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Old 18th October 2014, 06:49 AM
Jinx_Barkman's Avatar
Cultist on the Rampage
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Would anyone like me to start giving a basic plot outline? I just assumed most people have already seen the films so I have avoided it to prevent bloating.

17. Night Of The Demons (Original)

A subversive, often times outrageously vulgar horror film with many moments of comedy sprinkled in. Now, imagine my delight when I was first acquainted with this film at the ripe old age of 13 by my best friend. He went on and on about it (it's still his favorite film to this day) until it boiled over and I finally rented it. Needless to say a grin was plastered on my face for the entire film.

Instead of using the standard protocol for haunted house/demonic/teen horror movies as so many late 80's horror filmmakers did, this one feels a little unique while not straying too far from what made money at the time. This film greatly depends on character dynamics however insipid they may be. For instance, Roger spends most of the movie terrified and looking for an escape so we can assume he is the most logical thinker out of the group yet he is chastised for behaving this way. Judy seems like a good girl which is why her Alice In Wonderland costume (it is Halloween after all) is an important piece. The pacing of this film is perfect in my opinion as well. The bizarre dance sequence with Angela seems to break up the monotony before the film launches an all out assault on our senses. Two other highlights that the director seems to exploit are the set pieces which definitely read as genuine on the screen and become a pivotal character in the film. Second, is the wonderfully extravagant practical effects of which there are plenty to go around. Another film with a outstanding soundtrack that contributes to the tone of the film.
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Old 18th October 2014, 12:07 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

[10] Night Train To Terror
Night Train To Terror is confounding at times, an anthology of tales knitted together by an imaginative but completely bonkers wraparound story. The tales are all truncated versions of features (I believe one was never completed), scrapped together in a rather unhinged way. This all leads to an inconsistent experience, but a damned enjoyable one. From the genius premise to the addictive musical number, which recurs throughout, it’s hard to dislike Night Train To Terror. It’s effortlessly evocative of its time and I genuinely treasure it, perhaps even partly due to its faults.

[11] Nosferatu
I do enjoy Nosferatu very much, but I think I respect it more than I enjoy it. It’s a truly beautiful and haunting film, has undoubtedly been one of the most influential films of all time, but as a tale has become so over saturated. I don’t find it as watchable as something like Caligari, for instance. I’ve often found the ending a little anticlimactic, especially considering what has preceded it. But I understand they’re balancing the purity and the darkness, and thematically it works more than the ending to the book.

[12] Curse Of Chucky
I’ve always been a huge fan of that deliciously black sense of humour Don Mancini imbues into Chucky and the Child’s Play series. Over previous films it became more pervading, and the horror elements took a back seat, which they’ve tried to redress with this instalment. Sadly they’ve lost what made the series standout from its peers. The kills lack creativity, never more outlandish or spectacular than previous entries. The toning down of the black humour has made for a really bland and pointless entry into the series. The two cameos towards the end of the film rectify this a little, particularly the earlier one, but the latter makes zero sense in context with the scenes that directly precede it.

[13] What’s The Matter With Helen?
What’s The Matter With Helen is one of those films that took the mould of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane, two aging stars (Shelley Winters and Debbie Reynolds) in a dark drama tinged with horror elements. It’s a little over the top at times, but there are some wonderful moments, particularly a dread filled opening which the film never quite delivers on. It’s beautifully shot at times. It doesn’t reach the heights of those it takes inspiration from, but is nonetheless very enjoyable.

[14] The Vagrant
I’m very fond of the Vagrant. At a time when the horror bubble was deflating, after years of franchise sequels during the late eighties, we saw studios turning more towards horror comedies, and this trend continued into the early nineties. The Vagrant is one of the better horror comedies of that period. It’s over the top, silly, hinged with a brilliant performance by the always dependable and hugely underrated Bill Paxton. It’s bewildering that it never seemed to attain the cult status many of its peers of the period did.

[15] The Godsend
The Godsend is one of the glut of killer kid movies that came out in the wake of The Omen, but sadly doesn’t do anything original or distinctive enough to stand out from the pack. It has the odd effective scene, but for the most part plods along, lacking the bite of something like Who Can Kill A Child. Donald Pleasence’s daughter Angela gives a creepy performance, but little else is of note.

