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Old 21st April 2017, 09:42 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Already have the BU double with Rats:Night of Terror, but I'll be snapping this up because I hate the US title of Hell of the Living Dead (like Braindead renamed Dead Alive!)
Yes some films they retitle and there shit..
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Old 22nd April 2017, 01:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Justin101 View Post
That 'exclusive slip-cover' is horrible
Was just about to say, they couldn't pay me to display that slipcover if they tried. Zombie Creeping Flesh for days
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Old 25th April 2017, 04:47 AM
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Calum's FB:

"I will be releasing first five titles in 88 Vault on their Facebook page at about noon UK time! You already know I DRINK YOUR BLOOD and CREEPOZOIDS but three more to come including an ex-Arrow title that was DVD only and more!!"
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Old 25th April 2017, 05:01 AM
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Default The 88 Films Thread

Creepozoids should be left as part of the normal Full Moon range, as it has been shown in the pack shot on Facebook. Vault Schmault!
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Last edited by Stephen@Cult Labs; 25th April 2017 at 05:24 AM.
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Old 25th April 2017, 05:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Susan Foreman View Post
Calum's FB:

"I will be releasing first five titles in 88 Vault on their Facebook page at about noon UK time! You already know I DRINK YOUR BLOOD and CREEPOZOIDS but three more to come including an ex-Arrow title that was DVD only and more!!"
Awwww 88 is gonna get Street Trash is my bet I was hoping for an Arrow upgrade, and Pieces gave me extra hope of that.

That being said, I'd definitely take The Deadly Spawn with a proper HD transfer, or Savage Streets. I can't see it being any of the Italian titles, Troma titles, or slashers. So really that only leaves:

Street Trash (Synapse did a HD transfer)
Savage Streets (Code Red, highly likely)
The Deadly Spawn (Old transfer is upscale, new one in the works)
Jaguar Lives! (Please god no)
Martin (Not a chance, in the same stranglehold as DotD)
Kentucky Fried Movie (Yes please but unlikely)
Midnight (Would more likely fit under 88's loose usage of Slasher Classic)
Erik the Viking (Same as Kentucky Fried)

As every other title is a slasher, Italian, or Troma
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Fuzzy's Sale/Trade Thread! - Blu, DVD, Boxsets (TV/Movie), Anime, Manga
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Old 25th April 2017, 05:04 AM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
Creepozoids should not be part of this new Vault line! It should just be part of the normal Full Moon range. Jeez!
Hm, if a Full Moon ends up in this range then maybe all the Tromas are actually fair game. If that's the case, Surf Nazis please!!!
This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time.

Fuzzy's Sale/Trade Thread! - Blu, DVD, Boxsets (TV/Movie), Anime, Manga
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Old 25th April 2017, 07:03 AM
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You missed out Beyond Re-animator
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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 25th April 2017, 07:11 AM
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Originally Posted by fuzzymctiger View Post
Awwww 88 is gonna get Street Trash is my bet I was hoping for an Arrow upgrade, and Pieces gave me extra hope of that.

That being said, I'd definitely take The Deadly Spawn with a proper HD transfer, or Savage Streets. I can't see it being any of the Italian titles, Troma titles, or slashers. So really that only leaves:

Street Trash (Synapse did a HD transfer)
Savage Streets (Code Red, highly likely)
The Deadly Spawn (Old transfer is upscale, new one in the works)
Jaguar Lives! (Please god no)
Martin (Not a chance, in the same stranglehold as DotD)
Kentucky Fried Movie (Yes please but unlikely)
Midnight (Would more likely fit under 88's loose usage of Slasher Classic)
Erik the Viking (Same as Kentucky Fried)

As every other title is a slasher, Italian, or Troma
it could be one of the old releases from Arrowdrome
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Old 25th April 2017, 07:58 AM
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So much for noon

If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 25th April 2017, 08:00 AM
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Good morning. How is everyone?


88 Films Launches their 88 Vault Collection!

Great films you have never seen, or forget all about, remastered on BluRay – from 42nd Street favourites to VHS-era obscurities and beyond, this truly is opening up a vault of treasures…

What is 88 VAULT?

