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'Smilies' are small graphical images that can be used to convey an emotion or feeling. If you have used email or internet chat, you are likely familiar with the smilie concept. Certain standard strings are automatically converted into smilies. Try twisting your head on one side if you do not 'get' smilies; using a bit of imagination should reveal a face of some description.

If you want to disable smilies in a post that you make, you can select the 'Disable Smilies' option when posting. This is particularly useful if you are posting program code and you do not want ;) converted to a smilie face!

Top Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:welcome: Welcome Welcome
:thankingyou: Many Thanks Many Thanks
:lol: Lol Lol
:pound: Pound Pound
:woot: Woot Woot
:nod: Nod Nod
:cool: Cool Cool
:happy: Happy Happy
:tongue1: Tongue1 Tongue1
:pop2: Pop2 Pop2
;) Wink Wink
:loveeyes: Loved Up Loved Up
:wise: Wise Old Man Wise Old Man
:scared: Scared Scared
:clap: Clap Clap
:rockon: Rockon Rockon
:laugh: Laugh Laugh
:hail: Hail Hail
:) Smile Smile
:confused: Confused Confused
:rolleyes: Roll Eyes (Sarcastic) Roll Eyes (Sarcastic)
:dance: Dance Dance
:pray: Pray Pray
:whip: Whip Me Harder Whip Me Harder
:nono: Nono Nono
:ilovecultlabs: I Love Cult Labs I Love Cult Labs
:broomstick: Flying High Flying High
:freddy: Freddy Krueger Freddy Krueger
:behindsofa: Behind Sofa Behind Sofa
:axekiller: Axe Killer Axe Killer
Re-Vamped Forum Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:bananaride: Banana Ride Banana Ride
:headache: Insane Headache Insane Headache
:shooter: Third Person Shooter Third Person Shooter
:critter: Critter From The... Bog Critter From The... Bog
:dirtyharry: Dirty Harry Dirty Harry
:drool: Drooling Drooling
:psychic: Crystal Ball Crystal Ball
:nudge: Nudge Nudge Nudge Nudge
:bananadrum: Banana Drummer Banana Drummer
:luigi: It's A Me, Luigi! It's A Me, Luigi!
:cowboy: Yee-Haw Partner! Yee-Haw Partner!
:rockband: Rock Band Rock Band
:hide: Hide! Hide!
:glitter: Glitter Queen Glitter Queen
:bananarock: Banana Rock Banana Rock
:bananapair: Banana Pair Banana Pair
:bite: Bite Bite
:screenpunch: Screen Punch Screen Punch
:handshake: It's A Deal! It's A Deal!
:jedi: Use The Force! Use The Force!
:headphones: Headphones Headphones
:tiptoe: Tiptoe Tiptoe
:computerfix: Computer Rage Computer Rage
:crying: Cry Me A River Cry Me A River
:gangster: Say Hello To My Little Friend Say Hello To My Little Friend
:read: Book Worm Book Worm
:birthday: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
:turtle: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Dance Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Dance
:rambo: Rambo Rambo
Generic Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:eek: EEK! EEK!
:decision: Decision Decision
:censored: Censored Censored
:coolblue: Cool Cool
:( Frown Frown
:star: Review Star Review Star
:fear: Fear Fear
:shocked: Shocked Shocked
:doh: Doh Doh
:p Stick Out Tongue Stick Out Tongue
:loco: Loco Loco
:o Embarrassment Embarrassment
:blush: Blush Blush
:crazy: Crazy Crazy
:mmph: Mmph Mmph
:halfstar: Review Half-Star Review Half-Star
:popcorn: Popcorn Popcorn
:peep: Peep Peep
:faint: Faint Faint
:rain: Rain Rain
:gossip: Gossip Gossip
:screams: Screams Screams
:blahblah: Blah Blah Blah Blah
:horn: Horn Horn
:smow: Smow Smow
:thumb: Thumb Thumb
:whoo: Whoo Whoo
:yuck: Yuck Yuck
:jest: Jester Jester
:roll: Roll Roll
:ballchain: Ball & Chain Ball & Chain
:heh: Heh Heh
:sleep: Sleep Sleep
:bounce: Bounce Bounce
:lalala: Lalala Lalala
:tape: Tape Tape
:madgrin: Madgrin Madgrin
:wacko: Wacko Wacko
:cry: Cry Cry
:yell: Yell Yell
:rant: Rant Rant
:angel: Angel Angel
:hand: Hand Hand
:spit: Spit Spit
:caked: Caked Caked
:tsk: Tsk Tsk
:D Big Grin Big Grin
:couch: Couch Couch
:eyebrows: Eyebrows Eyebrows
:frusty: Frusty Frusty
:smokin: Smokin Smokin
:boxing: Boxing Boxing
:third: Third Third
:mob: Mob Mob
:yo: Yo Yo
:first: First First
:hat: Hat Hat
:sing: Sing Sing
:bored: Bored Bored
:cell: Cell Cell
:mad2: Mad2 Mad2
:typing: Typing Typing
:crutch: Crutch Crutch
:yawn: Yawn Yawn
:dizzy: Dizzy Dizzy
:phone: Phone Phone
:faint2: Faint2 Faint2
:ranger: Ranger Ranger
:second: Second Second
:poke: Poke Poke
