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Old 8th August 2013, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by JAMIOUSE View Post
I think alot of the Shriek Show Blu's were just upscalled SD masters so they can all be improved, providing HD masters could be made it is possibly the vault elements aren't anything to write home about!
I'm a bit disappointed with Shriek Show's BD releases, myself.

As you say, they do appear to be simple upscales, and they even changed Buio Omega in respect of using a different cut of the film to that of the DVD, meaning the beginning is slightly different.

However, they'll do for now until better releases come along.
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Old 8th August 2013, 02:05 AM
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Nightmare City has been released loads of times now. Never seems to be any new titles released anymore.
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Old 8th August 2013, 04:27 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Nightmare City has been released loads of times now. Never seems to be any new titles released anymore.
What do you mean by 'new titles'? Arrow have recently released a whole load of films which haven't had bluray releases before. Deranged, Foxy Brown, Squirm, Spider Baby, The Car, Runaway Train, Django Prepare a Coffin for example. Fairly certain no HD releases of those films prior to the Arrow blurays.
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Old 8th August 2013, 05:30 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Nightmare City has been released loads of times now. Never seems to be any new titles released anymore.
There's usually lots of reasons why this is the case though.

For example, pick a title that has never been released anywhere on DVD before that you want to see released, and one or more of the following reasons why it hasn't had a release will more than likely be true.

- No/very poor film elements
- Rights holder asking a stupid amount of money
- Rights in dispute
- Too expensive to master/release in respect to the profit they'd make

After all, every DVD company is a business. You can pretend they are there to help and support the fans all you want, but if they can't see themselves making a profit, they won't bother - and who can blame them?

The companies that do play the riskier game, usually find themselves going out of business or struggling to stay afloat.
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Old 8th August 2013, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
There's usually lots of reasons why this is the case though.

For example, pick a title that has never been released anywhere on DVD before that you want to see released, and one or more of the following reasons why it hasn't had a release will more than likely be true.

- No/very poor film elements
- Rights holder asking a stupid amount of money
- Rights in dispute
- Too expensive to master/release in respect to the profit they'd make

After all, every DVD company is a business. You can pretend they are there to help and support the fans all you want, but if they can't see themselves making a profit, they won't bother - and who can blame them?

The companies that do play the riskier game, usually find themselves going out of business or struggling to stay afloat.
So because they are a business lets just consistently play safe and rehash the same titles over and over again in the hope of making a few quid.
This only seems to appeal to people who buy things because they are Arrow releases which is very shallow indeed.
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Old 8th August 2013, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
What do you mean by 'new titles'? Arrow have recently released a whole load of films which haven't had bluray releases before. Deranged, Foxy Brown, Squirm, Spider Baby, The Car, Runaway Train, Django Prepare a Coffin for example. Fairly certain no HD releases of those films prior to the Arrow blurays.
Why not take a chance on films which havent seen the light since VHS ?
Granted some of those titles are decent but some are dire as well.
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Old 8th August 2013, 07:36 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
So because they are a business lets just consistently play safe and rehash the same titles over and over again in the hope of making a few quid.
This only seems to appeal to people who buy things because they are Arrow releases which is very shallow indeed.
I personally wouldn't call releasing Deranged and Spider Baby 'playing it safe', but each to their own.

Out of curiosity, what would you want a release of that hasn't been released already?

Also, the point I'm making is a general one that applies world-wide, not just to Arrow.
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Old 8th August 2013, 07:47 AM
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There are already other labels such as Raro , Camera Obscura, Koch media ect that consistently restore and release interesting titles.
Personally i like Italian cinema and there are a lot of classics that have not seen a release since the 80s
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Old 8th August 2013, 07:57 AM
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Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 now £22 from Amazon:
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Old 8th August 2013, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I personally wouldn't call releasing Deranged and Spider Baby 'playing it safe', but each to their own.

Exactly. Like I said before films like Foxy Brown, Squirm, The Car, Runaway Train or Django Prepare a Coffin also haven't had HD releases before. Releasing a film not seen since VHS would likely cost a hell of a lot more due to restoration and there's no assurance that it'd make a great deal of money back. There's likely to be a good chance the film's not been seen since VHS after all.

I'm so sick of people p--sing and moaning that companies never release anything new when all they mean is they haven't released anything that personally appeals to them. Two different things. As bizarre-eye says, they're a business and so making a profit is key. They don't owe anyone anything.
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Last edited by PaulD; 8th August 2013 at 08:52 AM.
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