johnoverall Cult Rookie |
Last Activity: 26th August 2010 08:05 PM
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- Hi John. I was just wondering if you had any copies of the book Here Come The Kung Fu Clones available for sale? Every time I try at Amazon they are out of stock. Any help would be appreciated. Regards, Ian.
- 22nd June 2010 08:38 AM - permalinkSplatterdragon73Hi John, I finally found the Brucesploitation book in question on Amazon and will be ordering it next week. The tome looks good and i admit i didn't read your original post properly and thought it was you who wrote the book! I realised only recently HCTKFC was authored by Carl Jones and under this name i tracked the volume down without problems. I'll let you know what i think once i've read it. Take care.
- 12th June 2010 12:32 PM - permalinkSplatterdragon73Thanks for getting back in touch, John and i'll contact you via email a.s.a.p.
When i originally enquired at Waterstones i mentioned the book had just been published and they did find a tome on martial arts cinema written by you. But said volume was from 2006 and was not your Brucesploitation book! Looking forward to buying this tome when i get paid and all the best. - 11th June 2010 12:20 PM - permalinkSplatterdragon73Hi John, can you give me some ordering info on your new Brucesploitation book? Waterstones couldn't help despite trawling both Amazon's U.K. and U.S. sites.
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