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Old 21st February 2014, 03:35 PM
Demdike@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I've always known it as Nightmare City - plus we've already confused one member to the point of him calling it City of the Living Dead!
To settle matters lets just call it Invasion of the Atomic Zombies.
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Old 21st February 2014, 03:35 PM
Stephen@Cult Labs's Avatar
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Originally Posted by bizarre_eye@Cult Labs View Post
I've always known it as Nightmare City - plus we've already confused one member to the point of him calling it City of the Living Dead!

As for Remo, I've never seen it so actually had to search for the 'Arrow Postcard' thread to remember what it was called!

lol, I just think we should all refer to Remo by it's proper title, and by what the Arrow disc will be called. But I seem to be in the minority around here.
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Old 21st February 2014, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Demdike@Cult Labs View Post
To settle matters lets just call it Invasion of the Atomic Zombies.

Even better!
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Old 21st February 2014, 03:36 PM
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Originally Posted by BAKA View Post
Good shout, it must be about time we're due some more postcards. I'm loaded with the current wave. But it could just be because Arrow are releasing more titles than previously.

I think I remember that they confirmed 5 Dolls For An August Moon in reply to a comment on Facebook too. I would have liked something Bava in the most recent announcements actually.

I noticed The Whip And The Body on the Hollywood Classics site, which makes me think when they commented that they couldn't get the UK rights, that it was a case they've been taken by another company (probably Odeon) rather than they couldn't find the rights holders. I have just imported Whip though, so I'm not hugely bothered.
Ah yes, I remember them announcing 5 Dolls. There could be more I've forgotten about too. I've heard people mention Masque of the Red Death, but I'm almost certain that Arrow mentioned they wouldn't be releasing this one.

As for Whip, I've actually been holding off from buying the Kino release in the hope that Arrow will release it. However, if it looks like Odeon have it then I'll probably wait a little more and order it from them (if they do indeed announce it that is). I'd love to see some more Bava from Arrow though, notably Kill Baby Kill and Planet of the Vampires.
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Old 21st February 2014, 05:52 PM
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Well started buying the arrow stuff. Doing it bit by bit as Jan/feb has been a bit dear. Pre-ordered two today, Pit and the pendulum steelbook because there is no way in hell i'm not getting that after The Fall of the house of usher, which is still my favorite steelbook in my collection even above the Synapse Demons ones and the wonderful Only god forgives UK steelbook which I prefer to the European one.

Also got the Burbs steely because I f*****g love that film. Once I have some more coinage to hand I shall get the Phibes double bill and theater of Blood.
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Old 21st February 2014, 06:37 PM
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Ow! Okay! Really guys? Have I touched a nerve with some of you?
I feel like I should apologize for saying something slightly derogatory but nothing I said was a falsification of the veracity or exaggerated in any way.
I was shocked to read ZFE was 18 months old already! I would have sworn it only just came out! I'm getting old, decades goes past like single years now!! To some of you 2 years appears to be a long time, to me that was last week and it's getting quicker all the time! Shit! I sound like my dad!
Did you all miss or ignore the parts where I said I have supported Arrow in buying their products and that they have done a sterling job on many other titles? I have no axe to grind against them at all but facts are facts and in the recent past (Years ago- if you're 35 or younger!) they have put out less than sterling presentations. No one denies that fact they?
Because of that (please forgive me!) I am slightly wary of Arrow. If I bought anything from a company and was disappointed 4/5/6 times then, hey, it must be a weird quirk of my personality but I am going to be dubious about purchasing more from them.
And I thought the Scream! Factory fan boys were intense!!
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Old 21st February 2014, 06:55 PM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Ow! Okay! Really guys? Have I touched a nerve with some of you?

I feel like I should apologize for saying something slightly derogatory but nothing I said was a falsification of the veracity or exaggerated in any way.

I was shocked to read ZFE was 18 months old already! I would have sworn it only just came out! I'm getting old, decades goes past like single years now!! To some of you 2 years appears to be a long time, to me that was last week and it's getting quicker all the time! Shit! I sound like my dad!

Did you all miss or ignore the parts where I said I have supported Arrow in buying their products and that they have done a sterling job on many other titles? I have no axe to grind against them at all but facts are facts and in the recent past (Years ago- if you're 35 or younger!) they have put out less than sterling presentations. No one denies that fact they?

Because of that (please forgive me!) I am slightly wary of Arrow. If I bought anything from a company and was disappointed 4/5/6 times then, hey, it must be a weird quirk of my personality but I am going to be dubious about purchasing more from them.

And I thought the Scream! Factory fan boys were intense!!

Not at all mate. As myself and others have said, it was the end of 2012 that ZFE was released, and the main point that baffled some of us was you saying about all the screw-ups in the last 2 years. No-one is denying that up until the ZFE reissue, the QC on some of their titles was less than stellar. Hell, I was even accused of trolling Arrow on Facebook to fix it (by a friend no less!). But the evidence is there to support the argument that they've improved 200%. And I take offence at being compared to Scream Factory fanboys! (lol, I don't really)
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Old 22nd February 2014, 12:09 AM
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Spring 2014 Titles from Arrow | News | Film @ The Digital Fix
People try to put us down
Just because we get around

Golly, Gee! it's wrong to be so guilty
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Old 22nd February 2014, 12:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Boo Radley View Post
Ow! Okay! Really guys? Have I touched a nerve with some of you?
I feel like I should apologize for saying something slightly derogatory but nothing I said was a falsification of the veracity or exaggerated in any way.
I was shocked to read ZFE was 18 months old already! I would have sworn it only just came out! I'm getting old, decades goes past like single years now!! To some of you 2 years appears to be a long time, to me that was last week and it's getting quicker all the time! Shit! I sound like my dad!
Did you all miss or ignore the parts where I said I have supported Arrow in buying their products and that they have done a sterling job on many other titles? I have no axe to grind against them at all but facts are facts and in the recent past (Years ago- if you're 35 or younger!) they have put out less than sterling presentations. No one denies that fact they?
Because of that (please forgive me!) I am slightly wary of Arrow. If I bought anything from a company and was disappointed 4/5/6 times then, hey, it must be a weird quirk of my personality but I am going to be dubious about purchasing more from them.
And I thought the Scream! Factory fan boys were intense!!

I think that given the last year/year and a half their releases have been excellent it just baffled some. Fair enough they put out a few dodgy ones before that.
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Old 22nd February 2014, 02:28 AM
bizarre_eye@Cult Labs's Avatar
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To be honest, the only issues I've had with Arrow's releases were The Beyond (which was later fixed and looks excellent), Tenebrae (which has now been remastered) and ZFE (again fixed). The only one that remains a problem for me is The Bird with the Crystal Plumage, which wasn't really their fault considering they only had access to that one master in 'Storaro vision'. However, I also have the Blue Underground release so it's not a major deal for me.

All of their other titles that I own are great.
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