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Old 18th February 2014, 01:21 PM
Stephen@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Default New Arrow Announcements...

Originally Posted by davcol View Post
You are as equally antagonistic and are meant to be some sort of moderator. Its no wonder that this site is held in such poor regard by a lot of people. Id never really took much notice in the past as i dont get involved in other peoples arguments but the double standards and frowned upon opinions are quite sickening. What a joke !
I think the problem some people have is that they think they should be allowed to talk to anyone however they like, and when we say that's not happening, they get all huffy and say it's a terrible place. But I suggest if you feel like that, you leave.
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Stephen@Cult Labs View Post
I think the problem some people have is that they think they should be allowed to talk to anyone however they like, and when we say that's not happening, they get all huffy and say it's a terrible place. But I suggest if you feel like that, you leave.
I agree with the latter part of that but i find that any opinion which is different to yours is ridiculed which brings retaliation followed by a "how dare you speak to me that way " kind of reaction fully ignoring the initial rude comment.
I was under the impression that Arrow films no longer even bother with this forum any more ? The reason why some are thought of as sychophants is because of this refusal to listen to any sort of mild criticism.
I now have received an infraction for nothing of the mod who seems to enjoy banning members who dont cheer for everything all the time
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:37 PM
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Originally Posted by Michael Brooke View Post
It's worth mentioning that Arrow is putting a lot more money into original film-sourced restorations in 2014 - off the top of my head, there was one in 2012 (Zombie Flesh Eaters), three in 2013 (Time Bandits, The Fury, Cinema Paradiso) but there'll be significantly more over the next few months.

While I'm not privy to their finances beyond the budgets of my own freelance projects for them, this suggests that the current strategy is working pretty well.
Originally Posted by davcol View Post
You are as equally antagonistic and are meant to be some sort of moderator. Its no wonder that this site is held in such poor regard by a lot of people. Id never really took much notice in the past as i dont get involved in other peoples arguments but the double standards and frowned upon opinions are quite sickening. What a joke !
There are plenty of 'heated' debates on these forums. You just seem intent on escalating things. All seemingly from two people disagreeing with your origional post. If your not intetested in the bigger releases then thats cool. Your not the first to express this opinion. All people are asking is to quell the 'fanboy' stuff. Stick to talking about the releases (wether youlove them, hate them or just plain indifferent) you will find people with all sorts of opinions. We just dont like some of the more juvenile antics found on other forums. This isnt 4chan and thats why i enjoy using these forums
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:38 PM
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I have nothing against Arrow releasing mainstream stuff, I simply don't buy it. But I do buy all the cult titles they release. I'm also happy they make money by selling all those mainstream titles which hopefully will help them to release more obscure, cult titles
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
You are as equally antagonistic and are meant to be some sort of moderator. Its no wonder that this site is held in such poor regard by a lot of people. Id never really took much notice in the past as i dont get involved in other peoples arguments but the double standards and frowned upon opinions are quite sickening. What a joke !
Look, I'm not sure what you expected when you crashed into this thread accusing members of having low I.Q.s and then throwing off-the-cuff disrespectful remarks towards Stephen, who like me, is a moderator here and was only doing his job by trying to re-rail a thread and seek some kind of reasoning as to your brash behaviour.

Constructive criticism has always and will always be welcomed here, but insults will not. I and all of other members here can and do say bad things about films and releases in a constructive manner (we even have whole threads devoted to the topic), so I'm not sure why people find it hard to understand this and act surprised or victimised when people question it.

I and the mods practice no double standards here. We treat people as they deserve to be treated based on their behaviour, which for the most part is pleasant and friendly - we rarely have any problems and the members here are a great bunch of people.

If you feel the need to come in here and derail some more or dish out more generic petty insults, then don't be surprised if you find yourself on the end of an infraction (and that goes for anyone - we don't single people out). We're not doing this to 'censor' you or because we hold a grudge or will not accept anything bad said about Arrow because we're all just a mass of single-minded bottom feeders with low I.Q.s, it's because of your behaviour here, and it's bewildering that you thought there would be any other outcome to your insulting posts, and to be frank, the whole insulting, antagonistic behaviour followed by the playing the victim makes me sick. Plus, then to follow it up with the weak response about how the site is 'held in such low regard elsewhere'... why post here then? If people have a problem posting here, then they are more than welcome to go off and post elsewhere. I for one think we have a great community here. Yes, no site is perfect but as long as you're friendly and respectful then we will have no problem - it's not hard to understand that, irrelevant of I.Q.

