Originally Posted by SharonLynette I think I'll give it a go. |
I hope you enjoy
The Skull - it's brilliantly daft, and Cushing and Lee are on top form, playing off of each other.
Originally Posted by SharonLynette I have always bought cheap multi-region machines in the past, still holding on to the multi region dvd player as well as my multi-region video player - still holding on to a video of The Cramps live at Napa State Mental hospital - should just get a dvd copy and dump the bulky machine! |
I still have two VCRs - mainly as a means to play my
Front Line Assembly - Live Wired VHS.
Originally Posted by SharonLynette But for me getting a blu-ray player was an early investment just last year I didn't even think of multi-region. Saying that I have seen a lot more region free out than in the early years of dvd. |
The format started out well, with only a few studios locking their releases, but recently it seems that a lot of distributors are going (or being forced) backwards and starting to lock more releases: possibly due to the format getting more popular, and subsequently license holders becoming more greedy as Stephen mentioned above. Or, it could just be me being cynical and paranoid.