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Old 20th November 2011, 07:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Not seen it but I hear it's pretty good.
Fair enough, might be worth a blind buy then, all the reviews I've read are favourable

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If I'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this. So, pretty please... with sugar on top. Clean the ****ing car!
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Old 20th November 2011, 08:04 PM
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You might want to check this thread.
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Old 20th November 2011, 08:56 PM
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It looks like NOTD has come crashing down in price again.

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Old 20th November 2011, 09:02 PM
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I know that he has said no to VOD, but as I said in a previous post a while back, that would make much better business sense for the small DVD firms like this. He is no doubt going to miss out on sales of some discs that have now gone OOP because fans sometimes take a while to mull over purchases, others do not find out about a film until after it has been released on DVD. Instead, they either pirate the disc or pay big money to second hand sellers, none of which benefits CR.

I feel that offering 1000 pressed discs as limited editions, perhaps with some extra features will get fast sales, then offering the release as VOD DVD-R means that fans do not miss out just because they did not move fast enough and he continues to make money on the discs.
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Old 20th November 2011, 09:03 PM
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We'll see what the future brings...

Originally Posted by dream demon View Post
The used one is very expensive...
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Old 20th November 2011, 09:57 PM
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Originally Posted by R-T-C Tim View Post
I know that he has said no to VOD, but as I said in a previous post a while back, that would make much better business sense for the small DVD firms like this. He is no doubt going to miss out on sales of some discs that have now gone OOP because fans sometimes take a while to mull over purchases, others do not find out about a film until after it has been released on DVD. Instead, they either pirate the disc or pay big money to second hand sellers, none of which benefits CR.

I feel that offering 1000 pressed discs as limited editions, perhaps with some extra features will get fast sales, then offering the release as VOD DVD-R means that fans do not miss out just because they did not move fast enough and he continues to make money on the discs.
As someone who has no idea how the DVD industry works, especially when it comes to cult titles like these, it does seem odd to fork out what must be a not inconsequential amount off money to buy the rights to a film, then spend money on mastering, packaging, distribution etc. only to limit yourself to a fixed amount of return on your investment by limiting print runs to such a small amount. Surely it would be best to at least offer a burn on demand service for oop titles, so at least you can continue to generate revenue while you still hold the property rights.

For example, a company buys the rights to a property for 1 year. They print 1000 copies which sell out in 6 months. For the next 6 months they are then making zero return on the money they have invested while sitting on a product they could be making something from. Surely that is like renting a house for a whole year, then letting it stand empty for 6 months. It just doesn't seem like a good use of an investment to me.

The only positive of this strategy seems to be that it creates a 'buzz' for subsequent releases in the hope that everyone rushes out and buys them on day one, for fear of it going oop straight away, and missing out.
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Old 20th November 2011, 10:49 PM
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Originally Posted by Rik View Post
Fair enough, might be worth a blind buy then, all the reviews I've read are favourable

"They all float down here, they allll floaaaattt!!!"

Rituals is a decent quality deliverence style survival horror where a group of doctors head out into the wilderness and encounter a nutter intent on killing them all one by one (he has a thing about doctors).

Some great acting, especially from hal holbrook, great use of scenery and a decent pay off at the end makes it a film well worth watching. Good solid entertainment rather than a bonafide classic perhaps but definately worth a watch.

Decent disc as well with an interesting commentary track. Theres some noticable print damage but as always with code red its the best version available.
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Old 21st November 2011, 09:17 AM
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Old 21st November 2011, 12:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Pete View Post
Yep, I've been searching for a reasonable priced copy for months now!
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Old 21st November 2011, 07:34 PM
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It went oop a long time ago but still seemed to be available everywhere last time I checked...I wonder what's the availability of the other titles that went oop around that time?

[edit]seems the other ones (Weekend Murders,Night Child) are still available for the moment,wonder how long that will last?
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