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Well, at least that explains, why it is so damn hard for international labels to get a hold of the negatives, to do their own scans. I knew that film was pretty much dead in Italy, and it has been that way since the 90:s. But I didn´t know that they had closed down all those labs. Well, then I guess that we sadly are going to be stuck with the scanner noise, even in the future, if LVR is one of the few left. It´s too bad, as we know how beautiful those Italian movies can look, when done properly, with modern scanners. Just take a look at Arrows "Zombie Flesh Eaters" and "Demons" (especially with the extra color correction done on Synapse´s Demons discs). Let´s just hope, that most of the transfers from Italy, don´t reach the levels of that "Tenebre" transfer, used on Arrows first release of the movie. ![]()
__________________ I watch my filth and grue on: Super 8mm, VHS, Beta, V-2000, CED, LD, DVD, BD and UHD. ![]() |
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![]() I have emailed too, all I get is an automated replies. That's why I've decided to open a dispute.
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Here is some info about why the high profile labs, are to expensive to work with, and also that the Anthro and Blade transfers was done at an even worse lab than "LVR". Someone also seems to have one hell of an stranglehold on those negatives: Quote:
__________________ I watch my filth and grue on: Super 8mm, VHS, Beta, V-2000, CED, LD, DVD, BD and UHD. ![]() |
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Don't know where the last few quotes are from, but i would say to these companies is be as honest as possible about negotiations with labs and conditions of film negatives. then at least people can realise the hard work that goes into releases and choose wether or not to accept a slightly compromised copy. i remember dodgy whatever generation prints of Torso, new york ripper etc,i also remember absolutely ridiculous censor trimming. So to me the availability of these films is amazing. i also think a lot of the blu ray generation should get a life and just enjoy the films while they have the chance. At least they're not cut to **** and are decent copies. ok i understand we'd all like to see the film as the director intended, but after sitting thu so many shite copies in the past i honestly don't see the problem if they're watchable and uncut. If u want the version available, buy it. if you're too stressed out with the condition don't. Personally i'm too skint too buy anything at the moment, so think yourselfs lucky. ![]()
__________________ ![]() MIKE: I've got it! Peter Cushing! We've got to drive a stake through his heart! VYVYAN: Great! I'll get the car! NEIL: I'll get a cushion. |
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I feel sorry for 88 their taking a lot of shit at the moment, people want screen grabs so they post them and they get abuse. A lot of us know of the problems with Italian labs and the lack of labs. Camera Obscura have also mentioned that some films would look terrible in HD and SD is the only way to watch some of them. You would think the rights holders would want a top quality HD master that they can then sell to the likes of Arrow, Blue Underground and 88 but it seems not. Personally I don't expect a low budget exploitation film to look as good as Star Wars does on Blu, if the labs can't and won't invest in better equipment we are stuck between a rock and a hard place. |
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![]() The quotes are from blu-ray.com, from the guy that was quoted earlier about the whole Italian situation.
__________________ I watch my filth and grue on: Super 8mm, VHS, Beta, V-2000, CED, LD, DVD, BD and UHD. ![]() |
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Get some proper equipment and stop being a skinflint. Er' you do mean Cult Labs don't you? ![]() |
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![]() Please let me disagree with you on this. The examples of Zombie Flesh Eaters, Alien 2: On Earth, Island of Death, Killer Reserved Nine Seats, Come cani arrabbiati, Blood and Black Lace, those Naschy films from Subkultur, I'm sure for 100% the upcoming releases of Milano Calibro 9, Nightmare City, Contamination, etc. prove those low budget exploitation films can look very good.
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