Anyway I've taken this off-topic enough. If you wish to calm down and discuss anything further you are more than welcome to PM me or one of the other mods.
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:49 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
I now have received an infraction for nothing of the mod who seems to enjoy banning members who dont cheer for everything all the time
How did you reach that conclusion? I gave you an infraction because of your antagonistic and insulting posts, as bizarre_eye said, completely derailing the thread.

Like he said, constructive criticism is always welcome and healthy debates about films are the lifeblood of these forums, but personal insults have no place here.
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Old 18th February 2014, 01:57 PM
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I asked if i.q levels had dropped as a couple of people didnt understand my logic. Hardly crime of the century and as for derailing threads im not alone on that score either.
Back on topic these new batches of titles look subpar. Caliber 9 is a great film but there is already a superb Raro bd on the market anyway.
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Old 18th February 2014, 02:04 PM
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Originally Posted by davcol View Post
I asked if i.q levels had dropped as a couple of people didnt understand my logic. Hardly crime of the century and as for derailing threads im not alone on that score either.
Back on topic these new batches of titles look subpar. Caliber 9 is a great film but there is already a superb Raro bd on the market anyway.
Given i already own the raro set i may give caliber 9 a miss myself. (Barring arrow going back and improving on the raro release) I think its a little early to write off all their other releases. I have raros nightmare city but a lot of people say it has 'issues' so im looking forward to seeing that one. Remo has piqued my interest as well. Im a fan of the burbs so thats a must buy as well.
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Old 18th February 2014, 02:06 PM
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Man, what is it about the word Arrow that causes people to mist over? Anyway if Runaway Train, Night of the Hunter and Phantom of the Paradise are considered 'mainstream' releases then bring them on I say and to hell with the late Fulci.
More mainstream (ie not Italian) goodies for Arrow to consider - Out of the Past, Bad Day at Black Rock, The Last Wave, Performance, Seizure, The Sorcerers, Days of Being Wild, Detour, The Mutations, any Val Lewton horrors, The Fog, Alphaville, early Cronenberg, Burnt Offerings, The Other, The Lift and Abre Los Ojos. If that's OK. Oh and Miracle Mile and The Rapture as well.
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Last edited by Handyman Joe; 18th February 2014 at 02:31 PM.
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Old 18th February 2014, 02:15 PM
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I'm purposefully ignoring the first part of your post as I've said all I wanted and needed to say on the matter.

Originally Posted by davcol View Post
Back on topic these new batches of titles look subpar. Caliber 9 is a great film but there is already a superb Raro bd on the market anyway.
I don't think anything can be labelled sub-par until it's been viewed and compared etc. As for Caliber 9, I do agree that the Raro BD is very nice, however it is only available as part of the Fernando Di Leo Crime Collection Vol. 1 boxset so I think it would benefit from a stand-alone release - especially an extras laden release with a beautiful transfer as the Arrow team seem to be repeatedly doing of late.

Plus, as with many cult releases, region plays a big factor still in as much as there is still a significant market that only buy domestic titles and will not import. Taking Scream Factory thread on as a flip-side example, the amount of people on there who request titles that already have releases over here or in Europe is quite staggering, and that is a 'hardcore' collector community. The average cult film fan will be more likely to pick titles up in store or may not be familiar with the title and blind-buy on faith of reviews or word of mouth, or because the blurb on the back sounds good (with Tarantino being such a fan, films such as this have filtered down through into mainstream film fandom too).

Shameless even quote that the majority of their sales still come from brick and mortar stores... whether this has now decreased or reversed is unknown, but blind buying or casual fandom may still make up a surprisingly high proportion of sales. I think sometimes with us being regular forum visitors we forget that not everyone has the knowledge in respect to what's out there and available like we do.
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