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Old 17th October 2022, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by MacBlayne View Post
I can't say you'll like it, but it's unlike anything in the last decade or even 20 years, and it'll be another 20 years before the studios allow something like this again.

Basically, Warner Brothers gave James Wan a blank cheque, and he ran with it.
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Old 17th October 2022, 08:43 PM
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Two Witches (2021)

I'm so glad I bought the digital copy for £3 rather than stumping up £18 for the Arrow Video bluray. It's bloody awful. Badly acted, annoying characters, wtf was the story? Looks ugly too, like a lot of modern films made with digital cameras. Oh yeah, jump scares that you see coming a mile off.

Do yourselves a favour and don't bother with this. It ends with a 'To Be Continued...' no thanks, I've had enough.

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Old 17th October 2022, 09:15 PM
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Haute Tension. 2003.

A film I have heard a lot about but this was my first time viewing it, two girls in a isolated cabin in the woods some place with a serial killer wanting to play a game of cat and mouse but with a twist.

The pace of the film is a bit slow like two girls having a laugh at the start then it picks up and generally becomes a good blood bath movie. Cecile De France and Maiwenn play the two leads while Philippe Nahon plays the unbalanced in life serial killer. Alexandre Aja knew how to capture the audience attention even though he had to trim things down but this was the uncut version so be advised with this one, you can feel the pain of the Achilles heel tendon cut.

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Old 17th October 2022, 09:20 PM
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Default October 16th.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986)

Twelve years on from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper returns with this sequel in which Dennis Hopper plays a former Texas Ranger determined to bring the cannibal clan to justice by whatever means necessary because his nephew (The lad in the wheelchair) was one of the families original victims. He's helped by Caroline Williams DJ who taped their latest atrocity - an action sequence on a bridge involving cars and chainsaws right out of a Mad Max film - as part of a live phone in on her late night radio show.

It's been years since i last saw this, in fact i'm not sure i actually rated it that much when i first bought the dvd so God knows why i bought the Blu-ray in one of Arrows many sales. However i'm delighted i did. This is basically the template for Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses, even more so than the original film as this is all gaudy lighting, 80's hard rock and wild OTT characters headed by Zombie regular Bill Moseley as Chop Top who is basically Otis Firefly with a steel plate in his head.

It's definitely a film of two halves. The first concentrating on the action set piece and then a relentless attack on Williams radio station by Chop Top and Leatherface. During the second half the action moves to tunnels underneath an abandoned amusement park, the family's latest hideout. It's these chapters that most feel like a Rob Zombie film rather than anything remotely like Hooper's first take back in 1974 even though the hammer at the dinner table sequence is reused with different characters...and it's still f*cking vile to watch.

The film on the whole is pretty unrelenting. More black comedy than the first film but sicker with it. Parts still shock and would cause outrage if released to cinemas nowadays and the film still has the power to disturb despite the darkest of dark streak of humour running through it. It should also be noted that Hopper's as f*cking deranged as the whole Sawyer clan put together.

I have to say i loved this, rewatching it again all these years later. It may be sacrilegious to say it but i found this far more satisfying than the original Massacre.
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Last edited by Demdike@Cult Labs; 17th October 2022 at 09:41 PM.
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:14 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by MrBarlow View Post
Sinister. 2012.

Crime novelist Ellison Oswalt moves to a new house with his family and finds a box of super 8 movie reels and begins to watch them and starts to research on murders that happened in 60s.

Found footage film within another film, idea like this would never work for me but this one did, on the first watch I found it interesting that Ethan Hawke would be in a horror after his other work of drama, action and Sci-Fi but his performance was enjoyable as a novelist who seems to be hated by law enforcement after a book was released about corruption and cover up.

Last night was a second viewing and more enjoyable and noticing more on the second viewing that I almost jumped out my seat. Yeah it is about a serial killer targeting families but also has a darker tone towards the supernatural element and can be distressing for some with the tone of murdered children, nice little chiller to watch in the dark.

