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Zann Zann is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. bdc
    11th June 2013 06:18 PM - permalink
    Not gotten round to watching the bd yet but I've seen it many years ago and remember some bits here and there.
    The fact that Susan George is in it,is a big plus for me personally.
  2. troggi
    10th June 2013 09:21 PM - permalink
    Ya f'got the joss sticks!
  3. troggi
    8th June 2013 11:53 PM - permalink
    Used to have a great album by a Brighton band called "Tricks Upon Travellers" a sort of "folk/punk" band. The album was called "Cillataped," picture of a fat naked ginger woman, face obscured, wrapped in sticky tape. They were having a go at Sat. night telly and northern celebrities esp. Liverpudlian ones I only remember one line now. It went "I don't give a **** about Jimmy Tarbuck". Wish I still had the album. Still have one of their cds kickin' around but not "Cillataped." Shame really!
  4. troggi
    8th June 2013 08:13 PM - permalink
    Talking about 1970s stuff, I've just been to Asda (at this time o' night everyone's at home watchin' "Please make me a Celebrity") and I passed the Prog rock magazine, I only buy it sometimes cos it's 8 quid! Anyway, little picture on the front of Steve Hillage, got a new album and a UK tour comin' up. I thought I'd tell ya cos ya might want to space out to some cosmic vibrations and glissando guitar. Give his version of Donovan's "Hurdy Gurdy Man" a try that's an order!
  5. klownz
    1st June 2013 07:38 AM - permalink
    Not sure just yet but I might just sit in front of my computer drinking stella all day! Am going to add more topics into the Asian horror section here as well since the section is a bit empty.
    What are you up to today?

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