Let’s just say we have BIG PLANS for this line and 88 VAULT viewers can anticipate a slap-up feast of features that they probably never anticipated seeing in HD – and with some real gems clawed back from obscurity thanks to the UK’s leading home video label for all things obscure and outrageous!
The 88 VAULT line kicks-off with the ferociously gory classic I DRINK YOUR BLOOD (David E. Durston, 1971) – a splatter-sickie that has not been seen on these isles since the gory glory days of the video nasty scandal. Yes, despite achieving some cult acclaim in the United States, I DRINK YOUR BLOOD has gone unfairly unnoticed in the UK. Nevertheless, this superb stomach-cruncher is one of the harbingers of the later special effects revolution in arterial geysers and torn-up torsos. But long before Tom Savini unleashed his artistic vengeance with FRIDAY THE 13TH (1980), I DRINK YOUR BLOOD was shocking grindhouse attendees into silence with its sinister story of a little boy who feeds a group of obnoxious hippies some meat pies infected with rabies. What follows is a rampage of crimson-curdling terror – and those who have never experienced this schlock mainstay are sure to cheer the ever increasing level of onscreen lunacy (we advise plenty of popcorn). Indeed, what other way could 88 VAULT possibly launch than with a special edition of I DRINK YOUR BLOOD? For this is a fear-film that has long been crying out for a British bow!

Want more? Then how about PIGS (1972) – one of the most oddball outings to ever grace the projector of a 42nd Street movie theatre (and that’s really saying something!). Helmed by erstwhile character actor extraordinaire Marc Lawrence, who also stars, writes and produces, PIGS tells of a murder spree that quickly goes out of control – but only a pen of hungry porkers knows where a farm-load of dead bodies are. And they are too busy chewing on the remains to oink in the direction of the bones and bristle… PIGS has not been given a UK screening since the launch of video cassette – which is a misfortune too far because this bloody and brilliant serial-killer thriller – also known as DADDY’S DEAD DARLING – is provocative, unpredictable and really brings home the proverbial celluloid bacon! It might not be BABE, but we would favour this sublime genre jaunt any day of the week!

Next-up, however, is one that even the most hardened of shock-cinephile might have missed. You can be forgiven for this, though, because JOE BULLET (Louis de Witt, 1973) was banned by its own government back in the early 1970s. Unbelievably, this is a blaxploitation film that was made in South Africa during the heyday of its notorious apartheid segregation laws. Only recently rediscovered, re-released and remastered (in an HD transfer approved by its producer Tonie van der Merwe), JOE BULLET stars the fathomable filmic presence of the legendary Ken Gampu (KING SOLOMON’S MINES), one of the South Africa’s very first black action stars. In JOE BULLET, Gampu plays a SHAFT-style undercover investigator who intends to bring down some of Johannesburg’s gun-toting Mafioso. Originally designed to be screened in the country’s notorious townships, such as Soweto and Victoria, JOE BULLET caused outrage in the Vorster government back in 1973 and was summarily censored by the spoilsports in Pretoria – but 88 Films is proud to bring this important, vital and frequently violent action epic, which has been acclaimed from the likes of Eli Roth (HOSTEL), to British BluRay!

Then, in the ever-expanding 88 VAULT collection is CREEPOZOIDS. Directed by the famed B-master David DeCoteau (SORORITY BABES IN THE SLIMEBALL BOWL-O-RAMA), and unleashed direct-to-video in 1987, this low, low, low budget rental-market variant on ALIENS has become something of an underground legend in its own right thanks to its loveable heroine – none other than Scream Queen favourite Linnea Quigley (RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD). In CREEPOZOIDS, Quigley has a habit of losing her clothes and keeping her cool as an army of slimy, sharp-toothed invaders crawl into her spaceship and begin chewing down on the crew. Will Quigley, and her wardrobe, make it to the end of the narrative in one piece? CREEPOZOIDS is that rare FANGORIA-magazine period pot-boiler that never pauses for breath and serves up a smorgasbord of trashy treats. For fans of sci-fi excess, this is one outing that should have, by rights, commanded a bigger cult than it has achieved – but 88 Films is here to right that wrong with a pristine HD transfer of an intergalactic gem!

Finally in the 88 VAULT line (at least for now) it is time to melt into a puddle of putrid goo with STREET TRASH (1987), the gore-splashed oddity that tells of New York’s homeless discovering a crate of mysterious alcoholic beverages that has slightly more impact than a mere hangover! Directed by Jim Muro, who went on to work on the cinematography of such Hollywood blockbusters as TERMINATOR 2, few have viewed STREET TRASH and found its oozy outré tone easy to forget. A colourful concoction of body-horror, RE-ANIMATOR style bad taste laughs and all-out practical plasma-spilling horror, this is one mainstay from the video shelves of yore, that you will treasure in HD!

Tell us what you think of 88 Vault in the comments section below!
If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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