Attachment 242677

Up next Feast
Remember watching this during a Print Check, at first, I was just expecting a run of the mill Horror.

But I wasn't expecting what I saw, don't know what creeped me out more, the Home Movies or the Music.
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:29 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by MacBlayne View Post
I can't say you'll like it, but it's unlike anything in the last decade or even 20 years, and it'll be another 20 years before the studios allow something like this again.

Basically, Warner Brothers gave James Wan a blank cheque, and he ran with it.
I believe that during the first time watching this Film, things don't make sense but once the twist is revealed, everything becomes clearer.

I've only seen this Film once, so it's just a theory.
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
Two Witches (2021)

I'm so glad I bought the digital copy for £3 rather than stumping up £18 for the Arrow Video bluray. It's bloody awful. Badly acted, annoying characters, wtf was the story? Looks ugly too, like a lot of modern films made with digital cameras. Oh yeah, jump scares that you see coming a mile off.

Do yourselves a favour and don't bother with this. It ends with a 'To Be Continued...' no thanks, I've had enough.
Ordered for 2.99 as well , don't even think I'll bother watching . It's only 2.99 but might still see if I can get a rerfund

It did look good from the artwork but how many times have people been burned with that
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Old 17th October 2022, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by nicholasrope View Post
I believe that during the first time watching this Film, things don't make sense but once the twist is revealed, everything becomes clearer.

I've only seen this Film once, so it's just a theory.
It's certainly an explanation.
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Old 17th October 2022, 11:00 PM
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Always enjoyed this with its none stop action and kick ass lead . Half vampire blade battles vampires along with friend Whistler. They are up against Decon Frost who wants too take over the vampire and human worlds by becoming a vampire god. Great action scenes . You just know that Disney / marvel will screw up the new film highly doubt it will even be a 18, probably a 12.

A very atmospheric film and probably one of my favourite haunted house films always thought it was superior to Amityville horror which came out around the same time.

Does anyone know why when the dog is possessed and is attacking it sounds like a Tie fighter?

Great film with one small downside why does the devil look like Colonel Sanders!

Now watching IT, the original tv mini series . Will just watch the first half as it's getting on.
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Old 17th October 2022, 11:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2 (1986)

Twelve years on from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre director Tobe Hooper returns with this sequel in which Dennis Hopper plays a former Texas Ranger determined to bring the cannibal clan to justice by whatever means necessary because his nephew (The lad in the wheelchair) was one of the families original victims. He's helped by Caroline Williams DJ who taped their latest atrocity - an action sequence on a bridge involving cars and chainsaws right out of a Mad Max film - as part of a live phone in on her late night radio show.

It's been years since i last saw this, in fact i'm not sure i actually rated it that much when i first bought the dvd so God knows why i bought the Blu-ray in one of Arrows many sales. However i'm delighted i did. This is basically the template for Rob Zombie's House of 1000 Corpses, even more so than the original film as this is all gaudy lighting, 80's hard rock and wild OTT characters headed by Zombie regular Bill Moseley as Chop Top who is basically Otis Firefly with a steel plate in his head.

It's definitely a film of two halves. The first concentrating on the action set piece and then a relentless attack on Williams radio station by Chop Top and Leatherface. During the second half the action moves to tunnels underneath an abandoned amusement park, the family's latest hideout. It's these chapters that most feel like a Rob Zombie film rather than anything remotely like Hooper's first take back in 1974 even though the hammer at the dinner table sequence is reused with different characters...and it's still f*cking vile to watch.

The film on the whole is pretty unrelenting. More black comedy than the first film but sicker with it. Parts still shock and would cause outrage if released to cinemas nowadays and the film still has the power to disturb despite the darkest of dark streak of humour running through it. It should also be noted that Hopper's as f*cking deranged as the whole Sawyer clan put together.

I have to say i loved this, rewatching it again all these years later. It may be sacrilegious to say it but i found this far more satisfying than the original Massacre.
I prefer the original, but any film that has Dennis Hopper going apeshit with chainsaws gets my vote.

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VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car!
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