. Recommended. MV5BNTlmYzhlOWUtYTJhNS00NmZjLThlYWQtYTg0MDQxOTg2MDkxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwNDcwNjk@._V1_SY1000_CR0,.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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Eye eye Quote:
__________________ Always forgive your enemies, nothing annoys them so much.. |
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This is great, iconic music.
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2557528530_34786d4b60.jpg BELL BOTTOM GEORGE (1944) Fun movie for a lazy afternoon. Good songs and antics as George gets mistaken for a sailor when he borrows a uniform and then gets involved in stopping a Nazi plot.. MV5BMTA0ODk1MDMxMTdeQTJeQWpwZ15BbWU4MDEyOTEzODEx._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182,268_AL_.jpg COPACABANA (1947) Lots of quick fire jokes as Groucho Marx tries to use Carmen Miranda as two different artists in the music nightclub. Groucho's quick verbal comebacks are awesome. Just my sense of humour. poster_forafewdollarsmore.jpg FOR A FEW DOLLARS MORE (1965) Clint's 'Man with no name' teams up with Lee Van Cleef in this great follow up to A Fistful Of Dollars. maxresdefault.jpg DAWN OF THE DEAD (1978) Extended cut. Well, what can you say apart from bloody awesome! |
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Eternal Evil. 1985. A T.V. commercial director believes he is able to have a out of body experiences when he is asleep and questions his sanity when two people close to him turn up dead. I didn't have much high hopes for this even within the first 5-10 minutes and strung it out, it turned out better than i thought. Winston Rekert plays Paul who he thinks is killing people while his son has developed a imaginary friend. Karen Black stars as Janus who Paul goes to see and help clear his mind. The film does have a lot of talk about Astro Projectory, but seems to go towards possession and witchcraft, worth a watch if you come across it, have a open mind. MV5BMjU1MDYzMjQwMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTA0MDg4._V1_.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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****ing predicted text or whatever you call it!
__________________ Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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