:sorry: Sorry Sorry
:brushteeth: Brush Teeth Brush Teeth
:embarassed: Embarassed Embarassed
:pout: Pout Pout
:focus: Focus Focus
:sad: Sad Sad
:high5: High5 High5
:smash: Smash Smash
:bowl: Bowl Bowl
:tea: Tea Tea
:wave: Wave Wave
:noidea: Noidea Noidea
:yield: Yield Yield
:rip: Rip Rip
:argue: Argue Argue
:sick: Sick Sick
:boom: Boom Boom
:spy: Spy Spy
:car: Car Car
:twitch: Twitch Twitch
:croc: Croc Croc
:party: Party Party
:biggrin: Big Grin Big Grin
:drama: Drama Drama
:der: Der Der
:attention: Attention Attention
:director: Director Director
:box: Boxing Boxing
:headbang: Head Bang Head Bang
:violin: Violin Violin
:cuss: Cuss Cuss
:puke: Puke Puke
:makelikeatree: Leaving Leaving
:alien: Alien Alien
:brick: Brick Brick
:llama: Llama Llama
:clock: Clock Clock
:mod: Mod Mod
:flypig: Flypig Flypig
:photo: Photo Photo
:bolt: Bolt Bolt
:hungry: Hungry Hungry
:deadhorse: Dead Horse Dead Horse
:peace: Peace Peace
:rofl: Roll on floor laughing Roll on floor laughing
:hippie: Hippie Hippie
:lever: Lever Lever
:juggle: Juggle Juggle
:amen: Amen Amen
:humble: Humble Humble
:closed: Closed Closed
:music: Music Music
:pizza: Pizza Pizza
:fencing: Fencing Fencing
:jaw: Jaw Jaw
:love: Love Love
New Smilies
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:dog: Dog Dog
:ohwell: Ohwell Ohwell
:horse: Horse Horse
:rules: Rules Rules
:banana: Banana Banana
:mad: Mad Mad
:nurse: Nurse Nurse
:suspicious: Suspicious Suspicious
:bananasuit: Banana Suit Banana Suit
:bunny: Bunny Bunny
:bananatrain: Banana Train Banana Train
:ack: Ack Ack
:chainsaw: Chainsaw Chainsaw
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:casper: Casper Casper
:graveconcern: Grave Concern Grave Concern
:samara: The Ring The Ring
:hailwitch: Bewitched Bewitched
:crazed: Crazed Look Crazed Look
:ghostclap: Ghost Clap Ghost Clap
:Handbones: Skeleton Hand Skeleton Hand
:costume: Halloween Costume Halloween Costume
:coffin: Coffin Coffin
:brainfood: Food For Thought Food For Thought
:spell: I Put A Spell On You I Put A Spell On You
:skull: Laughing Skull Laughing Skull
:ghost: Ghost Costume Ghost Costume
:megachainsaw: Cult Labs Chainsaw Massacre II Cult Labs Chainsaw Massacre II
:doorscare: Scared Escape Scared Escape
:candle: The Others The Others
:jason: Jason Vorhees Jason Vorhees
:grim: Grim Reaper Grim Reaper
:vamp: Vampire Bat Vampire Bat
:chainsawkill: Cult Labs Chainsaw Massacre Cult Labs Chainsaw Massacre
:bat: Bat Bat
:skullscream: Skull Scream Skull Scream
:boil: Witch's Lunch Witch's Lunch
:frank: Frankenstein Frankenstein
:spider: Spider Spider
:jaws: Jaws Jaws
:pumpkin: Pumpkin Pumpkin
:witchbrew: Witch's Brew Witch's Brew
:zombie: Walking Dead Walking Dead
:mummy: Oh Mummy! Oh Mummy!
:carve: Pumpkin Carving Pumpkin Carving
:devilbanana: Devil Banana Devil Banana
:werewolf: Cult Labs Werewolf Cult Labs Werewolf
What to Type Resulting Graphic Meaning
:turkey: Christmas Turkey Christmas Turkey
:xmascomp: Xmas Computer Xmas Computer
:xmashumbug: Bah Humbug Bah Humbug
:hohoho: Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
:xmasclean: Christmas Tidy-Up Christmas Tidy-Up
:xmashunger: Christmas Hunger Christmas Hunger
:snowman: Snowman Snowman
:presents: A Time For Giving A Time For Giving
:xmasworry: Christmas Worry Christmas Worry
:ladyxmas: Lady Santa Lady Santa
:xmasnuts: Christmas Nuts Christmas Nuts
:xmasbanana: Xmas Banana Xmas Banana
:sleighride: Sleigh Ride Sleigh Ride
:xmaslol: Christmas Laughter Christmas Laughter
:xmassack: Santa's Sack Santa's Sack
:jollysanta: Santa Gets Jolly Santa Gets Jolly
:xmastongue: Christmas Tongue Christmas Tongue
:xmasdrunks: Christmas Drunks Christmas Drunks
:burningtree: Burning Bush Burning Bush
:santadance: Christmas Jig Christmas Jig
:elfsnow: Elf Snowball Fight Elf Snowball Fight
:xmastreedance: Christmas Tree Dance Christmas Tree Dance
:xmastree: Christmas Tree Christmas Tree
:xmasjig: Santa Dance Santa Dance
:xmascan: Christmas Can-Can Christmas Can-Can
:snowball: Snowball Fight Snowball Fight
:santanukem: Santa Nukem Santa Nukem
:psychosanta: Psycho Santa Psycho Santa

Our goal is to keep Cult Labs friendly. If you feel discouraged from posting by certain members' behaviour then you can e-mail us in complete confidence.

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