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Old 19th April 2011, 12:31 PM
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i do think we do need the bbfc, but it should only be for censoring illegal images, nothing simulated should ever be censored though.
i mean, the line has to be drawn somewhere of course, and i think the bbfc are getting very close to realising where that line actually is, and shameless seem to be breaking some serious ground in this regard, they'll be in the history books for it no doubt.
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Old 19th April 2011, 12:33 PM
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I'm for classification but not censorship.

It's fair enough that advice should be given as to what is suitable for what age groups and it's also fair enough that children's access to certain materials should be restricted.

But things shouldn't be censored or banned to achieve this (unless, as Rhodes says, they are illegal images - which can't be released anyway!).

Unfortunately, though, Shameless do have to abide by UK law so we can only remain hopeful that the BBFC are starting to realise where the line should be drawn and will pass this uncut.

Last edited by Sarah@Cult Labs; 19th April 2011 at 12:48 PM.
Old 19th April 2011, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Rhodes View Post
i do think we do need the bbfc, but it should only be for censoring illegal images, nothing simulated should ever be censored though.
i mean, the line has to be drawn somewhere of course, and i think the bbfc are getting very close to realising where that line actually is, and shameless seem to be breaking some serious ground in this regard, they'll be in the history books for it no doubt.
I agree to a point, except for the fact that if something is illegal, it can't be released legitimately in the UK anyway, censorship or no censorship - if it's illegal, it's disallowed.

However, the BBFC interpret law to suit themselves. There's nothing illegal about House on the Edge of Park unless the BBFC decide it is, then it becomes law. That is to say, anything the BBFC cut is legally binding and not allowed to be distributed in the UK. Anything not carrying a BBFC certificate (unless it's exempt from classification) is illegal to sell or distribute in the UK - even if it's a Disney film. It's a ridiculous system.
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Old 19th April 2011, 12:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
I'm for classification but not censorship.

It's fair enough that advice should be given as to what is suitable for what age groups and it's also fair enough that children's access to certain materials should be restricted.

But things shouldn't be censored or banned to achieve this (unless, as Rhodes says, they are illegal images).

Unfortunately, though, Shameless do have to abide by UK law so we can only remain hopeful that the BBFC are starting to realise where the line should be drawn and will pass this uncut.
I agree, Sarah, the BBFC should take away those Illegal images, but not Censor what THEY think adults shouldnt see. I personally am against Rape and Animal Torture, but i think I SPIT ON YOUR GRAVE is a classic film, from the point of the revenge of the Jennifer character.....the men abused her, she takes her own revenge. and Cannibal Holocaust, It is the westerners who are the problem, not the Cannibal tribe, who are only protecting themselves from what the film crew did. Same as the revenge in HOUSE BY THE EDGE OF THE PARK........If we DONT see the Crime being committed, the Revenge attacks become the crime and a movie ends up pointless.
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Old 19th April 2011, 12:53 PM
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I have to admit that censorship/classification history of this particular film is not something I know an awful lot about and I'm interested to hear what people think about this release considering some reasonably recent BBFC decisions.

In light of the uncut status of Last House on the Left and Night Train Murders, and the nearly uncut status of Cannibal Holocaust, how do people think House on the Edge of the Park will get on?

Can the sexual violence be said to be eroticised or is it likely to be interpreted as designed to disgust, as in Cannibal Holocaust? I can't quite decide...
Old 19th April 2011, 12:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
I have to admit that censorship/classification history of this particular film is not something I know an awful lot about.

In light of the uncut status of Last House on the Left and Night Train Murders, and the nearly uncut status of Cannibal Holocaust, how do people think House on the Edge of the Park will get on?

Can the sexual violence be said to be eroticised or is it more designed to disgust, as in Cannibal Holocaust?
knowing the BBFC they will think its meant to turn people on.
some people do think the scenes in Edge would be a issue as she seems to be enjoying it. I not seen it in ages so do not remember if thats true or not. then again its to personal interpenetration.

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Old 19th April 2011, 01:00 PM
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Originally Posted by Daemonia View Post
Anything not carrying a BBFC certificate (unless it's exempt from classification) is illegal to sell or distribute in the UK - even if it's a Disney film. It's a ridiculous system.
I'd love to see someone get arrested for distributing Disney films

I'm not totally opposed to the BBFC. I agree with the classification system as a form of consumer guidance - if you are offended by something then you can choose not to watch it (or for lower certs not to let your children watch it). But I think at the 18 category anything should be passed as long as it doesn't break any actual law and no person or animal is hurt for real.
Old 19th April 2011, 01:01 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
I have to admit that censorship/classification history of this particular film is not something I know an awful lot about.

In light of the uncut status of Last House on the Left and Night Train Murders, and the nearly uncut status of Cannibal Holocaust, how do people think House on the Edge of the Park will get on?

Can the sexual violence be said to be eroticised or is it more designed to disgust, as in Cannibal Holocaust?
[COLOR="Yellow"]I think the slicing of the Young Cindy will still be trimmed by the BBFC, the black girl having her breast exposedandgroped was removed last time, so that might go as it is sexualised, and maybesome of the Lorraine De Selle / John Morghren sex scene will go too, When i saw it Uncut first time i couldnt Beileve Vipco put out a version missing 11 Minutes and with such bad edits in the pre credit sequence to cut out the Rape in the car![/COLOR
Old 19th April 2011, 01:02 PM
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Originally Posted by Sarah@Cult Labs View Post
I have to admit that censorship/classification history of this particular film is not something I know an awful lot about.

In light of the uncut status of Last House on the Left and Night Train Murders, and the nearly uncut status of Cannibal Holocaust, how do people think House on the Edge of the Park will get on?

Can the sexual violence be said to be eroticised or is it more designed to disgust, as in Cannibal Holocaust?
I think it will be cut, it's much more gruelling than Last House and Night Train Murders - the razor scene in particular is absolutely horrific and stands no chance IMO.
Old 19th April 2011, 01:04 PM
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daemonia, i think we're in agreement all the way, like i said only imagery that is illegal in itself, and nothing simulated need ever be censored. but we do need some kind of filter, some body of people that sifts through films and eliminates that which is purely violent/underage/bestial pornography.
and like you say the problem is that the bbfc interpret these sexual violence laws however they fancy, and so they really need a new definition of what violent porn is, as it certainly isn't the house on the edge of the park, a serbian film, or even august underground.
when i say we need the bbfc, i do of course mean in a slightly different form than it is now, but i also can't ignore how much progress has been made since the dark days of the eighties, so i remain very hopeful that one day a decent adult consensus will be reached.
and companies like shameless and arrow who are tackling this problem head on...their contribution can't be overestimated, they are right there in the trenches.
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