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Old 9th August 2013, 03:21 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Quotes like the one above are exactly the problem that this forum has had and will always had in that if you dare to mildly criticise Arrow or Shameless for what i would class as valid reasons you get people going on the defensive to annoying levels.
Bollocks. I'm not being defensive of them at all. They're a company, they get my money when they put out something I want, my money stays in my wallet when they don't. No loyalty or allegiance. My issue with your comments are that it's the same standard complaints that we constantly see on here whenever announcements are made (which in itself is fair enough. Hey you don't like what they've released then good for you. Different strokes etc) but they show a fundamental lack of knowledge about how companies operate or how the industry works.

Basically, criticising any company for not doing something which would likely have dire financial repercussions is not a 'valid reason' in my book.
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Old 9th August 2013, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Bollocks. I'm not being defensive of them at all. They're a company, they get my money when they put out something I want, my money stays in my wallet when they don't. No loyalty or allegiance. My issue with your comments are that it's the same standard complaints that we constantly see on here whenever announcements are made (which in itself is fair enough. Hey you don't like what they've released then good for you. Different strokes etc) but they show a fundamental lack of knowledge about how companies operate or how the industry works.

Basically, criticising any company for not doing something which would likely have dire financial repercussions is not a 'valid reason' in my book.
You dont know that releasing a new title would have dire consequences financially at all. It all depends on what the title is.
If my complaint falls into the standard category then i guess im not the only one whos tired of rehashes but as long as people buy the same titles over and over then things are just gonna stagnate further.
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Old 9th August 2013, 03:59 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
You dont know that releasing a new title would have dire consequences financially at all. It all depends on what the title is.
If my complaint falls into the standard category then i guess im not the only one whos tired of rehashes but as long as people buy the same titles over and over then things are just gonna stagnate further.
I agree with some of that but am still pretty confused as to what the rehashes are? Time Bandits is, I think. TCM2 is in terms of a Region A release being available but most of the stuff is new to bluray. And if the idea of a rehash is something new to UK BD but which has had an international BD release then we're down to the same old argument about UK companies releasing for the UK with not everyone having access to multiregion or preferring not to import, which I personally don't think is valid.
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Old 9th August 2013, 04:05 AM
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I dont really differentiate between BD and DVD as i cant tell the difference. T he main point was about Nightmare City which has had more releases than any other genre horror film i can think of across the world.
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Old 9th August 2013, 04:11 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
I dont really differentiate between BD and DVD as i cant tell the difference. T he main point was about Nightmare City which has had more releases than any other genre horror film i can think of across the world.
Right well in that case there's no point discussing this then since I (and a lot of people on here) regard the first time a film is released on bluray as a new release due to the much higher PQ etc. I think you're in the minority of people who wouldn't be happy with a bluray release of a film previously unavailable on the format.
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Old 9th August 2013, 04:17 AM
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Originally Posted by PaulD View Post
Right well in that case there's no point discussing this then since I (and a lot of people on here) regard the first time a film is released on bluray as a new release due to the much higher PQ etc. I think you're in the minority of people who wouldn't be happy with a bluray release of a film previously unavailable on the format.
I dont understand the last part of that sentence but yeah i have a different idea of what is and isnt a new release.
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Old 9th August 2013, 04:21 AM
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Incidentally I do agree and there are loads of films that haven't had releases on DVD I'd love to see but I can understand why they're unlikely to happen.
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Old 9th August 2013, 04:27 AM
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Its very sad that some of these are gonna disappear eventually. I have had to stockpile a couple of Betamax and VHS decks just to be safe.
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Old 9th August 2013, 06:18 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
I dont really differentiate between BD and DVD as i cant tell the difference. T he main point was about Nightmare City which has had more releases than any other genre horror film i can think of across the world.
Evil Dead and Halloween. No horror film could possibly have more international rereleases then those two
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Old 9th August 2013, 06:22 AM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Why not take a chance on films which havent seen the light since VHS ?
Granted some of those titles are decent but some are dire as well.
I can see you're point, it's ok playing safe but how many times can some films get released , re released and re released, to a film fan etc a release of a good old film even tho been released before can still be good news, but to someone who just buys films for the sake of it will buy any old release and version of the film they come across careless of who releases it they just he film nothing more nothing less, so a new version of the film wont mean anything to them because they already own the film, I 100% applaud companies like Shameless and arrow but we do need some new films that haven't been released 6/7 times before, there is loads of good films that are crying out a release from VHS days and surely if a company releases a film no other company has released before they surely that's a good selling point and a advantage for them, than a film that's been released by several different companies.. If That's the case then of playing safe then loads of films would never see light off day again from VHS. It's like tring to say why should they convert so and so album from vinyl to cd, just concentrate on all new stuff or stuff that's already on cd..
Ps I am not in any way shape or form knocking Arrow / Shameless they are doing a brilliant job and the best they can and I applaud them for that, I'm just making a point of releasing old films crying out for DVD / blu ray release.

Last edited by gag; 9th August 2013 at 06:33 AM.
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