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I also believe those who DONATED to the campaign, are in a bit of pickle if they want a refund. For starters, the campaign was originally for Absurd with the other films as stretch goals. Secondly, being IndieGoGo, you're donating to a campaign and you get rewards for your donation. You are not purchasing a product. Lastly, how much do they refund? People paid £45 pound for Absurd and any further stretch goals, which ended up being 5 films total. So what, £9? Not an awful lot considering they got the release earlier than retail with a bonus exclusive slipcase. Some people, I swear.
__________________ This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. Fuzzy's Sale/Trade Thread! - Blu, DVD, Boxsets (TV/Movie), Anime, Manga |
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As much as I think the phrase is problematic, all this can probably be summed up with these three words: First World Problems.
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![]() "Amuck was just passed uncut at the BBFC with "strong sex, nudity, sexual violence"."
__________________ People try to put us down Just because we get around Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty |
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![]() Quote:
Three of the major food groups. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk |
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It must be absolutely sole destroying for a company who puts in the effort and then sells what will be 5 films on blu-ray for £45 (or whatever the price was) only to have some self entitled nut come along and whine that 13 precious seconds of two cocks fighting each other has been removed so they want their money back as it wasn't as described. Is it any wonder some companies just don't bother these days? To think it wasn't that long ago we were paying stupid money for pan and scan video tapes usually complete with Dutch subtitles running through the film and thats if you were even able to find these films and get them through the customs. How does a cut like that in anyway change the film? and before people cry about preserving the directors intentions as they know best, tell that to the legions of Star Wars fans and see how far that argument gets you. My only complaint about Deep River Savages is that not enough of the animal footage was cut out as I'd gladly take all of the cannibal films with an option to completely jump over this unnecessary footage as in the Cannibal Holocaust release Considering that Massacre in Dinosaur Valley complete with a 1080p brand new scan cost the grand total of £9 if you bought into the first option, anyone who bought it got a real bargain and if 13 seconds ruins the experience for you then maybe its time to find a new hobby and find other things to invest your £9 on. |
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There's a german media book available for anyone who want's to see all the cock action. ![]() I don't love the film enough to bother wasting my money on it. |
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Sounds like there is a lot of cock action over at 88 films at the moment! ![]() Don't agree with censorship either...blame the bbfc twats. Not 88.
__________________ ![]() Teddy, I'm a Scotch drinker - you know that. I just have the occasional brandy when I'm not drinking. |
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Is it even the BBFC's fault ? I thought legislation prohibited animal cruelty not the BBFC. Probably wrong though, quite often am.
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It's been a long time since I have seen it, but doesn't "The Wild Bunch" have a scene that features cock fighting?
__________________ People try to put us down Just because we get around Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty |
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I don't know why it was even suggested it may be uncut. Surely the guys at 88 know the BBFC legislation. I mean it's not like they release films or anything. ![]() |
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