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Conversation Between Zann and troggi
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. troggi
    10th June 2013 09:21 PM - permalink
    Ya f'got the joss sticks!
  2. Zann
    10th June 2013 06:46 PM - permalink
    Well I checked out Steve Hillage here Steve Hillage - Hurdy Gurdy Man - YouTube

    Christ! Literally! All that's missing are the sandles. Nice melodic solo at around the 3:00 mark
  3. troggi
    8th June 2013 11:53 PM - permalink
    Used to have a great album by a Brighton band called "Tricks Upon Travellers" a sort of "folk/punk" band. The album was called "Cillataped," picture of a fat naked ginger woman, face obscured, wrapped in sticky tape. They were having a go at Sat. night telly and northern celebrities esp. Liverpudlian ones I only remember one line now. It went "I don't give a **** about Jimmy Tarbuck". Wish I still had the album. Still have one of their cds kickin' around but not "Cillataped." Shame really!
  4. Zann
    8th June 2013 09:02 PM - permalink
    Thanks I'll add it to the list. £8 for a magazine...phew. And yeah bloody telly, almost makes Noel Edmond's Crinkly Bollocks and Cilla Black's Blind Date seem like halcyon days...almost
  5. troggi
    8th June 2013 08:13 PM - permalink
    Talking about 1970s stuff, I've just been to Asda (at this time o' night everyone's at home watchin' "Please make me a Celebrity") and I passed the Prog rock magazine, I only buy it sometimes cos it's 8 quid! Anyway, little picture on the front of Steve Hillage, got a new album and a UK tour comin' up. I thought I'd tell ya cos ya might want to space out to some cosmic vibrations and glissando guitar. Give his version of Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" a try that's an order!

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