[16] The Outing
The Outing is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s one of those films from the late eighties that overuses the wind and smoke machines, has an abundance of glowing green effects that look like someone has taken a florescent marker to the prints. It has a wonderful opening, quite brutal in places, but then descends into a meandering mess for most of the movie. It picks up at the end, for some quite cool death scenes, but for the most part is a little bland.
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Old 18th October 2014, 12:10 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
Join Date: May 2010

Woo new emoticons too. I hope they're staying, and not just for Halloween. :zombiegrave:

I'm a film behind on my marathon. Hopefully I shall catch up, but I'm going to London for a few days next week, which will not help either. Unless, heaven forbid, there's actually a decent horror movie coming out for Halloween this year.
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Old 19th October 2014, 01:52 PM
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Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by BAKA View Post

I'm a film behind on my marathon. Hopefully I shall catch up, but I'm going to London for a few days next week, which will not help either. Unless, heaven forbid, there's actually a decent horror movie coming out for Halloween this year.
I'm out of town for work so I've fallen behind as well. Hopefully I'll be able to catch back up once I return.
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Old 20th October 2014, 09:27 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post

My viewing so far has been.

1st - Hallowed Ground
2nd - Happy Hell Night
3rd - Corridors of Blood
4th - Madison County
5th - Prophecy
6th - Samhain / Isle of the Dead
7th - Devils of Darkness
8th - Witchcraft
9th - Halloween Resurrection / Frankenstein meets the Wolfman
10th - The Seventh Sign
11th - The Haunting of Bates Motel / The Fog
12th - Black Swan
13th - Idle Hands / The Old Dark House (with Newman / Jones chat track)
14th - Halloween H20 / She-Wolf of London
15th - Halloween Night / The Devil Rides Out
16th - Intruder / I Walked with a Zombie (with Newman / Jones chat track)
17th - Warlock
18th - Humans vs Zombies
19th - Storage
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Old 22nd October 2014, 09:49 AM
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Jinx, i was wondering after watching one or two more Halloweenie films how long the celebrations go on for in the States, or should i say how many days prior are pumpkins put out etc.?

Over here it's just the one night then that's it.
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Old 22nd October 2014, 10:29 AM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Jinx, i was wondering after watching one or two more Halloweenie films how long the celebrations go on for in the States, or should i say how many days prior are pumpkins put out etc.?

Over here it's just the one night then that's it.
It's a shame it just comes and goes here no real feeling or atmosphere of Halloween.
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Old 22nd October 2014, 02:14 PM
Jinx_Barkman's Avatar
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
Jinx, i was wondering after watching one or two more Halloweenie films how long the celebrations go on for in the States, or should i say how many days prior are pumpkins put out etc.?

Over here it's just the one night then that's it.
Some people begin decorating their homes at the beginning of September but the majority of people start early October. Sadly, it's changing with each passing year though. Less and less people putting forth effort as the number of kids actually trick or treating. They have developed some kind of bizarre tradition of opening their car trunks in a large parking lot and call it trunk or treating. Also, when you go to the stores around here they put their Christmas decorations out alongside the Halloween decor now, it really is a buzz kill. Overall, there are still purists like myself who are keeping the Halloween spirit alive.

The Halloween feeling that I experienced as a child is unimaginable. It seemed like my senses were heightened. I could smell the autumn atmosphere and when the sun just began to drop over the horizon it would cast this ominous haze over everything and that's when my sister, brother, and I would dash out ALONE and not come back until our bags (sometimes pillow cases) were full. They got heavy but it was worth it. I wish I could feel it again if only for just one time. It's a shame you guys don't have any sort of traditions for the holiday. I'll see if I can find a childhood picture of me in costume and post it.
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Old 22nd October 2014, 02:26 PM
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Thanks for the great reply post Jinx.

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Old 22nd October 2014, 02:54 PM
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Cultist on the Rampage
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No problem Dem. I'm hoping to start the mini reviews back up tonight/tomorrow.
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