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I love The Neon Demon and what a great soundtrack .
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I second this wholeheartedly. Hmmm. Time for a rewatch in fact .... ![]()
__________________ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] [B] "... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B] |
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![]() Final Destination 3. 2006. 6 years after flight 180, another teen has a premonition of death this time on a roller coaster, when some of the teens leave the ride and it crashes, death comes back for them. This one I always have a soft spot for, the kills during the premonition are a little bit brutal but not overaly OTT, yeah one dufus really needed a kick, or a punch, maybe even both for a being jackass and two BFF's that 'totally' need to change their talkative language. This as atmospheric and stylish as its previous two films. The music has a haunting eeriness and James Wong does a more than competent job in the director's chair, showing a genuine understanding of the concept and the horror genre, breathing atmosphere, fun and freshness into a tried and tested formula and not losing what made his direction work in the first film. In between the death scenes there is a bit too much talky talky and some doubters do get their fill of seeing death happening. Tony Todd doesn't appear in this but lends his voice for the Devil of the roller coaster and the train driver towards the end that makes the finale a bit more of, oh crap something is about to go down. image (1).jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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30 Days of Unseen Horror Day 17 MV5BMTQ1NDc5MDAwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDY0MTg3Mg@@._V1_.jpg Five people are invited to spend the night in a castle thinking that one of them will inherit the place and all its riches. They don't. I appreciate the fact they tried to make this 2009 film look like an old universal monsters film from the 1930 but apart from filming it in black and white it fails to feel like one of the classics. The acting is horrendous they are trying to so hard to act like people from the 30s but they don't come close I felt insulted watching it ![]() The make up looks good on the monsters but the ending they just pointlessly shoe horn in a few well know monsters but I just didn't understand it at all and they just look like people in costumes just strolling around which no amount of good make up can cover up just a failure. Appreciate the idea but not the excecution. Avoid
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![]() Scars of Dracula (1970) Despite it's numerous flaws, including that highly improbable ending for Dracula, Scars of Dracula is actually a really entertaining film. Totally out of sync with any of the other Hammer Dracula films but it really doesn't matter. Scars is the Dracula film you go to when you want just that. A film with plenty of Dracula scenes, lots of grizzly gore, some gorgeous gals and a couple of likable heroes in Dennis Waterman and Christopher Mathews. |
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![]() Ghost Nursing (1982, Wilson Tong) HK madness. A young woman travels to Thailand to visit her sister. Meeting up at a club, she is introduced to a local lothario (IE rapist) and her night ends badly. When sis suggests she consult a local "seer" to try end the "bad luck" she is experiencing, his method has initial success, but after meeting a new beau, she lets things slip .... it doth not end well, no siree ![]() ![]() They do not make 'em like this anymore, more's the pity. 90 minutes and all. ![]()
__________________ [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] [B] "... the days ahead will be filled with struggle ... and coated in marzipan ... "[/B] |
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![]() The Entity (1982) A cracking supernatural thriller that seems to go under many radars nowadays. Based on the case of a real woman from Los Angeles who was attacked in her home by an invisible presence and raped multiple times across many months. Barbara Hershey is terrific in what was a hugely challenging and demanding role as she's repeatedly sexually assaulted in various forms whilst basically creating and performing the sequences by herself. All of which are scary as hell with the attacks happening as a speaker shattering drum riff pounds round the room. Not once are the scenes exploitative or titillating but genuinely disturbing as the viewer feels they are part of the assault. Away from the horror aspect this also takes into account the arguments of believers vs non-believers in the supernatural, science and psychology vs ESP. Much of the focus is on characters, dialogue and escalating tension as director Sydney J Furie creates and sustains an atmosphere of terror from the opening scenes and his refusal to not show the 'entity' of the title in any detail helps maintain this aura of utter unease. The Entity is genuinely gripping from first to last with it's fear of the unknown, they really don't make supernatural movies like this anymore. |
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![]() The Nun II. 2023. Taissa Farmiga returns as the young Sister Irene who is sent to investigate the deaths of priests and nuns and comes face to face with Valek again. The first film took me a few watches to really enjoy it and was hesitant about this one. This certainly has a dark toned gothic theme and atmosphere around it and does rely a lot on jump scares, the plot is actually not bad. After the ending of the first film with the Warren's explaining about the possession of Maurice, who appears in this one aswell and this goes in one direction then switches and goes into a different direction, nice little curve ball. This one has to be watched in the dark as there could be strain on the eyes with one or two blink and miss moments. p24087597_v_v13_ad.jpg
__________________ " I have seen trees that look like tortured souls" |
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30 Days of Unseen Horror Day 18 download.jpeg A doctor working in an insane asylum is left the entire estate of a patient he cared for after he does but things won't go so smoothly with rumours of how the previous owners family died hauntings and a lost fortune that many of the locals are mad to get their hands on . Which will get them first greed or the spirits of the dead ? Dark Places is a great film full of intrigue and suspense it also boasts a fantastic cast which all do an amazing job. Usually when Christopher Lee is onboard he steals the show unless Peter Cushing is around of course but here it's Joan Collins she is absolutely stunningly beautiful here and you can't take your eyes off her. She plays that bitchy sultry role so so well. The house looks amazing inside once it's restored to its former glory which is a great setting for some ghostly shenanigans. One of my favourite scenes was when the doctor is staying in another house across a few fields and he notices the lights coming on in the child's old playroom it's just a fantastic scene with the fogg and the eerie house standing proud through the murky night. Enjoyed this one alot and who doesn't love the creepy voices of dead children playing up stairs in a creepy house ![]()
__________________ ![]() Last edited by Nordicdusk; 19th October 2023 at 10:20 AM. |
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