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Old 6th June 2016, 05:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
£45 for 4 blu-rays in slips plus your name on the credits isn't that bad i don't think.
I agree, although I'd personally hate to see my name in public. I prefer being left alone.
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:35 PM
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I'm not bothered in the slightest about extras. I'm sure others will cry foul if these aren't fully loaded special editions...but that's not really what I paid for. The way I look at it, I paid £11.25 each for 4 remastered blu-ray's with slipcovers, £2.26 more than I would've bought an un-remastered version in HMV or Amazon. If they aren't putting extras on these, perhaps they could use the extra for cleaning up another title, or even putting it towards getting other films. At the end of the day, we knew what we were contributing to the Indiegogo for.
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:37 PM
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Originally Posted by keirarts View Post
Not so much the will as the common sense. If the releases are bare bones then sooner or later fans will lose patience. I was genuinely umming and ahhing before kicking in as I cant help shake the suspicion I'll end up upgrading all the releases sooner rather than later.. Really hope i'm wrong though.
Even on Callums Twitter 88 films told him that they not promise any special features for release well times will show
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:41 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
£45 for 4 blu-rays in slips plus your name on the credits isn't that bad i don't think.
I honestly never understood the importance of the slips. To me it's just a cash grabbing tool that works pretty well for Scream Factory for example. Most of their releases have mediocre or bad transfers but people keep buying the because those releases have cool slips. £45 for 4 blu-rays is fine, can't deny it but when I see at Severin's Zombi Holocaust I understand that their Buio omega will be superior to 88 Films release. I have already pre-ordered Zombi Holocaust and don't want to double dip on Buio omega too.
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:43 PM
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Originally Posted by Antropophagus View Post
I honestly never understood the importance of the slips. To me it's just a cash grabbing tool that works pretty well for Scream Factory for example. Most of their releases have mediocre or bad transfers but people keep buying the because those releases have cool slips. £45 for 4 blu-rays is fine, can't deny it but when I see at Severin's Zombi Holocaust I understand that their Buio omega will be superior to 88 Films release. I have already pre-ordered Zombi Holocaust and don't want to double dip on Buio omega too.
It is the marketing they love when we double dip
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
If they aren't putting extras on these, perhaps they could use the extra for cleaning up another title, or even putting it towards getting other films.
Now that's completely another story. I'd be more than happy if they do it. But they keep silent and I have the impression that they just want to pocket the extra 16K. Now they can say it's none of my business and they can be right, but still...
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Old 6th June 2016, 05:59 PM
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It's not bad no, but it's not as good if it's only 1.5 out of 4 films you're interested in

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Old 6th June 2016, 06:22 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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Extras are all well and good but there not a deal breaker for me and never have been. Whatever extra cash is left from the fundraising I'd like to see ploughed into new titles or restorations. Yes the Severin editions of Zombi Holocaust, Burial Ground and Beyond the Darkness will be extras laden, that's great but not essential to me. I'm happy to walk into HMV and see people picking up 88 and Arrow releases, often films I never thought would see a UK release.
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Old 6th June 2016, 06:57 PM
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I'm all for getting the best available version of a film and I haven't got around to watching Zombie Holocaust from 88 yet... but really... I'm sure Severins release will be slightly better but will it be a whole lot better?
Yeah, it's got the crappy Dr Butcher version which if you've never seen you will watch once and never again and the pit scene with someones back yard fence in it, but the amount of times this film will ever be in my Blu Ray player over the next ten years you can count using 1 finger, okay, maybe 2!

Severin did do a sterling job with Demons, no question, but Tenebrae is not fantastically better than the Arrow version really and if you didn't already know which disc was playing you'd be hard pushed to tell definitively by just looking at my 50 inch screen. If you have a 100 inch screen then maybe so.

People are already saying Beyond the Darkness will look far better from Severin and 88 haven't even started the re-master yet, let alone extra clean up. How the duck does anyone know that? 88 also clearly stated that any extra money would go into cleaning up the image as far as possible, making these releases as best as the money will allow, it was the fans who started bleating on that now they hit 50 K there should be another film added to the roster and that should be included as part of their initial perk. Jeez, get a life. And extras...I must have a 1000 hours of extras I've never even glanced at, let alone watched, it's the film I want to see not some old geezer reminiscing how some director told him life is stranger than fiction blah, blah, blah...plane crash...bodies in trees... blah, blah.. Yes Warbeck, looking at you!

People seem very eager to slap them down before they even know what they're getting. I was happy for my perk to have got me 2 films when I first pledged, I hoped for three and thought four was a bit out of range. I'm more than happy with how it turned out. Lets wait and see before we condemn.. hey?
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Old 6th June 2016, 08:40 PM
Cultist on the Rampage
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
I'm all for getting the best available version of a film and I haven't got around to watching Zombie Holocaust from 88 yet... but really... I'm sure Severins release will be slightly better but will it be a whole lot better?
Yeah, it's got the crappy Dr Butcher version which if you've never seen you will watch once and never again and the pit scene with someones back yard fence in it, but the amount of times this film will ever be in my Blu Ray player over the next ten years you can count using 1 finger, okay, maybe 2!

Severin did do a sterling job with Demons, no question, but Tenebrae is not fantastically better than the Arrow version really and if you didn't already know which disc was playing you'd be hard pushed to tell definitively by just looking at my 50 inch screen. If you have a 100 inch screen then maybe so.

People are already saying Beyond the Darkness will look far better from Severin and 88 haven't even started the re-master yet, let alone extra clean up. How the duck does anyone know that? 88 also clearly stated that any extra money would go into cleaning up the image as far as possible, making these releases as best as the money will allow, it was the fans who started bleating on that now they hit 50 K there should be another film added to the roster and that should be included as part of their initial perk. Jeez, get a life. And extras...I must have a 1000 hours of extras I've never even glanced at, let alone watched, it's the film I want to see not some old geezer reminiscing how some director told him life is stranger than fiction blah, blah, blah...plane crash...bodies in trees... blah, blah.. Yes Warbeck, looking at you!

People seem very eager to slap them down before they even know what they're getting. I was happy for my perk to have got me 2 films when I first pledged, I hoped for three and thought four was a bit out of range. I'm more than happy with how it turned out. Lets wait and see before we condemn.. hey?
Totally and utterly agree! Extras are great but not totally essential, how many times can an actor be trotted out to talk about a film they appeared in thirty years ago with the same old stories they reminisced about ten years previously for the DVD release? I'd much rather have the actual film in optimal quality with a choice of the Italian or English dubs.
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