jamie_leigh44 Cultist |
Last Activity: 19th September 2015 05:26 PM
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- 26th November 2012 04:20 PM - permalinkScottishMermaidYO!! Have you got to the last episodes yet? lol...
About Me
- About jamie_leigh44
- Biography
- Hi, Im Just Jamie-Leigh...
- Location
- Aberdeen, Scotland
- Interests
- movies, music, dancing, socialising, drinking, painting, reading, etc
- Occupation
- Student nurse
- Nosferatu's Questionnaire!
- Where did your username come from?
- its my name with a number added to the end...
- What is your favourite horror film?
- Poltergeist Trilogy, Carrie, Nightmare on Elm St Series, Childs play (1-3) and many more...
- What is your favourite non-horror film?
- im not sure, but i do like the first wives club
- Who is your favourite horror director?
- sam raimi? wes craven? hitchcock was exceptional... i donno
- Who is your favourite non-horror director?
- i have no idea
- How did you find out about Cult-Labs.com ?
- through a prisoner cell block H forum
- What is the best DVD/BD set that you own?
- Prisoner Cell Block H
- Describe yourself in three sentences or less.
- I Love Dogs (especially Boxers, Pugs and Bulldogs), I'm Blond, and I Love to Dance
Showing Friends 1 to 1 of 1
- ScottishMermaid
- Cultist
Likes Given
- jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Lol lol PCBH Lol!!1!....and Helen Smart was hilarious in an episode I watched last night as she asked Steve if Erica was gay...because she wanted to blackmail her....as in, she would give her sexual favours if she was...Liked On: 26th July 2013, 07:44 PM
Posted On: 20th November 2012, 06:57 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Worst Era Of Prisoner...Dot...lol...she was there longer than Vivian yet Vivian managed to GRATE! lol. I should have mentioned too that, I also think the era I was mentioning with Maxine etc...I actually started...Liked On: 30th December 2012, 05:20 PM
Posted On: 17th December 2012, 06:40 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by 88 Films On thread : Puppet MasterHi, As Stephen pointed out there are indeed plans to release remastered widescreen DVD's and Blu-rays of Puppet Master 4 & 5. We're also hoping to sort out a director's commentary with Jeff Burr....Liked On: 16th December 2012, 01:35 PM
Posted On: 15th December 2012, 09:21 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by badstrawberry On thread : The unsolved mysteries of Wentworth...Yes... or... was she secretly just a bitch? I'm sure I read somewhere once that the actress was.Liked On: 14th December 2012, 11:08 PM
Posted On: 17th November 2012, 07:15 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by lostus On thread : The unsolved mysteries of Wentworth...Yes I just saw the episode only this week where the Renmiester says about `the new high security prison, Blackmoor` and later on someone says something like `STRUTH!, The black hole?` So although new...Liked On: 14th December 2012, 11:07 PM
Posted On: 17th November 2012, 07:04 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by PaulD On thread : Wes Craven's Greatest Films?Totally agree about that. I also find it oddly jarring and even if this is the intention it's to the detriment to the film.Liked On: 4th December 2012, 07:16 PM
Posted On: 4th December 2012, 07:12 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : If You Were A Prisoner, Who Would You Be?Now, that was just MEAN!!!!!!!!Liked On: 24th November 2012, 10:53 AM
Posted On: 23rd November 2012, 11:43 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Nola McKenzieI can hear it now and see the smirk on her face when talking about getting them all 'ONE BY ONE'...lol!Liked On: 22nd November 2012, 10:51 PM
Posted On: 22nd November 2012, 09:57 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by The~Governor On thread : Old School or New SchoolI too preferred the 2nd half of the series although it did go off a little towards the end. Indeed, I felt that some of the earlier years of the series were actually quite ropey but I suppose it...Liked On: 22nd November 2012, 08:44 PM
Posted On: 22nd November 2012, 07:43 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Erica DavidsonI love Erica when she has a score to settle...lol. So passionate about her causes....especially when licking a stamp...LOL!Liked On: 20th November 2012, 07:00 PM
Posted On: 20th November 2012, 06:53 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Introduce Yourself to the Fellow Lags!G'DAY! I'm Lucy, also from Aberdeenshire in Scotland and the one responsible for Jamie-Leigh's addiction...a very proud achievement I must say! LOL! My FAVES - Favorite Gov: Very difficult...Liked On: 20th November 2012, 06:35 PM
Posted On: 20th November 2012, 06:25 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by Robert On thread : Meg Jackson / Morrisyou must be watching a different show to me. You make it sound like Joan was always nice and caringLiked On: 19th November 2012, 12:54 PM
Posted On: 19th November 2012, 12:22 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : Meg Jackson / Morriscan't stand Meg.Liked On: 16th November 2012, 12:22 PM
Posted On: 26th August 2012, 06:18 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by The~Governor On thread : Lol lol PCBH Lol!!1!Yeah, Angel was great. I'd rate Nola, Angel, Bev and Ruth Ballinger as the four best 'bad' inmates in 692 eps of the series.Liked On: 15th November 2012, 08:06 PM
Posted On: 15th November 2012, 06:44 PM - jamie_leigh44 liked post by ScottishMermaid On thread : The BLOODSUCKER THREADYes, I remember Vamp and I remember that I didn't like it. I was a child at the time I watched it though so I should watch again.Liked On: 4th November 2012, 11:42 PM
Posted On: 4th November 2012, 11:36 PM